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Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

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Old 01-18-2011, 10:40 PM   #31
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

I don't think Haynesworth "giving back money" means that it lands in Danny Boy's pocket. I think those checks are cashed and those are sunk costs. What Haynesworth may agree to do is to take less money in the remaining years of his contract such that he is less burdonsome from a salary point of view to the team that might seek to acquire him. His salaries in those final years are not trivial sums of money!

Even so, I do not think there will be a herd of GMs milling around outside the doors at Ashburn begging to have "rights of first refusal" on any deal involving Big Al. Most other GMs know that Mike Shanahan would greatly prefer not to have Big Al on the team - - whether or not he is playing or is on the bench or is inactive every other week. I suspect the bidding starts with a 6th round pick this year and a contingent 6th/7th next year.

McNabb's market value could be a lot more - - so long as there is no more overt dismissal of McNabb by the Shanahans. Miami needs a QB upgrade if they hope to compete in the AFC East; SF needs a QB upgrade no matter what; if Seattle loses M. Hasselbeck, they need QB help too; Arizona has three hugely mediocre QBs on their roster at the moment; in Minnesota, Joe Webb is at least a year of learning/study away from being a decent NFL QB; Cincy may or may not remain satisfied with Carson Palmer; Tennessee might be in the QB market; Denver might lose K. Orton. PLUS, never rule out Al Davis when it comes to a QB who can throw the long ball...

The key to getting something of value for McNabb is twofold:
1. There has to be a plausible sense that more than one team is actively engaged in putting togfether a deal for him.

2. The rest of the league's GMs cannot have the sense that the Shanahans simply cannot wait to have him put his house on the market here in the DC area.
Neither of these conditions will be easy to create - - but if the Skins hope to get value for McNabb, they are going to have to do it convincingly.
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Old 01-18-2011, 11:06 PM   #32
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
, so that leaves New Orleans. I could see him going there but will they be will to part way with a 3rd rounder? I doubt it. He's damaged goods IMO.

Remember, Gregg Williams and the whole Lavar Arrington fiasco? He benched his ass because he didn't want to do the duties he was supposed to preform, so no way in hell he's going to take on AH knowing he'll do the same thing.
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Old 01-19-2011, 12:33 AM   #33
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Remember, Gregg Williams and the whole Lavar Arrington fiasco? He benched his ass because he didn't want to do the duties he was supposed to preform, so no way in hell he's going to take on AH knowing he'll do the same thing.
I would say the chances of NO are slim to none and slim just pulled up outta town.

If you recall Dale Lindsey was also not a LA fan by any means.

A reminder, after he spent over 4 mil to buy his way outta DC. A flashback.

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Old 01-19-2011, 07:17 AM   #34
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon View Post
I don't think Haynesworth "giving back money" means that it lands in Danny Boy's pocket. I think those checks are cashed and those are sunk costs. What Haynesworth may agree to do is to take less money in the remaining years of his contract such that he is less burdonsome from a salary point of view to the team that might seek to acquire him. His salaries in those final years are not trivial sums of money!

Even so, I do not think there will be a herd of GMs milling around outside the doors at Ashburn begging to have "rights of first refusal" on any deal involving Big Al. Most other GMs know that Mike Shanahan would greatly prefer not to have Big Al on the team - - whether or not he is playing or is on the bench or is inactive every other week. I suspect the bidding starts with a 6th round pick this year and a contingent 6th/7th next year.

McNabb's market value could be a lot more - - so long as there is no more overt dismissal of McNabb by the Shanahans. Miami needs a QB upgrade if they hope to compete in the AFC East; SF needs a QB upgrade no matter what; if Seattle loses M. Hasselbeck, they need QB help too; Arizona has three hugely mediocre QBs on their roster at the moment; in Minnesota, Joe Webb is at least a year of learning/study away from being a decent NFL QB; Cincy may or may not remain satisfied with Carson Palmer; Tennessee might be in the QB market; Denver might lose K. Orton. PLUS, never rule out Al Davis when it comes to a QB who can throw the long ball...

The key to getting something of value for McNabb is twofold:
1. There has to be a plausible sense that more than one team is actively engaged in putting togfether a deal for him.

2. The rest of the league's GMs cannot have the sense that the Shanahans simply cannot wait to have him put his house on the market here in the DC area.
Neither of these conditions will be easy to create - - but if the Skins hope to get value for McNabb, they are going to have to do it convincingly.
If you're right and the bidding for AH starts with a 6th and a contingent 6th/7th next year, I think the Skins will probably keep him. I just don't think that Mike Shanahan will give him what he wants - his outright release. The idea of AH strolling out with bags full of money and the Skins getting nothing for him, after all that's happened, probably wouldn't seem right to Shanahan.

Your thoughts on McNabb make sense to me, for the most part.
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Old 01-19-2011, 11:40 AM   #35
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by KI Skins Fan View Post
If you're right and the bidding for AH starts with a 6th and a contingent 6th/7th next year, I think the Skins will probably keep him. I just don't think that Mike Shanahan will give him what he wants - his outright release. The idea of AH strolling out with bags full of money and the Skins getting nothing for him, after all that's happened, probably wouldn't seem right to Shanahan.

Your thoughts on McNabb make sense to me, for the most part.
This would be such a terrible idea. I just can't understand why the team doesn't just cut their losses. Get at least a draft pick, but just get rid of this guy.
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Old 01-19-2011, 11:49 AM   #36
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
This would be such a terrible idea. I just can't understand why the team doesn't just cut their losses. Get at least a draft pick, but just get rid of this guy.
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Old 01-19-2011, 12:12 PM   #37
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by SkinzWin View Post
Pride. Pride and ego. Pride and ego, and perhaps a scoatch of stubbornness.
Shanahan stubborn or arrogant? Never!
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Old 01-19-2011, 04:06 PM   #38
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

I guess Haynesworth is more tradeable than I thought. Knew McNabb and Hall were, didn't realize Big Al could be too

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Old 01-19-2011, 04:14 PM   #39
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

I think getting value for Haynesworth and McNabb is going to be the defining moment of Bruce Allen's career least as long as Shanahan is in the picture.

And this is one of the few things I unconditionally trust our front office on: I know they will play the market correctly and get the best deal for these veterans. Problem is, of course, it's unlikely we'll be allowed to trade them before the 2011 draft.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 01-19-2011, 04:24 PM   #40
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Just trade them my god I'm tired of hearing this shit
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Old 01-19-2011, 04:50 PM   #41
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

We can only hope, someone will trade us something for these two guys. Everyone knows we don't want them, so why not just wait until we cut them and they give up nothing? Its like Bud Adams saying that the Titans will either cut or trade Vince Young. The minute they say the word cut, why would anyone trade for the guy. Oh wait, some one may not want another team to get them! Nobody wants either one of them and if the Skins end up getting a pack of gum for them, the Skins will have won!
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Old 01-19-2011, 05:15 PM   #42
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Fat Al will probably garner a 5th round pick, I can see him ending up in Minnesota or New Orleans, possibly Detroit. McNabb is more complex because of his contract. A team trading for him will likely want to renegotiate his deal because of the $13 million or so he's slated to earn in 2011. As for likely suitors, I'm thinking Miami since Sparano was just extended and don't sleep on Seattle if Childress or Bevell ends up there as OC. Other than that, I don't see SF as a likely destination because Harbaugh likely wants a young QB to develop (although that's always risky for a first time coach-outside of Rex Ryan) and McNabb doesn't seem to want or interest Arizona or Minnesota. A sleeper may be Tennessee since they have nothing and lame duck Jeff Fisher isn't going to draft a QB with one year left on his deal. If we recoup the 4th we gave to Philly I'd be happy with that.
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:02 PM   #43
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Trading McNabb just became a little more difficult. Someone a little younger and sexier has just hit the trading block. Apparently he really wants to play in the NFC West. San Fran is obviously close to USC and his college coach is already the head man in Seattle.
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:23 PM   #44
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
Trading McNabb just became a little more difficult. Someone a little younger and sexier has just hit the trading block. Apparently he really wants to play in the NFC West. San Fran is obviously close to USC and his college coach is already the head man in Seattle.

Carson Palmer wants Cincinnati Bengals to trade him or he may retire, sources say - ESPN
Mcnabb is still better than Palmer, he's nothing special in fact he even said he'd retire
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Old 01-23-2011, 03:36 PM   #45
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Re: Handicapping Trading Partners for Haynesworth and McNabb

Originally Posted by skinsfaninok View Post
Mcnabb is still better than Palmer, he's nothing special in fact he even said he'd retire
Because McNabb had a less than stellar year with the Redskins is no reason to believe there aren't many teams that would love to have him as their QB. Other teams are not ignorant to the fact that some guys just don't play well with "certain teams".

McNabb will be coveted if made available.
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