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Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

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Old 12-10-2007, 02:15 PM   #16
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Cover your butt Mike.
Can you say "doggie style"!!!!!!!
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Old 12-10-2007, 02:56 PM   #17
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

I don't think the sentence is harsh for his illegal gambling ring, it’s not like he ran a shady poker circuit. It was a blood sport, and if you ask me, anytime a group of people are desensitized to something like dog fighting, you can just imagine what else doesn’t faze them – drugs, murder, you name it. Vick taking it large scale, and being a role-model poser got him slammed.

I admit, I gasped when I saw the 23 month sentence, but probably because I always saw this as an animal-related crime first when it was so much more.

I’m sure Vick won’t serve the entire 2 years, and I hear Canada needs a QB.

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I know I'm in the distinct minority and I will likely get blasted for this post, but I think the sentence is a little much. I love dogs (and all other animals) and what Vick did is reprehensible. When news of the story first broke I wanted Vick gone for decades. But, regardless of his sentence, Vick lost potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and sponsorship deals, he's a pariah, and his career is all but over. Essentially, the guy ruined his life. Given that so many sex offenders and people who commit violent crimes against other people often get off with probation or shorter sentences, I think the sentence might be a bit harsh. A 12 month stay in a federal "pound me in the ***" prison would have probably sufficed.
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Old 12-10-2007, 02:59 PM   #18
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
I really don't have much pity for him. He dug his own hole.
... and now some inmate will fill it for him! (sorry, I couldn't resist)

Seriously, I bet nobody messes with him. I'll bet he signs a few autographs while he's there.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:07 PM   #19
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

will the NFL let him play ever again???
I'm zorny
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:20 PM   #20
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Vick will go into prison as a QB but will likely come out a tight end.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:26 PM   #21
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by irish View Post
Vick will go into prison as a QB but will likely come out a tight end.
I doubt there will be anything "tight" about it.

Maybe a split end?
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:29 PM   #22
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by airsoftking View Post
will the NFL let him play ever again???
Unlikely, but possible. I am willing to bet the NFL has a bigger problem with the gambling aspect of what he did rather than the dog killing. As the NBA's recent problems show bad gambling problems can lead to fixing of games. I have to doubt however that some team would give him a chance if they needed a QB bad enough. However I would have to believe that taking that much time off would be crushing to his skills.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:39 PM   #23
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I know I'm in the distinct minority and I will likely get blasted for this post, but I think the sentence is a little much. I love dogs (and all other animals) and what Vick did is reprehensible. When news of the story first broke I wanted Vick gone for decades. But, regardless of his sentence, Vick lost potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and sponsorship deals, he's a pariah, and his career is all but over. Essentially, the guy ruined his life. Given that so many sex offenders and people who commit violent crimes against other people often get off with probation or shorter sentences, I think the sentence might be a bit harsh. A 12 month stay in a federal "pound me in the ***" prison would have probably sufficed.
The issue is that not only was he having dog fights, but he was basically spearheading the entire operation. That distinction places him above just participation. I had an issue with all the attention something like this got, and I usually was irritated that those with DUI's and such get off on less...

This is just different because it was pretty much a crime out of arrogance.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:44 PM   #24
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I know I'm in the distinct minority and I will likely get blasted for this post, but I think the sentence is a little much. I love dogs (and all other animals) and what Vick did is reprehensible. When news of the story first broke I wanted Vick gone for decades. But, regardless of his sentence, Vick lost potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and sponsorship deals, he's a pariah, and his career is all but over. Essentially, the guy ruined his life. Given that so many sex offenders and people who commit violent crimes against other people often get off with probation or shorter sentences, I think the sentence might be a bit harsh. A 12 month stay in a federal "pound me in the ***" prison would have probably sufficed.
First let me say that I am a Hokie so that might have something to do with my opinion.

I do agree with Shriff. This is too much for the crime he committed. I like animals and do not think that what Vick did was right under any circumstance.

Originally Posted by SkinDogg View Post
I admit, I gasped when I saw the 23 month sentence, but probably because I always saw this as an animal-related crime first when it was so much more.
Then tell me, what is it about? It IS animal-related and that is it, plain and simple. Now, you and I and the rest of America are watching this stupid media sources like ESPN and animal lovers make it so much more than it is. People are letteing Holywood dictate how they feel. I am not trying to be political, far from it, but you can't help but notice that people are just plain hypocrites. Soldiers are dying, children in Africa and Asia are dying by hundreds, crime rate is high (at least here in the DC area), but the biggest crime of all which has all the media's attention is killing dogs. Please...

Watch any local news and when they talk about a crime (real people dying) all we do is CLICK (change channel). Why? Because we got used to it. But Vicks case was a new story. Once the media heard about this, they were like a kid in a candy store. All they saw is a rating increase.

Beleive me when I say this, the media can't careless about Vick or the "dogs".

Neither do any of us. I tell you why. There are so many dogs, and animals in general, that are being mis-treated by owners. There so many of them with out homes. It is true we are not killing any of them but none of us are doing anything about it. We only care because the media told you and me to care.

Anywho, that is my two cents.
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Old 12-10-2007, 03:55 PM   #25
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by TheBigD View Post
First let me say that I am a Hokie so that might have something to do with my opinion.

I do agree with Shriff. This is too much for the crime he commited. I like animals and do not think that what Vick did was right under any circumstance.

Then tell me, what is it about? It IS animal-related and that is it, plain and simple. Now, you and the rest of America are watching this stupid media sources like ESPN and animal lovers make it so much more than it is. People are letteing Holywood dictate how they feel. I am not trying to be political, far from it, but you can't help but notice that people are just plain hypocrites. Soldiers are dying, children in Africa and Asia are dying by hundreds, crime rate is high (at least here in the DC area), but the biggest crime of all which has all the media's attention is killing dogs. Please...

Watch any local news and when they talk about a crime (real people dying) all we do is CLICK (change channel). Why? Because we got used to it. But Vicks case was a new story. Once the media heard about this, they were like a kid in a candy store. All they saw is a rating increase.

Beleive me when I say this, the media can't careless about Vick or the "dogs".

Neither do any of us. I tell you why. There are so many dogs, and animals in general, that are being mis-treated by owners. There so many of them with out any homes. It is true we are not killing any of them but none of us are doing anything about it. We only care because the media told you and me to care.

Anywho, that is my two cents.
This is kind of a similar argument that was made regarding sean taylor. That we shouldn't care because there are young people getting killed all of the time. I think the truth is that you're right, the media does not care, there are tons of animals and people losing their lives every day... but we will never hear about them. So when you do hear about something like this, regardless of whether the perpetrator is famous or not, I think it's worthwhile to take some time and think about what happened, not only to the front page story but to all of those in similar situations that you will never hear about. That's really the only silver lining, that a "famous" victim/criminal can sometimes bring attention to a problem that is largely ignored.
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Old 12-10-2007, 04:00 PM   #26
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

The brutality of the crime was bad enough but just think about how many kids looked up to this chump.
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Old 12-10-2007, 04:05 PM   #27
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I know I'm in the distinct minority and I will likely get blasted for this post, but I think the sentence is a little much. I love dogs (and all other animals) and what Vick did is reprehensible. When news of the story first broke I wanted Vick gone for decades. But, regardless of his sentence, Vick lost potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and sponsorship deals, he's a pariah, and his career is all but over. Essentially, the guy ruined his life. Given that so many sex offenders and people who commit violent crimes against other people often get off with probation or shorter sentences, I think the sentence might be a bit harsh. A 12 month stay in a federal "pound me in the ***" prison would have probably sufficed.
I agree. 23 months is a bit harsh. But he screwed himself by smoking weed while waiting his sentencing and not coming clean as to what his role was. I believe the prosecuters were asking for 12-18 months.
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Old 12-10-2007, 04:40 PM   #28
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

It's all a matter of relativity. Compared to other sentences that other criminals get, this may look harsh. But I definitely don't feel bad for Vick, despite that fact. To me, way too many criminals get off way too easy. I'm of the mind that murder should always get the death penalty, rape should get the death penalty, aggravated assault should get 20 years, and hitting your wife should get 5 years.

I rarely see a sentence I feel is too harsh. Seeing Vick lose so much, and have to spend this much time, makes me feel darn good.
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:33 PM   #29
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
I know I'm in the distinct minority and I will likely get blasted for this post, but I think the sentence is a little much. I love dogs (and all other animals) and what Vick did is reprehensible. When news of the story first broke I wanted Vick gone for decades. But, regardless of his sentence, Vick lost potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in salary and sponsorship deals, he's a pariah, and his career is all but over. Essentially, the guy ruined his life. Given that so many sex offenders and people who commit violent crimes against other people often get off with probation or shorter sentences, I think the sentence might be a bit harsh. A 12 month stay in a federal "pound me in the ***" prison would have probably sufficed.

Let the brutal man rot and let the ass rapes begin. My brother is a corrections officer and he tells me there are two things inmates hate in jail.....child and animal abusers. He will not enjoy his stay. Im sure they only gave him 23 months because they know there are other charges pending and the fact that his career is over with. Serve 1 year and be on good behaviour he will be out before you know it.
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Old 12-10-2007, 05:39 PM   #30
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Re: Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

Originally Posted by irish View Post
Vick will go into prison as a QB but will likely come out a tight end.
I was thinking W I D E Out.
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