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Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

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Old 04-15-2010, 12:36 PM   #76
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by NYCskinfan82 View Post
This is what needs to happen 1 or more of our so called team leaders should call AH & tell him you need to be here if they haven't already. AH is his own man but the call should be made anyway.

If Haynesworth isn't going to be traded, then he most definitely needs to be here. However, since all signs point to him being elsewhere, he'd only be a distraction. Plus, ever snap he doesnt take in the minicamp is a snap one of the other guys can get. no sense wasting energy on a guy who's not in the teams plans.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:38 PM   #77
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I'll just repost what I did a few days ago, since it was missed:

The relationship between teams and the media is an admittedly complicated one. And the same media entity can have multiple sources within the same team making it even more complicated

Also, John Clayton did not say "actively shopping" he said "willing to part". And Schefter never said they aren't "willing to part" with Haynesworth. Like I said, they'll listen to offers for Haynesworth (more so than they would for say Devin Thomas) but they're not shopping him around.

Who's smootmsack? Anyhow see above. Actively shopping and willing to part with are not the same thing. They're simply not. What the Redskins are actively trying to do is improve the team

This is the important part. Correct me if I am wrong, but Shanahan and Allen have basically said, directly or indirectly, that they are willing to move ANY player if the compensation is right.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:39 PM   #78
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
that statement seems somewhat contradictory. Saying Shanahan isnt "looking to unload" Haynesworth implies he either doesnt want to move him or doesn't really care either way. Stating that he "may settle for something a bit less than value" indicates he really want to move him, even if we don't get what we should. If either of the former statements were true, there would be no chance Shanahan would trade Haynesworth for anything less than value, wouldnt it?
I should clarify, what I meant to write and I think I did later in the post was that he's not looking to unload him but will consider it at the best value. But I, SmootSmack, hope that he doesn't settle for lower value. Mainly because of other moves that haven't yet panned out, I just hope they don't get into desperation mode here.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:41 PM   #79
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
I trust JLC more than I trust Schefter when it comes to this sort of thing. his closeness to shanahan makes the accuracy of the information doubtful, especially when its to the skins strategic advantage to get false information out there. kinda like - whether it was about the search for WMDs or stories on the war in iraq, who would be most likely to report information closer to the truth - Fox News or the BBC? i'm not trying to get political beacuse I really don't care. I just think that, when agendas are involved, the media outlet with "closest" source is not going to have the most accurate information.
I don't completely discount your theories on Schefter having a conflict of interest with the Redskins. However, I don't give any credence to any of JLC's ramblings about "league sources" and "people in the know" or any other code words he uses to descise the fact that he is just spouting out of his arse. I don't think either of them are a great source when it comes to breaking news on the redskins. I think Schefter can be the best source for Redskins information as long as it's information that the Redskins want leaked.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:41 PM   #80
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I would be happy if we could get a couple of 2nd rounders for AH like the Broncos got for Marshall.
I would too. Hopefully we don't get too ancy and give him away. I'd rather him play for us this year. For god sake, he just got paid 20mill. You'd think he could suck it up and have a good attitude for a year.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:42 PM   #81
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Friday before Round 2 starts is gonna be a hellacious day for FO's. I can't wait.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:47 PM   #82
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I'll just repost what I did a few days ago, since it was missed:

The relationship between teams and the media is an admittedly complicated one. And the same media entity can have multiple sources within the same team making it even more complicated

Also, John Clayton did not say "actively shopping" he said "willing to part". And Schefter never said they aren't "willing to part" with Haynesworth. Like I said, they'll listen to offers for Haynesworth (more so than they would for say Devin Thomas) but they're not shopping him around.

Who's smootmsack? Anyhow see above. Actively shopping and willing to part with are not the same thing. They're simply not. What the Redskins are actively trying to do is improve the team
LOL sorry for the typo...

I saw your post a couple of days ago - i just view "actively shopping" and "willing to part" as semantics. they can call it whatever they want to call it - at this point it doesnt really matter. At this point, the word is out that the skins are very interested in seeing what they could get for Haynesworth. they don't need to call 31 teams and try to sell him. everyone knows they want to get rid of him and teams will call if theyre interested. if theyre not interested, then actively shopping him by calling teams wouldnt make a difference anyway. I imagine there's a decent market for Haynesworth and he'll get traded sometime within the next 7 or 8 days.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:51 PM   #83
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by redsk1 View Post
I would too. Hopefully we don't get too ancy and give him away. I'd rather him play for us this year. For god sake, he just got paid 20mill. You'd think he could suck it up and have a good attitude for a year.
why should he? he got paid 32 mil for 13 months of good behavior. he has already recieved the majority of his contract money.

why would he want to stay on a 4-12 team, switching to a 3-4 and play for 6 mil the next few years when he can pout, get traded then sign a brand new stinking contract paying him more guaranteed money?

i think AH and his agent were licking their chops at realizing AH only has to be here for 13 months for 32 mil.

AH basicaly hit the double bonus lotto thanks to vinny and danny thinking they were clever with the way they "took advantage" of the looming uncapped year by frontloading AH's deal. im sure bruce came in and slapped them upside the head for being so stupid and greedy.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:51 PM   #84
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I should clarify, what I meant to write and I think I did later in the post was that he's not looking to unload him but will consider it at the best value. But I, SmootSmack, hope that he doesn't settle for lower value. Mainly because of other moves that haven't yet panned out, I just hope they don't get into desperation mode here.
Thanks for the clarification. So essentially, youre saying that the skins want draft picks (or specific players like Carriker). PLAN A was to do all sorts of little moves to acquire picks and players (trade campbell, landry, carter, rogers, mcintosh, portis, etc.). Since plan A hasnt worked thus far, the skins moved to PLAN B, which was to move Haynesworth as he probably has the value of about all of those guys combined? If the skins can get PLAN A to work before or during the draft, they'll have no need to execute PLAN B?
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:54 PM   #85
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by celts32 View Post
I don't completely discount your theories on Schefter having a conflict of interest with the Redskins. However, I don't give any credence to any of JLC's ramblings about "league sources" and "people in the know" or any other code words he uses to descise the fact that he is just spouting out of his arse. I don't think either of them are a great source when it comes to breaking news on the redskins. I think Schefter can be the best source for Redskins information as long as it's information that the Redskins want leaked.
I agree with that statement 100%, with special emphasis on the last part.

SmootSmack is my #1 source of Redskins information. In my book, he's just one notch above Florio.... kidding!
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:56 PM   #86
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
LOL sorry for the typo...

I saw your post a couple of days ago - i just view "actively shopping" and "willing to part" as semantics. they can call it whatever they want to call it - at this point it doesnt really matter. At this point, the word is out that the skins are very interested in seeing what they could get for Haynesworth. they don't need to call 31 teams and try to sell him. everyone knows they want to get rid of him and teams will call if theyre interested. if theyre not interested, then actively shopping him by calling teams wouldnt make a difference anyway. I imagine there's a decent market for Haynesworth and he'll get traded sometime within the next 7 or 8 days.
I don't see how you see actively shopping and willing to listen as the same thing. I used the SONAR example earlier (which i wrongly called radar). But let's look at a used car. Say I have a used car, good low mileage good value. Let's say its blue book is 27000. I lose my job and definitely don't want to keep the debt. I vigilantly market it on the web, and will take any offer because I want it off my books. Then a job opens, and I hadn't sold it. Now, I don't go cancel my 1 month ad, and if I get a call at or above blue book value I will listen to the offer, but I will be far less willing to sell just for selling sake.

AH before April 1st was actively on the market from what EVERYONE, including Schefter, says. After we paid the bonus, well yeah everyone knows we will trade him, but now, we want to recoup that bonus in the way of picks, or having Al pay it back, so we aren't selling at the same level we were before.

I just don't see the difference as semantics as much as a reflection of a shifted attitude or stance in the FO.
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:56 PM   #87
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by over the mountain View Post
why should he? he got paid 32 mil for 13 months of good behavior. he has already recieved the majority of his contract money.

why would he want to stay on a 4-12 team, switching to a 3-4 and play for 6 mil the next few years when he can pout, get traded then sign a brand new stinking contract paying him more guaranteed money?

i think AH and his agent were licking their chops at realizing AH only has to be here for 13 months for 32 mil.

AH basicaly hit the double bonus lotto thanks to vinny and danny thinking they were clever with the way they "took advantage" of the looming uncapped year by frontloading AH's deal. im sure bruce came in and slapped them upside the head for being so stupid and greedy.
His contract will follow him unless they negotiate an extension, within the 30pct rule, or throw on a mean bonus
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Old 04-15-2010, 12:59 PM   #88
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Thanks for the clarification. So essentially, youre saying that the skins want draft picks (or specific players like Carriker). PLAN A was to do all sorts of little moves to acquire picks and players (trade campbell, landry, carter, rogers, mcintosh, portis, etc.). Since plan A hasnt worked thus far, the skins moved to PLAN B, which was to move Haynesworth as he probably has the value of about all of those guys combined? If the skins can get PLAN A to work before or during the draft, they'll have no need to execute PLAN B?
That's a fair assessment. I wouldn't say that Plan B is to trade Haynesworth, but I would say that you're right on Plan A and that Plan A is moving slower than hoped
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Old 04-15-2010, 01:08 PM   #89
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
I don't see how you see actively shopping and willing to listen as the same thing. I used the SONAR example earlier (which i wrongly called radar). But let's look at a used car. Say I have a used car, good low mileage good value. Let's say its blue book is 27000. I lose my job and definitely don't want to keep the debt. I vigilantly market it on the web, and will take any offer because I want it off my books. Then a job opens, and I hadn't sold it. Now, I don't go cancel my 1 month ad, and if I get a call at or above blue book value I will listen to the offer, but I will be far less willing to sell just for selling sake.

AH before April 1st was actively on the market from what EVERYONE, including Schefter, says. After we paid the bonus, well yeah everyone knows we will trade him, but now, we want to recoup that bonus in the way of picks, or having Al pay it back, so we aren't selling at the same level we were before.

I just don't see the difference as semantics as much as a reflection of a shifted attitude or stance in the FO.
The unfortunate part of that aspect is AH is not worth the contract that we gave him. Other who were vieing for him in FA got to see how he plays after he's secured a huge payday.

That was the knock on him before he entered the FA market. Now teams are seeing what his competitive reaction is (not coming to camp in shape, taking plays off) after that and that is not conducive to a competitive team.

Other teams basically got to see us putt first and got to see our lie to the hole after we signed AH and had him play for us for a year. His fair market value has plummeted since and I don't see the Skins coming away with more than a 2nd round pick for him.

That may seem like peanuts after what Snyder paid him but that's what happens when you don't have a General Manager with foresight that's responsible for organizing the team to be competitive for years beyond the current.
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Old 04-15-2010, 01:13 PM   #90
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Re: Haynesworth trade possibly in the works

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
I don't see how you see actively shopping and willing to listen as the same thing. I used the SONAR example earlier (which i wrongly called radar). But let's look at a used car. Say I have a used car, good low mileage good value. Let's say its blue book is 27000. I lose my job and definitely don't want to keep the debt. I vigilantly market it on the web, and will take any offer because I want it off my books. Then a job opens, and I hadn't sold it. Now, I don't go cancel my 1 month ad, and if I get a call at or above blue book value I will listen to the offer, but I will be far less willing to sell just for selling sake.

AH before April 1st was actively on the market from what EVERYONE, including Schefter, says. After we paid the bonus, well yeah everyone knows we will trade him, but now, we want to recoup that bonus in the way of picks, or having Al pay it back, so we aren't selling at the same level we were before.

I just don't see the difference as semantics as much as a reflection of a shifted attitude or stance in the FO.
While your analogy might apply to someone like Chris Cooley (who hasnt been shopped at all as far as we know), i dont thinkit applies here. Before word got out that we were actively shopping Haynesworth, I would agree with you. However, as I said before, now that words out, it really doesnt make a difference. In fact, if we really realy want to move haynesworth, the best thing we can do is sit back and see who approaches us. At this point, actively shopping Haynesworth would make us appear desperate and result in us having to accept something far below value for Haynesworth.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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