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Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

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Old 11-15-2005, 07:39 PM   #1
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Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Hes sending tapes of the center moving and it wasn't offsides and Mike Allstott not getting in..but what can the NFL do when they see the tapes
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Old 11-15-2005, 08:03 PM   #2
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

say he was right and they are sorry.

last week when we played the e-girls portis had a run towards the end of the game which would end the game but it was called back due to holding, the league saw the tape and said they were sorry
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Old 11-15-2005, 08:32 PM   #3
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Did anyone see Wilbon beating up on Gibbs on PTI today. He called Gibbs the world biggest whinner in the NFL and made Gibbs out to be some conspirousy theorist. All for sending in tapes to the NFL. Whats the deal with that? I thought wilbon had our back and he attacks Gibbs like that?
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Old 11-15-2005, 08:54 PM   #4
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by Misterbillysells
Did anyone see Wilbon beating up on Gibbs on PTI today. He called Gibbs the world biggest whinner in the NFL and made Gibbs out to be some conspirousy theorist. All for sending in tapes to the NFL. Whats the deal with that? I thought wilbon had our back and he attacks Gibbs like that?
Half the coaches do it every week!!!...Wonder whats up Wilbon's (_!_).
Thats not like him. Usually its cornholer!!!!
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Old 11-16-2005, 01:19 AM   #5
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by 44deisel44
Half the coaches do it every week!!!...Wonder whats up Wilbon's (_!_).
Thats not like him. Usually its cornholer!!!!
The both of them are idiots!!! They do not even deserve to have a show...
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Old 11-16-2005, 07:59 AM   #6
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Dan LeBatard defended Gibbs on the show. I think a lot of times the guys on PTI argue just for the sake of arguing. I generally like Wilbon and PTI, though.
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:29 AM   #7
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

I heard last night that the tapes were reviewed by the league and the results :

Alstott did NOT score
did not appear to be a push of Galloway to force him out of bounds
the center picked the ball up early, we were not offsides on the blocked EP
and TB was not called for an illegal motion penalty on a long pass that turned into a TD.

there are 4 calls that did not go our way. for a total of 17 points if you add them all up. I was arguing the point yesterday that we could not blame the loss on the refs, especially to two point conversion. However, when you add up what was wrong with the calls made, I have switched my opinion. The refs cost us some points and in the end : probably the game. I have never been a person to sit and blame refs for losing games, but 17 freakin points!!!!!
come on that is rediculous.
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Old 11-16-2005, 03:09 PM   #8
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
I heard last night that the tapes were reviewed by the league and the results :

Alstott did NOT score
did not appear to be a push of Galloway to force him out of bounds
the center picked the ball up early, we were not offsides on the blocked EP
and TB was not called for an illegal motion penalty on a long pass that turned into a TD.

there are 4 calls that did not go our way. for a total of 17 points if you add them all up. I was arguing the point yesterday that we could not blame the loss on the refs, especially to two point conversion. However, when you add up what was wrong with the calls made, I have switched my opinion. The refs cost us some points and in the end : probably the game. I have never been a person to sit and blame refs for losing games, but 17 freakin points!!!!!
come on that is rediculous.

And, that was the very same sorry officiating crew that messed up that game between Cleveland & Pittsburgh last year. It's just too bad that even when it's demonstrated that they (blew it) it still dosen't have any effect on the outcome of the game. Where's the JUSTICE?
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:38 AM   #9
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Where did you hear that #56?

If all those calls indeed were ruled in our favor, it's pretty disappointing and we definitely got royally screwed over by those horrible calls.
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:54 AM   #10
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Yeah it is kind of hard if that is true not to say the refs cost us the game. We had some big plays on us, but when and if those calls cost us 17 points no team no matter the circumstances would have a difficult time overcoming. Replay needs to have a bigger involvement than it does because this year if any the refs are blowing some critical calls at critical times in the game. I said it before the league needs to step up to the plate and start fining these refs for blown calls, especially after replay. I mean some of these calls are what seems to be made up (phantom) hopefully the league does not read our posts and try to fine me my $5.00 which would probably be equivalent to the million dollar contracts. I would like to see some of the crews that are making these bogus calls and if their is any trends or consistency in their calls, home field calls, impact calls, on a average how many tapes are sent in a week and the rulings on those calls. Something has got to be done besides week after week saying damn we are sorry you should have won that game he didn't get in. Damn we see the playoff race is going to be tight this year sorry we cost you your 1st playoff visit since 1999 because you lost the tie breaker to the team we cost you the game to earlier in the season. I know calls are going to be missed on the field but replay should not have these errors and the rules to challenge pushed out and down by contact need to be changed.
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Old 11-16-2005, 09:33 AM   #11
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Where did you hear that #56?

If all those calls indeed were ruled in our favor, it's pretty disappointing and we definitely got royally screwed over by those horrible calls.
A friend of mine who listens and reads everything there is to read in the sporting world that has to do with the Redskins saw it or read it last night. Not sure which of the two. But kinda puts things in perspective regarding the refs. They need to drop the Chickensh** act and call the plays. This crap of not enough evidence to overturn a call has got to stop. Most of those plays are coming against teams on the road. I guess they dont want a repeat of Cleveland or something. The refs are graded on how many calls are overturned due to replay. and the less that are overturned the better for the refs. When they make the "irrefutable evidense" call its basically saying the call was SO close that they just couldn't reverse it, which like I said at the end of the year is a plus for that ref crew. But in most of those calls, its very obvious the call on the field was wrong and they just dont want to change it, because that makes them look like a bad crew. Replay is just not getting it done this year. I have seen several calls that I thought no way could they uphold that call, then that famous saying, after review, yada yada yada, play stands as called on the field. what a cop out!
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Old 11-16-2005, 09:47 AM   #12
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by #56fanatic
A friend of mine who listens and reads everything there is to read in the sporting world that has to do with the Redskins saw it or read it last night. Not sure which of the two. But kinda puts things in perspective regarding the refs. They need to drop the Chickensh** act and call the plays. This crap of not enough evidence to overturn a call has got to stop. Most of those plays are coming against teams on the road. I guess they dont want a repeat of Cleveland or something. The refs are graded on how many calls are overturned due to replay. and the less that are overturned the better for the refs. When they make the "irrefutable evidense" call its basically saying the call was SO close that they just couldn't reverse it, which like I said at the end of the year is a plus for that ref crew. But in most of those calls, its very obvious the call on the field was wrong and they just dont want to change it, because that makes them look like a bad crew. Replay is just not getting it done this year. I have seen several calls that I thought no way could they uphold that call, then that famous saying, after review, yada yada yada, play stands as called on the field. what a cop out!
Instead of getting reviewed on how many calls are overturned or not, how about getting reviewed on how many they got right! What a novel idea.
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Old 11-16-2005, 09:54 AM   #13
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by scowan
Instead of getting reviewed on how many calls are overturned or not, how about getting reviewed on how many they got right! What a novel idea.
What I was saying is one of factors, not 100% of determining how to rate them. The refs have a very difficult job in calling these games. Which is why there is replay, to HELP them on iffy calls or ones they just couldn't possibly seen. Which is why, alot of us fans feel, if replay is there they need to stop all the crap of saying no evidence to overturn. They are causing more problems with this than the calls they make on the field.
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Old 11-16-2005, 08:55 AM   #14
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

I'm seriously going to go on a rampage if the Skins end up having to be in a tie-breaker with Tampa Bay this year.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 11-16-2005, 11:17 AM   #15
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Re: Joe Gibbs Sending tapes to NFL

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I'm seriously going to go on a rampage if the Skins end up having to be in a tie-breaker with Tampa Bay this year.
You know if the 4 plays are admitted by NFL as being the wrong calls (which resulted in 17 points for Tampa), which they would have to admit cost the redskins the game (even just considering the 2 point conversion) - the nfl could atone for the refs' mistakes and award the redskins the tie-breaker if it comes down to Tampa Bay and the skins.
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