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Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

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Old 02-03-2008, 04:13 PM   #31
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Deon Sanders made a good point. It's history lets move on. I've said this about the steroid use inquasition. If they used they used. Alot of players did use heck alot of football players use. They have found out that it is starting at the high school level to be competative. It's a known. Draft new rules against it, draft punishments to be put in place and move on.

If the Senate/Gov. really is trying to get rid of steroids then how about starting with the Mr. Olympia competitions or WWF. You don't get that freakishly big eating wheaties. but lets turn a blind eye to the most obviouse steroid users and attack football and baseball. Have we checked the golfers yet......never know, how about tennis, we won't talk about hocky.
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:15 PM   #32
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Deon Sanders made a good point. It's history lets move on. I've said this about the steroid use inquasition. If they used they used. Alot of players did use heck alot of football players use. They have found out that it is starting at the high school level to be competative. It's a known. Draft new rules against it, draft punishments to be put in place and move on.

If the Senate/Gov. really is trying to get rid of steroids then how about starting with the Mr. Olympia competitions or WWF. You don't get that freakishly big eating wheaties. but lets turn a blind eye to the most obviouse steroid users and attack football and baseball. Have we checked the golfers yet......never know, how about tennis, we won't talk about hocky.
So you're saying people cheat, get over it?
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:18 PM   #33
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Deon Sanders made a good point. It's history lets move on. I've said this about the steroid use inquasition. If they used they used. Alot of players did use heck alot of football players use. They have found out that it is starting at the high school level to be competative. It's a known. Draft new rules against it, draft punishments to be put in place and move on.

If the Senate/Gov. really is trying to get rid of steroids then how about starting with the Mr. Olympia competitions or WWF. You don't get that freakishly big eating wheaties. but lets turn a blind eye to the most obviouse steroid users and attack football and baseball. Have we checked the golfers yet......never know, how about tennis, we won't talk about hocky.
No offense intended SBXVII, but I find that sentiment repulsive. The idea that we should turn a blind eye to ANYTHING that is wrong simply because it is pervasive is crazy. People steal cars all the time and, when judgment time comes in court, the theft occurred in the past. But that doesn't mean we should ignore it.

Unchecked abuses only serve to encourage cheating at the expense of those who do things the right way from day 1.
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:23 PM   #34
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Everyone has to ask themselves 1 thing.
"Why did the Patriots make that guy that filmed the tapes sign a confidentiality agreement before dismissing him if they did nothing wrong?"
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:31 PM   #35
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
No offense intended SBXVII, but I find that sentiment repulsive. The idea that we should turn a blind eye to ANYTHING that is wrong simply because it is pervasive is crazy. People steal cars all the time and, when judgment time comes in court, the theft occurred in the past. But that doesn't mean we should ignore it.

Unchecked abuses only serve to encourage cheating at the expense of those who do things the right way from day 1.
Absolutely agree.
Those that do not learn from history are destined to repeat it. It's true on many need to put a stop to all cheating or it will just continue. And sorry to say, Deion will never have my respect. He was a HORRIBLE person until he supposedly found God. For him to say to basically move on, just means to me that we shouldn't. If Barry Bonds said not to investigate steroids in baseball, would you listen? I'm not calling a Deion a cheater, but I would guarentee he would partake (and maybe he did during his career) if the option showed itself.
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:33 PM   #36
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

I never said turn a blind eye to it. I said the Gov is looking at small potato's and if they were truly concerned they would start where it's obviouse.

Should a team be punished yes. How is the question. Several of you are suggesting taking away the SB rings from them and giving the game to the opponent. This is not the Olympics. All I'm saying is "If" proven then deside on a decent punishment and move on. Let all the teams know that the rule will be enforced and move on. but to try to go back in history and fix the problem is dumb.

Perhaps more monitary punishment and a yr suspension if the coach was a part of this thing. Heck I felt he should have been suspended a yr for the first incident. He should not have been allowed to coach this yr.

This coming from someone who adopted the Patriots as there second team. Do I like them? not this yr. I did not like the whole taping issues from the beggining. I also did not like the fact they ran up the score on the Skins. My last observation is that they are cocky. It's one thing to be humble and win all those games but all I have seen is a cocky Brady. Cocky Seau and several other teamates.

Go Giants.
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:34 PM   #37
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Deon Sanders made a good point. It's history lets move on. I've said this about the steroid use inquasition. If they used they used. Alot of players did use heck alot of football players use. They have found out that it is starting at the high school level to be competative. It's a known. Draft new rules against it, draft punishments to be put in place and move on.

If the Senate/Gov. really is trying to get rid of steroids then how about starting with the Mr. Olympia competitions or WWF. You don't get that freakishly big eating wheaties. but lets turn a blind eye to the most obviouse steroid users and attack football and baseball. Have we checked the golfers yet......never know, how about tennis, we won't talk about hocky.
Being an ex-avid WWF follower, they have a steroid policy in place (Supposedly). They released a list of names of people who tested positive for steroids and they were suspended from action due to breaking policy.

Can't talk about what ya don't really know.
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Old 02-03-2008, 04:54 PM   #38
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

You all missed my point. I don't like Deon nor ever did he was a waiste of money in my oppinion.

All I was saying is that you can't go back and change whats been done. This is not the Olympics. Thats all that I agreed with Deon about. Should there be a punishment for the cheating. Yes. You just can't go back and change the ending of the game is all I'm saying. Punish them for the future and make it known with all the teams that there will be a concequense and move on.

I'm ticked about the steroid thing because big Gov is looking at ball players who were probubly not tested. Make new rules about testing make sure it covers all drugs and make known the punishments and start testing. Instead the Gov would rather persue players that were never required to be tested and ruin there reputations. If they lied to congress then they need to fry. You can't lie under oath.

but why start an investigation with BB players? I would have started where its more obviouse. Perhaps start buying the muscle magazines and questioning the body builders. Why is congress even involved? hand it over to the DEA and let them start their investigations and charge who needs to be charged for illegal drug use.
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Old 02-04-2008, 03:13 AM   #39
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Re: Patriots accused of taping Rams before the 2002 Super Bowl

Former Patriots' offensive coach, Charlie Weis, overheard congratulating Tampa Bay’s defensive coordinator, Monte Kiffin, allegedly stating: "We knew all your calls, and you still stopped us. I can't believe it."

Belichick Spygate Scandal: The Untold Story
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