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Vick is a crybaby

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Old 09-26-2011, 11:52 AM   #46
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Not me, I'll take any advantage possible.

It's all about wins... and with Vick out 3-4 weeks there's a good chance they go into their bye week in a very serious hole.

I'll take a win over a divisional opponent ANY WAY POSSIBLE.

I hope we knock Romo out early tonight and clamp down on their ONLY WR. Bryant and Witten will be the only real threats tonight no matter who's playing QB for them. Their line is a disaster, so Romo and Felix Jones will likely exit early. The running game should be nonexistent for them.

Felt great beating the Giants while they were down, same with Dallas and Philly too.

At this rate, we're going to sweep the division.
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:53 AM   #47
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by tdSKINS1 View Post
Why is this a thread? If you watched Vick at VT and saw how he sacrificed his body for his team every week you wouldn't call him a cry baby. Any one of us would be cry babies if we played in the NFL and got 300 pound lineman hitting us every week.
You're a VT homer, Vick's speed put him so far above NCAA players it was ridiculous. He didn't sacrifice crap. I've got FAR more respect for sacrifices the RBs/LBs and lineman make than Vick. You try lining up about 7-10yds from another top level NCAA athlete and run full speed into him for 30 plays....and not get an ounce of recognition for it outside of your teammates....that's sacrifice.

And I've played in the military and semi-pro at QB...while the players aren't 300lbers, there were some damn good athletes (prior NCAA) at 250+ getting clean shots on my blind-side. There was also some dirty stuff that went on in semi-pro. I never whined or cried about it....and I wasn't getting a 7 figure paycheck either. I suspect there's several others on the board that have played at a higher level than me who didn't whine and cry like a little **tch when they took a few shots.

I'm sure Vick improved his Q score this weekend. LOL.
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Last edited by Slingin Sammy 33; 09-26-2011 at 11:55 AM.
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:54 AM   #48
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Not me, I'll take any advantage possible.

It's all about wins... and with Vick out 3-4 weeks there's a good chance they go into their bye week in a very serious hole.
I'm with you, whatever happens for us to make the playoffs....I'm good with it. Injuries are part of the game....especially for 6' 210lb running QBs.
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Old 09-26-2011, 11:55 AM   #49
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

If I'm correct the minute he pulls the ball down he has become the runner even if he is just scrambling to make a throw. The only head shot I saw him take yesterday was when he was trying to run to the right away from the preasure and at that point was considered a runner. On that play he even lowered his head. The play that broke his hand his hand was smashed against his chest or he broke in when he fell to the ground.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:02 PM   #50
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
GOAT that has to be one of the dumbest statements made on this board. vick doesnt get the calls because he is black? really? for the most part, i think its because he gets outside of the pocket, trying to make plays. but cantys hit was definitely a penalty
Explanation? Along w/ all the other late hits and helmet to helmet hits not called?

The "Vick is a different kind of QB" argument is dumb dumb dumb. Lotta QBs extend plays w/ their legs i.e. Big Ben. The difference is defensive players don't constantly get in the late hit and helmet to helmet shots because they know the refs will call it and the league will fine them.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:04 PM   #51
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
If I'm correct the minute he pulls the ball down he has become the runner even if he is just scrambling to make a throw. The only head shot I saw him take yesterday was when he was trying to run to the right away from the preasure and at that point was considered a runner. On that play he even lowered his head. The play that broke his hand his hand was smashed against his chest or he broke in when he fell to the ground.

Yes i think youre right. QBs also have the option to slide (this may be a option for everyone though?) when they run and not get hit. Although as Vick stated last year he doesnt know how to slide.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:07 PM   #52
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Honestly I haven't seen as many borderline roughing the passer penalties as I did last year and I think the refs might've been instructed to lay off a little bit if it didn't appear intentional.

But the big problem with the refs across the league is inconsistency. They are just not consistent when it comes to appropriately measuring out punishment for intentional acts.
imo it seems the roughing the passer calls have been called less frequently than last year. There have been plays where i watch and say to myself "thats 15 yards" then no flag is thrown where as last year it would have been. i guess they overcall it the first year the rule is implemented, then during the offseason the league goes over film with them and tries to curb the unnecessary flags.

also i think there is a discrepancy btw refs as to what each individual ref considers roughing the passer.

heard mangini say on ESPN radio this morning that a 15 yard PF flag is thrown for something like 2.3 or 2.6 percent of vicks drop backs which is right in line with the QB league avg.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:08 PM   #53
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

I'll just leave these here.

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Old 09-26-2011, 12:10 PM   #54
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Yes i think youre right. QBs also have the option to slide (this may be a option for everyone though?) when they run and not get hit. Although as Vick stated last year he doesnt know how to slide.
interesting lil tidbit. when a qb goes into a protected slide (D player cant hit them) the ball is marked where the ball was at the time the QB starts the slide, not where the ball is when the QB completes the slide or has his knee touch the turf. which is why most QBs will try and lung forward if they are close to the FD line instead of the slide.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:11 PM   #55
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Meks View Post
did u also see the bogus intentional grounding call on the same play ? one.bad call to offset another, least they got that right .... Matt Ryan was hut helmet to.helmet worse than that BY THE EAGLES.. didn't get a flag or cry. .. **** racism... he doesn't get hit un fairly or borderline any effing more than alot of other passers in the league... he's a whiny brat with a false sense of entitlement just like the team, city and fans gettin plays for.

Trent dilfer ripped him on sports center with valid points and rightfully so...
I did see the intentional grounding but that wasn't bogus at all, he was within the tackle box and he threw it to an area where there was no receiver in the vincinity. My point was the racism angle is just completely stupid. Could there have been a flag on that play? Yes, but for one reason or another, he didn't get it. He should be busy teaching his offensive linemen how to block instead of getting pissed at the refs.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:16 PM   #56
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Monkeydad View Post
I'll just leave these here.

Vick: Can you kiss it to make it better?

Manning: Don't worry, Momma Manning always kisses my boo-boo's when they hurt.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:20 PM   #57
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

They tell you to get your helmet on Vick and that's just what you have to do to stop the elusive sob. Don't dance so much in the pocket or run and maybe you'll see less hits.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:32 PM   #58
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

First look at the Canty hit and I thought it was a penalty. Subsequent looks led me to believe it might be legit -- a questionable penalty at best. Certainly not clear-cut.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:34 PM   #59
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by The Goat View Post

And I'll add my own . I think the refs and even the league are treading on the fine line of discrimination/racism wrt Vick. He's listed as a quarterback period end of sentence and when he's behind the LOS extending a play w/ his feet there's no legitimate excuse for the helmet to helmet and/or late hits he takes. In short, every other marquee (err white) QB in the league gets the benefit of the doubt everytime in those instances. F*ck you barely lay a finger on Tom B's pretty head or dare to tap him after a play and there's a shower of yellow flags coming in for minutes. Same goes for several others.

I understand there's room for debate about what type of guy Vick is i.e. character issues but it's really, really disingenuous to pretend it's ok the guy is treated differently as a player.

Off soap-box...and ps I'm white.
The roughing calls that Vick gets or doesn't get are pretty in line with what a non-elite quarterback in this league gets the benefit of. He's not getting calls that Brady or Rivers may get, but you might think back to the Rodgers pick he threw in OT at FedEx last year to Landry, where Jarmon (incidentally) went helmet to helmet with him. Today, Rodgers absolutely gets that call. But because at the time he hadn't earned the benefit of the doubt, and it looked incidental enough, so no flag was thrown.

Campbell went the entire 2009 season without drawing a roughing flag, despite the fact we couldn't block anybody. But McNabb drew a roughing flag against the Cowboys on opening night 2010.

This is a penalty that gets flagged really inconsistently, and Vick seems to be on the wrong side of that more often than not. But it's a league-wide problem.

This does seem like a case of sour grapes, but I'll say this: Brady is far more whiny about it than Vick is. If there's any element of race here, it's not in how the penalties are administered, its in the public reaction to it: Brady is doing it because he's a competitor, Vick is doing it because he's soft.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 09-26-2011, 12:42 PM   #60
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Re: Vick is a crybaby

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Unless they also lose a guy like McCoy or Maclin, they're going to be the toughest team on our schedule in the near future, with or without Vick.

The Eagles without Vick are a better team than the Cowboys or Rams at current strength.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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