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Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

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View Poll Results: The 2014 Redskins HC Should Be
Art Briles 18 18.37%
Jay Gruden 36 36.73%
Jon Gruden 8 8.16%
Mike Shanahan 18 18.37%
Kevin Sumlin 18 18.37%
Voters: 98. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 12-15-2013, 09:50 PM   #256
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Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
It's my opinion that you have no intelligent thoughts or opinions and that your posts are only worth reading if I'm drinking and want a good laugh.

I guess me pissing all over Synder is kind of ridiculous. I mean after all he has been so successful as an owner, so how dare me talk bad about Little Dan..What I can't believe is why the media continues to bash him? Do they just hate him for spite? Maybe they are trying to bring down a successful owner ( cough cough).. However, no need to preach anymore about how bad of an owner he is. The record speaks for itself.. I guess some of you guys are ok with the tent that continues to be over this circus..

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Old 12-15-2013, 09:58 PM   #257
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
I guess me pissing all over Synder is kind of ridiculous. I mean after all he has been so successful as an owner, so how dare me talk bad about Little Dan..What I can't believe is why the media continues to bash him? Do they just hate him for spite? Maybe they are trying to bring down a successful owner ( cough cough).. However, no need to preach anymore about how bad of an owner he is. The record speaks for itself.. I guess some of you guys are ok with the tent that continues to be over this circus..

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Yes, it kind of is ridiculous. You can't be that dense that you think no one else is to blame, and that everything is just his fault. People don't like hearing from you because you're just one note. You're not acknowledging any other thoughts or opinions because you've got your mind made up. Nobody's ok with what's going on. Because some of say the problem goes beyond Snyder doesn't mean we're blind to the problems this organization has.
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:08 PM   #258
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Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Yes, it kind of is ridiculous. You can't be that dense that you think no one else is to blame, and that everything is just his fault. People don't like hearing from you because you're just one note. You're not acknowledging any other thoughts or opinions because you've got your mind made up. Nobody's ok with what's going on. Because some of say the problem goes beyond Snyder doesn't mean we're blind to the problems this organization has.

You are correct. My mind is made up, along with the majority of Redskin fans.. After all, it's good for you Smoot, because you can startup with your riddles or hints for new hires, and or big splash hires that may or may not be true.

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Old 12-15-2013, 10:19 PM   #259
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Oh boy
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:21 PM   #260
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
You are correct. My mind is made up, along with the majority of Redskin fans.. After all, it's good for you Smoot, because you can startup with your riddles or hints for new hires, and or big splash hires that may or may not be true.

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Whatever makes you happy dude
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Old 12-15-2013, 10:29 PM   #261
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

[QUOTE=Chico23231;1049409]Oh boy[/QUOTE

Lol +1
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Old 12-16-2013, 12:07 AM   #262
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
I guess me pissing all over Synder is kind of ridiculous. I mean after all he has been so successful as an owner, so how dare me talk bad about Little Dan..What I can't believe is why the media continues to bash him? Do they just hate him for spite? Maybe they are trying to bring down a successful owner ( cough cough).. However, no need to preach anymore about how bad of an owner he is. The record speaks for itself.. I guess some of you guys are ok with the tent that continues to be over this circus..

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So Snyder does what all of us were b*tching him to do (get a real GM and let football people run football business) and it is still his fault?

Snyder is no saint, but all signs during the Shanahan regime point to him being a hands off owner.
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Old 12-16-2013, 10:36 AM   #263
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
You are correct. My mind is made up, along with the majority of Redskin fans.. After all, it's good for you Smoot, because you can startup with your riddles or hints for new hires, and or big splash hires that may or may not be true.

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Speak for yourself.

And try to have a little respect for folks around here.

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Old 12-16-2013, 11:02 AM   #264
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
You are correct. My mind is made up, along with the majority of Redskin fans.. After all, it's good for you Smoot, because you can startup with your riddles or hints for new hires, and or big splash hires that may or may not be true.
Ahh, the beauty of the unverifiable assumption. You, of course, have proof that your belief is held by the "majority of Redskins' fans".

Further, what we are discussing is not a matter of pure opinion but rather a factual conclusion (Snyder is inordinately enamored of his players) based on actual verifiable facts (Snyder does things with certain players that other owners do not - have dinner with them, have conversations outside the chain of command about how the franchise should be run, etc.).

As to the underlying verifiable facts, a majority vote is simply irrelevant (Although a majority of uninformed idiots may say the sun is the center of the universe, it does not change the verifiable fact that it isn't). Further, majority opinons on factual conclusions that are based on faulty or non-existent verifiable facts are ignorant, irrelevant and unpersuasive. Similar to pure opinions without factual basis, belief in such factual conclusions without verifiable facts to support them is simply a bias or prejudice.

You are entitled to hold whatever bias or prejudice you choose to hold as to Snyder and to spout any garbage you so desire to justify your unverifiable beliefs. However, if you want to be perceived as anything other than an uninformed ignoramus shooting forth diarhea of the mouth for the sole purpose of spreading vitriol, specific verifiable facts and logical rhetorical progressions are necessary. These have been sadly lacking in your posts. Thus, the rest of us are left only with the conclusion that you are nothing better than a town idiot or corner prophet spouting the doom of mankind is nigh.

In short, yes - you are being ridiculous.
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Old 12-16-2013, 12:09 PM   #265
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Whenever I hear people quickly blame Dan Snyder for anything wrong in Redskins land, I just want to point them to these posts that our very own SmootSmack had posted about a year ago.

Start with the first post from SS in this link and read the following posts as well. I think this page is an eye opening look into how Snyder is often demonized for no reason. Now don't get me wrong, I think Snyder shares plenty of blame when it comes to some of the negativity surrounding the team, but once one reads these posts, you'll see that a lot of the blame that is often hurled at Snyder is unwarranted.

For the most part, I think Dan is truly trying to do what is best for the team. Look at the things he's done that us 'skins fans had begged for. He got rid of Vinny Cerrato. He hired a GM. He has even hired a consultant to work with the GM in player personnel. He hired Joe Gibbs. He hired Mike Shanahan. Two Super Bowl winning coaches who were known for having disciplined winning teams under their direction. He's hired college coaches, coordinators, etc... He afforded the opportunity for this team to go out and get a franchise quarterback (which I realize the judgment is still out for that.) Most importantly, he's fought to keep the name of the team.

All in all, I think Dan has truly tried to do what he feels is the best interest for this team, but ultimately, what the fans want. It just hasn't worked out. Maybe he needs to do more? I don't know. But I just don't see how anybody can blame the current situation on Daniel Snyder - especially Daniel Snyder being a "meddlesome" owner.
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Old 12-16-2013, 05:15 PM   #266
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Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Speak for yourself.

And try to have a little respect for folks around here.


Not trying to be disrespectful to other members. If my posts have disrespected anyone I apologize. I'm just arguing my points to why I think Dan is mostly to blame. I'm sure 95% of the BS we are currently dealing with is Mike Shanahan, and his cronies.. However, let's not forget Dan hired him. Again, no disrespect, I'm just frustrated with the circus that continues to follow this team.

Anyway, I think this nail has been hammered enough, so no point talking about it again. Let's just hope Dan or whoever is making the decisions gets it right this time... At the end of the day, I will always be a Redskins fan, and will continue to root for the team I have grown up loving.

P.S. Mattyk, I typed "I will not be disrespectful to others" 100 times on my computer. Is this good enough to get me out of the principal's office? :-)

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Last edited by Brody81; 12-16-2013 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 12-16-2013, 08:51 PM   #267
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
Not trying to be disrespectful to other members. If my posts have disrespected anyone I apologize. I'm just arguing my points to why I think Dan is mostly to blame. I'm sure 95% of the BS we are currently dealing with is Mike Shanahan, and his cronies.. However, let's not forget Dan hired him. Again, no disrespect, I'm just frustrated with the circus that continues to follow this team.

Anyway, I think this nail has been hammered enough, so no point talking about it again. Let's just hope Dan or whoever is making the decisions gets it right this time... At the end of the day, I will always be a Redskins fan, and will continue to root for the team I have grown up loving.

P.S. Mattyk, I typed "I will not be disrespectful to others" 100 times on my computer. Is this good enough to get me out of the principal's office? :-)

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Back to class kiddo.
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Old 12-16-2013, 09:17 PM   #268
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

Originally Posted by Brody81 View Post
You are correct. My mind is made up, along with the majority of Redskin fans.. After all, it's good for you Smoot, because you can startup with your riddles or hints for new hires, and or big splash hires that may or may not be true.

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Old 12-16-2013, 11:53 PM   #269
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Re: Choose Your 2014 Redskins Head Coach (Volume 2)

With regard to hiring new coaches this year; I realize coordinators of other teams are not blocked from interviewing for head coaching jobs, does the same apply for position coaches?

I'm asking this question because I'm so tired of seeing Jim Haslett looking so confused on the sideline/coaches box. I'd love to see whoever comes in as the Head Coach next year hire someone like Winston Moss with a good pedigree in coaching the 3-4. He currently holds the title Assistant Head Coach / Inside Linebackers Coach. Would this hypothetically block us from interviewing him? Or at least require us to give him the same AHC title along with Defensive Coordinator?

My preference for next year would be:
HC: Darrell Bevell
OC: Chris Ault
DC: Winston Moss

Thanks in advance.
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Old 12-17-2013, 12:58 AM   #270
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Originally Posted by 21SkinsFan28 View Post
With regard to hiring new coaches this year; I realize coordinators of other teams are not blocked from interviewing for head coaching jobs, does the same apply for position coaches?

I'm asking this question because I'm so tired of seeing Jim Haslett looking so confused on the sideline/coaches box. I'd love to see whoever comes in as the Head Coach next year hire someone like Winston Moss with a good pedigree in coaching the 3-4. He currently holds the title Assistant Head Coach / Inside Linebackers Coach. Would this hypothetically block us from interviewing him? Or at least require us to give him the same AHC title along with Defensive Coordinator?

My preference for next year would be:
HC: Darrell Bevell
OC: Chris Ault
DC: Winston Moss

Thanks in advance.
Solid list but what the hell does thanks in advance mean lol

Unless SS is really Bruce allen.... Hmmm
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