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The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Debating with the enemy

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Old 08-19-2022, 08:47 AM   #1261
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Nothing triggers the right quite like gender and sexual orientation issues. Just bizarre.
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Old 08-19-2022, 08:57 AM   #1262
punch it in
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The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Nothing triggers the right quite like gender and sexual orientation issues. Just bizarre.

Usually when someone is so overly outraged by this it is merely a cover because they themselves have issues with their own sexual orientation.

Last edited by punch it in; 08-19-2022 at 10:07 AM.
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Old 08-19-2022, 11:15 AM   #1263
Chief X_Phackter
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

So you guys think it's ok to "help" three-year old toddlers on their "gender journey" huh? We should be doing this at 3...?

What's bizarre is the fact that this is a thing at all. 3 year old toddlers should be learning new words, and learning right from wrong, not being mixed up about - am I really a boy...

It's sick honestly. It should be looked at as child abuse.
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:04 PM   #1264
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by Chief X_Phackter View Post
So you guys think it's ok to "help" three-year old toddlers on their "gender journey" huh? We should be doing this at 3...?

What's bizarre is the fact that this is a thing at all. 3 year old toddlers should be learning new words, and learning right from wrong, not being mixed up about - am I really a boy...

It's sick honestly. It should be looked at as child abuse.
Very little info from the article. I personally wouldnt be doing this for my kid and would question any parent doing this but this isnt some public school indoctrination where kids are captive audience.

This would be a voluntary study so I dont think we can tell parents how to parent here or what is best for their child.

Watching my kid go from K to entering 5th grade .. there are 2 kids who have been "gay" since day 1. I doubt they know what gay is or associate it with sexual preference but they wore dresses, clip on earrings.

If your son wants to wear dresses at K or 1st grade ... then youd probably want to be in this study if you as the parent know nothing about gender identity.


Lots of judgment and presumption ... equating "gay" with "mixed up" tells me all I need to know about how you view this topic.
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:12 PM   #1265
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

It's on FOX

The video was posted on Yale Medicine's YouTube channel but has since been removed. (YouTube?)
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:17 PM   #1266
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:27 PM   #1267
punch it in
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
Very little info from the article. I personally wouldnt be doing this for my kid and would question any parent doing this but this isnt some public school indoctrination where kids are captive audience.

This would be a voluntary study so I dont think we can tell parents how to parent here or what is best for their child.

Watching my kid go from K to entering 5th grade .. there are 2 kids who have been "gay" since day 1. I doubt they know what gay is or associate it with sexual preference but they wore dresses, clip on earrings.

If your son wants to wear dresses at K or 1st grade ... then youd probably want to be in this study if you as the parent know nothing about gender identity.


Lots of judgment and presumption ... equating "gay" with "mixed up" tells me all I need to know about how you view this topic.

I agree with every single thing you said. As always.

My wife has taught for 25 years. She can tell which kids are lgbtq from day one. So yes a study like this might be good for these particular children. I mean God forbid we make their life progression easier. I mean it isn’t like there are all these gay bashers around. Oh wait.
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:36 PM   #1268
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by SunnySide View Post
Very little info from the article. I personally wouldnt be doing this for my kid and would question any parent doing this but this isnt some public school indoctrination where kids are captive audience.

This would be a voluntary study so I dont think we can tell parents how to parent here or what is best for their child.

Watching my kid go from K to entering 5th grade .. there are 2 kids who have been "gay" since day 1. I doubt they know what gay is or associate it with sexual preference but they wore dresses, clip on earrings.

If your son wants to wear dresses at K or 1st grade ... then youd probably want to be in this study if you as the parent know nothing about gender identity.


Lots of judgment and presumption ... equating "gay" with "mixed up" tells me all I need to know about how you view this topic.
Yeah, let's not misunderstand how I view this topic. It's fucking wrong - all wrong. We're talking about three year old toddlers here man. I mean you said yourself, "I doubt they know what gay is or associate it with sexual preference..."

Three year olds should be on their journey to dinosaur land, not on some journey to what the fuck gender am I. Yes, mixed up is the term I meant to use. Substitute confused if you want - that works as well.
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:39 PM   #1269
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
I agree with every single thing you said. As always.

My wife has taught for 25 years. She can tell which kids are lgbtq from day one. So yes a study like this might be good for these particular children. I mean God forbid we make their life progression easier. I mean it isn’t like there are all these gay bashers around. Oh wait.
The fact that you think taking three year olds on some gender journey will make their life progression easier is laughable. That's about the dumbest thing I've seen on here.

We have gone completely wacko man.
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:40 PM   #1270
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by Chief X_Phackter View Post
So you guys think it's ok to "help" three-year old toddlers on their "gender journey" huh? We should be doing this at 3...?

What's bizarre is the fact that this is a thing at all. 3 year old toddlers should be learning new words, and learning right from wrong, not being mixed up about - am I really a boy...

It's sick honestly. It should be looked at as child abuse.
What if it was a gender-neutral kid that didn't fit in with the other pre-schoolers?

We like to think things are so cut and dry, but my neighbors down the street have a pair of boys, ages 5-8 (I'm assuming - they both look young AF) and both of them wear exclusively girl clothes and when they play with my next door neighbor's kids they act seriously feminine. But the parents encourage it - so who cares. Not my kids.

3 years does seem young but kids have no concept of gender-normal behavior, if a boy knows he likes wearing girls leggings with PINK across the butt and he isn't afraid of being a social outcast in school who cares? Do you want to encourage your kids to be who they are and be happy or do you want to punish them until you can beat the gay out of them?
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Old 08-19-2022, 12:59 PM   #1271
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
What if it was a gender-neutral kid that didn't fit in with the other pre-schoolers?

We like to think things are so cut and dry, but my neighbors down the street have a pair of boys, ages 5-8 (I'm assuming - they both look young AF) and both of them wear exclusively girl clothes and when they play with my next door neighbor's kids they act seriously feminine. But the parents encourage it - so who cares. Not my kids.

3 years does seem young but kids have no concept of gender-normal behavior, if a boy knows he likes wearing girls leggings with PINK across the butt and he isn't afraid of being a social outcast in school who cares? Do you want to encourage your kids to be who they are and be happy or do you want to punish them until you can beat the gay out of them?

I think kids wear what the hell they want until someone either encourages or discourages it. They don't know the significance, and frankly they shouldn't care. Especially at 3.

When my son was like 4, he dressed up as Superwoman. We all got a kick out of it. From that point on should we have encouraged that he continue to dress up as a woman? NO. We let him have his fun and that was that.

It's hard enough to grow up and find yourself, but to be encouraging certain genders before kids have even sniffed puberty is flat out dumb. No wonder why there is a serious mental health problem with our youth.
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Old 08-19-2022, 01:07 PM   #1272
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by punch it in View Post
I agree with every single thing you said. As always.

My wife has taught for 25 years. She can tell which kids are lgbtq from day one. So yes a study like this might be good for these particular children. I mean God forbid we make their life progression easier. I mean it isn’t like there are all these gay bashers around. Oh wait.
Wife is a Teacher as are two out of three of my kids. While I tend to side with Chief X on this issue I'm not too upset for reasons being it's one Professor and it was taken down by the school which tells me she is an independent in this. Gay is gay it's the way your born . 3,4 is too young, hell IMO 7-9 is too young. She too can tell when a child is just that way, as in being gay. I also believe people get triggered by the LGBTQ name and it scares them
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Old 08-19-2022, 01:30 PM   #1273
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Wife is a Teacher as are two out of three of my kids. While I tend to side with Chief X on this issue I'm not too upset for reasons being it's one Professor and it was taken down by the school which tells me she is an independent in this. Gay is gay it's the way your born . 3,4 is too young, hell IMO 7-9 is too young. She too can tell when a child is just that way, as in being gay. I also believe people get triggered by the LGBTQ name and it scares them
I'm triggered, but I'm not scared. Unless you are talking about being scared for our children, then yes, I'm scared for them when I see things like this.

I don't think you can definitively say that someone is "born gay". There are many studies on the topic, some for and some against.

I do think you can definitively say that if your son puts on pink leggings at 3 or 4 years old, and from that point forward you dress him in girls clothes and treat him like a girl - he's probably going to have issues.

Let kids be kids.
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Old 08-19-2022, 02:44 PM   #1274
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by Chief X_Phackter View Post
Yeah, let's not misunderstand how I view this topic. It's fucking wrong - all wrong. We're talking about three year old toddlers here man. I mean you said yourself, "I doubt they know what gay is or associate it with sexual preference..."

Three year olds should be on their journey to dinosaur land, not on some journey to what the fuck gender am I. Yes, mixed up is the term I meant to use. Substitute confused if you want - that works as well.
I gotta gate keep a bit here. If you dont have kids in public school, if youre not a parent ... I dont give opinions from non parents much weight. You could very well be a parent and im sure many parents would agree with you.

Here, without knowing the specific circumstances ... without being a parent of a gay kid .. i think we know so little of actual facts that our perceptions shape how we view this lil blurb.

But go ahead and do the fox news conservative gas lamp thing and make this one comment from a professor re a family you know nothing about as proof positive that all schools are indoctrinating "our children"

Its clear you view being gay as some negative affliction and that kids arent born gay but are indoctrinated in some learned behavior

if you dont think people are born gay ... i have zero interest in hearing anything you have to say re gay rights


Ten women on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Bill Gothard, who for decades was a major force in the conservative Christian homeschooling movement, charging him and leaders in his ministry with sexual abuse, harassment and cover-up.

Gothard, who urged Christians to shun things like short skirts and rock music, is accused of raping a woman. The same woman says she was raped by one of the ministry’s “biblical counselors.”



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Old 08-19-2022, 02:46 PM   #1275
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Re: The Most Fresh & Cordial Political Thread Ever

Originally Posted by Chief X_Phackter View Post
I'm triggered, but I'm not scared. Unless you are talking about being scared for our children, then yes, I'm scared for them when I see things like this.

I don't think you can definitively say that someone is "born gay". There are many studies on the topic, some for and some against.

I do think you can definitively say that if your son puts on pink leggings at 3 or 4 years old, and from that point forward you dress him in girls clothes and treat him like a girl - he's probably going to have issues.

Let kids be kids.
Does that include the 1 or 2 kids out of 200 who want to wear dresses as boys?

or is it the old conservative "individual freedom for me and my flock but not for thee".

conservatives ... hypocrites in everything
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