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Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

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Old 05-25-2007, 03:02 PM   #31
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
How do you know that?
I certainly can't prove it for a fact. But I can go on past experiences.
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Old 05-25-2007, 04:57 PM   #32
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
So you don't think some of his guys are being unfairly targeted? I don't think Marvin Lewis is the type of guy to make shit up. Do you?

Now in no means am I going to take up for Chris Henry. Kid needs to clean up his act. But why did those people in Ket. leak to the media that he failed his drug test when it wasn't true? Whoever did this should be fired. They are just as wrong as Henry was for breaking the law IMO.
this whole thing is a joke. what constitutes unfairly targeted? these players ALL got arrested. the last time i checked, innocent people don't go to jail. I'm proud to say i have had zero involvement with the police. how about the Bengals piss poor job of player of el valuating their own players character? how many redskins have been arrested this off season? as for lewis, he has to share some of the blame. and i don't know him personally, so he could be a habitual liar. all i know about him is, he did a great job with our defense when he was here
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Old 05-25-2007, 05:39 PM   #33
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

There is a huge element of truth to this, perhaps not by the cops but the media. I love how everyone wanted to crucify Henry even though it was just a report that was not official.

That is a bit a too extreme.
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Old 05-25-2007, 07:22 PM   #34
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

#1. Marvin Lewis explicitly stated in the past that he had to draft some talented players with character issues since no free agents wanted to go to Cincy. So, to that extent, Marvin shouldn't complain about players who he drafted and who had prior character issues getting arrested. He had fair warning, acknowledged that he took a risk, and he took a couple of hits on those gambles.

#2. As for the players, if they are engaging in criminal activities, they should never complain about getting busted. As corny as it sounds, if you can do the crime, be prepared to do the time.

#3. Profiling does exist and, while it may make sense to many who are not subjected to it, there are an awful lot of innocent people who get harassed by cops because they fit a "profile." For those of you who have not been subject to profiling, you probably don't think that being singled out, stopped, questioned, and treated like a thug is a big deal. But, I can tell you that many of you (particularly those with right or libertarian leaning political persuasions) would be offended by profiling if you were actually a constant target of police. I'm not saying that profiling, of whatever kind, should always be banned. I am saying, however, that it is easy to enthusiastically support profiling when you are not subjected to it.
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Old 05-25-2007, 08:45 PM   #35
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
this whole thing is a joke. what constitutes unfairly targeted? these players ALL got arrested. the last time i checked, innocent people don't go to jail. I'm proud to say i have had zero involvement with the police. how about the Bengals piss poor job of player of el valuating their own players character? how many redskins have been arrested this off season? as for lewis, he has to share some of the blame. and i don't know him personally, so he could be a habitual liar. all i know about him is, he did a great job with our defense when he was here
No question the Bengals have no one to blame but themselves for drafting guys w/ serious character issues.
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Old 05-25-2007, 11:12 PM   #36
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
#1. Marvin Lewis explicitly stated in the past that he had to draft some talented players with character issues since no free agents wanted to go to Cincy. So, to that extent, Marvin shouldn't complain about players who he drafted and who had prior character issues getting arrested. He had fair warning, acknowledged that he took a risk, and he took a couple of hits on those gambles.

#2. As for the players, if they are engaging in criminal activities, they should never complain about getting busted. As corny as it sounds, if you can do the crime, be prepared to do the time.

#3. Profiling does exist and, while it may make sense to many who are not subjected to it, there are an awful lot of innocent people who get harassed by cops because they fit a "profile." For those of you who have not been subject to profiling, you probably don't think that being singled out, stopped, questioned, and treated like a thug is a big deal. But, I can tell you that many of you (particularly those with right or libertarian leaning political persuasions) would be offended by profiling if you were actually a constant target of police. I'm not saying that profiling, of whatever kind, should always be banned. I am saying, however, that it is easy to enthusiastically support profiling when you are not subjected to it.
Nice Job's too easy for people to sit back and preach from their soap boxes... not ever having been subjected to any of it...
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Old 05-26-2007, 01:38 AM   #37
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Re: Bengals Lewis suggests his players are being targeted by police!

Originally Posted by railcon56 View Post
Nice Job's too easy for people to sit back and preach from their soap boxes... not ever having been subjected to any of it...
Thanks, but in re-reading my post, I realized that it comes off as a little patronizing. I stand by the basic points I tried to make in the post, but I didn't mean to sound obnoxious.
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