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Old 09-20-2005, 01:24 PM   #1
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Ive been looking everywhere to see if there was a reaction from ramsey about what was said last night on NFL countdown. Now it wasnt a hyped up rumor from espn like last time. This guy came from the skins locker room and said if MB gets hurt and stays injured for any length of time Cambell will get the nod.
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:33 PM   #2
Thank You, Sean.
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Re: Curious

Not sure waht developed of it, but it basically means Ramsey is outta here.
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:38 PM   #3
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Re: Curious

Sure does....Just bites that every time anything at all was mentioned about the QB situation in the past weeks people jumped all over it. Cant believe nothings been said yet. Oh well, It will be in time I guess. Its been a great Tuesday !!!!
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:36 PM   #4
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Re: Curious

What do you guys think the time frame is? Before we play again in Week 4?
I honestly think that would be best for the team. I will always root for Ramsey, wherever he plays, but this team needs to not have controversy and constant speculation. Why hold the kid back any longer? Send him on his way, wish him well and hope we get something of value for him...
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:52 PM   #5
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Re: Curious

Agreed- If he's not in the plans trade him for some value. I'll root for him no matter where he goes-w/ the exception of the nfc east.
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Old 09-20-2005, 01:59 PM   #6
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Re: Curious

He stays a skin until after the season is my guess. Too hard to mvoe now adn they could get better value later on. Plus I think the guy is a really a real good guy and I can't imagine he is causing any locker room issues. And if Brunell gets hurt and Ramsey has to come in for a short stint he is gonna be pumped to be interviewing for his next job. Man I really like Ramsey I wish it wasn't going down this way.
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:04 PM   #7
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Re: Curious

I think the world of Ramsey too....what a class act. But I want him outta there as soon as possible so he can look for other opportunities.
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:28 PM   #8
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Re: Curious

To bad for us, but I would be very happy for Ramsey if he ever gets an opportunity with a good team and scheme, he's going to make Gibbs look foolish, I missed the first half of the game and part of the third quarter, but from what I can see Brunell was horrible until the last 4 minutes, how often is Brunell going to be able to do what he did last night, if the cowboys don't just flat out self destruct in the last 4 minutes, I think everyone is calling for Brunells head.

I said it before and I will say it again, as much as I was against the Brunell trade, I don't lay most of our offensive problems at his feet, do I think he's washed up? Yes! But I also think he can be a good backup, and be much better than he has shown, the problem lies with Gibbs, his offense is just to simplistic and easy for defenses to diagnois, that's the problem, both QB's I believe have been scapegoated for Gibbs inability to design a good offensive scheme, but none more so than Ramsey.

We are now starting to hear from all the analists out there that our offense is a very vanilla scheme, we are very predictable every post game show I saw last night was saying the same thing, and they all Know we got lucky down the stretch, it was a tremendous win and a lot of fun to watch, but I would be very catious about believing we have turned the corner on offense because of basically 2 passes, maybe those passes will jar something in Gibbs head to make him understand that you have to take risks sometimes on offense to succeed, I think somehow he got it into his head after such a long time away from the game that all you have to do is not turn the ball over to win, and that's just not the case.
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:52 PM   #9
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by offiss
To bad for us, but I would be very happy for Ramsey if he ever gets an opportunity with a good team and scheme, he's going to make Gibbs look foolish, I missed the first half of the game and part of the third quarter, but from what I can see Brunell was horrible until the last 4 minutes, how often is Brunell going to be able to do what he did last night, if the cowboys don't just flat out self destruct in the last 4 minutes, I think everyone is calling for Brunells head.

I said it before and I will say it again, as much as I was against the Brunell trade, I don't lay most of our offensive problems at his feet, do I think he's washed up? Yes! But I also think he can be a good backup, and be much better than he has shown, the problem lies with Gibbs, his offense is just to simplistic and easy for defenses to diagnois, that's the problem, both QB's I believe have been scapegoated for Gibbs inability to design a good offensive scheme, but none more so than Ramsey.

We are now starting to hear from all the analists out there that our offense is a very vanilla scheme, we are very predictable every post game show I saw last night was saying the same thing, and they all Know we got lucky down the stretch, it was a tremendous win and a lot of fun to watch, but I would be very catious about believing we have turned the corner on offense because of basically 2 passes, maybe those passes will jar something in Gibbs head to make him understand that you have to take risks sometimes on offense to succeed, I think somehow he got it into his head after such a long time away from the game that all you have to do is not turn the ball over to win, and that's just not the case.
Offiss, you crack me up man......hilarious.
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Old 09-20-2005, 03:05 PM   #10
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by Redskins_P
Offiss, you crack me up man......hilarious.

One mocks what one does not understand! :confused:
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Old 09-20-2005, 03:23 PM   #11
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by Redskins_P
Offiss, you crack me up man......hilarious.
I think offiss hit the nail on the head.
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Old 09-20-2005, 02:55 PM   #12
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by offiss
To bad for us, but I would be very happy for Ramsey if he ever gets an opportunity with a good team and scheme, he's going to make Gibbs look foolish, I missed the first half of the game and part of the third quarter, but from what I can see Brunell was horrible until the last 4 minutes, how often is Brunell going to be able to do what he did last night, if the cowboys don't just flat out self destruct in the last 4 minutes, I think everyone is calling for Brunells head.

I said it before and I will say it again, as much as I was against the Brunell trade, I don't lay most of our offensive problems at his feet, do I think he's washed up? Yes! But I also think he can be a good backup, and be much better than he has shown, the problem lies with Gibbs, his offense is just to simplistic and easy for defenses to diagnois, that's the problem, both QB's I believe have been scapegoated for Gibbs inability to design a good offensive scheme, but none more so than Ramsey.

We are now starting to hear from all the analists out there that our offense is a very vanilla scheme, we are very predictable every post game show I saw last night was saying the same thing, and they all Know we got lucky down the stretch, it was a tremendous win and a lot of fun to watch, but I would be very catious about believing we have turned the corner on offense because of basically 2 passes, maybe those passes will jar something in Gibbs head to make him understand that you have to take risks sometimes on offense to succeed, I think somehow he got it into his head after such a long time away from the game that all you have to do is not turn the ball over to win, and that's just not the case.
I agree. What's so frustrating is that we've been led to believe that the offensive scheme would be opened up and really changed this season. I saw little to no evidence of that last night, except for those 2 glorious TD passes and that was as much desperation as anything.

Gibbs has got to change his offensive scheme and do it NOW, while the season is still young and the Skins are still in it. We can't expect the "D" to hold everyone to less than 15 points. Why can't we score???????????????????
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Old 09-20-2005, 03:01 PM   #13
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Re: Curious

I was curious about WR T.Jacobs injury. He walked off, but I don't believe I saw him back in. Nor have I seen an injury report.

'37, '42, '83, '88, '92. Championship!
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Old 09-20-2005, 06:28 PM   #14
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by offiss
I said it before and I will say it again, as much as I was against the Brunell trade, I don't lay most of our offensive problems at his feet, do I think he's washed up? Yes! But I also think he can be a good backup.
Is he washed up? Or can he be a good back-up? Can you actually be both?
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Old 09-20-2005, 06:40 PM   #15
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Re: Curious

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
Is he washed up? Or can he be a good back-up? Can you actually be both?
of course you can. if we have a lead, Brunell could be a good back up, he's good at minimizing mistakes. and as he proved in the preseason and last night, he can really shine for LIMITED amounts of time. he is 35. it's *getting the lead* that's the problem.
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