08-08-2010, 04:13 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Good ol US of A
Age: 45
Posts: 110
Re: Ravens Text on TCD
Originally Posted by InsaneBoost
OTM, I don't know why you think I have something against Baltimore, I don't. Sure I mess around with you and the other O's fans when our teams play each other, but it's just that. Now if you were a Phillies, Mets, Braves or Marlins fan, it'd be different.
Would I take D.C over Baltimore? Yes, any day, but that's because I'm from D.C and it's my hometown.
I don't know why you claim D.C is all ghetto people. That's not the case at all. I mean is all of Baltimore murderers? Of course not. Each part of the cities have their bad and their good areas.
Not all murderers
Alot of heroin addicts too
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