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Baltimore riots

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Old 04-27-2015, 09:28 PM   #1
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Baltimore riots

Well that escalated quickly. Baltimore mayor looked completely incompetent during her press conference. It's a real shame to see the looters destroy that city.
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Old 04-27-2015, 09:31 PM   #2
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Re: Baltimore riots

I thought Saturday was done professionally. Was actually proud of the police. Not a norm for me. Today the city went the other way

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Old 04-27-2015, 09:36 PM   #3
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Re: Baltimore riots

Governor threw the mayor under the bus, "he had his team had been waiting for her call and when she finally made it"..... Wow, this had been going on since like 3? And she finally acted round 7? The pictures of folks pulling up to that mall and parking near the sidewalk running in and looting were just crazy...
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:07 PM   #4
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Re: Baltimore riots

Apparently, earlier today social media was trending with this meme indicating high school students should meet after school at 3:00. Additionally, police indicated that they had "credible reports" indicating Black Guerilla Family, Crips and Bloods were getting together to launch coordinated attack on the police.

The officers predeployed to the mall in riot gear and stopped bus transport to or from the hub. At that point, confrontation occurred in which 7 police were injured (no civilians).

Looting started shortly after and moved towards the center of the city. After that, it just seemed to spread across the west side. It just escalated really quickly and police have been one step behind all day.

Mayor basically said - "let the protestor's protest even if there is a little property damage." Later said her words misinterpreted and that "thugs" (her words not mine) took advantage of the leeway being given to create chaos.
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:12 PM   #5
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Re: Baltimore riots

Do the looters understand they are destroying their own community by looting businesses and burning down housing? Idiots

How many liquor stores has otm raided?
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Old 04-27-2015, 10:17 PM   #6
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Re: Baltimore riots

For years, Baltimore leadership has been striving to get businesses into "food deserts" in the city (areas where poverty high and only expensive convenience stores instead of large markets). First thing people did was loot a CVS that was the only large pharmacy/market in the area. Dumb.

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Old 04-28-2015, 10:28 AM   #7
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Re: Baltimore riots

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
For years, Baltimore leadership has been striving to get businesses into "food deserts" in the city (areas where poverty high and only expensive convenience stores instead of large markets). First thing people did was loot a CVS that was the only large pharmacy/market in the area. Dumb.

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this is very true. I dont know if this is like other cities but there are good size areas of baltimore where the only food source is a liquor or ez mart. i have a client that lives there and she has to take multiple buses to get to the grocery store.

i dont consider the druid hill area all that bad. i was just up there last week taking my family to the zoo. there are some beautiful old historic homes there. the lake is there. the zoo is there. you can head 15 blocks south and you are in downtown. 83 is blocks away. we talked about how that area in 15 years will be expensive and how we could buy a big big house there now.

the area has sooo much potential to be an amazing neighborhood.

im just happy things stayed relatively localized to that area. there were unsubstantiated reports of groups in patterson park or looting in fells but i dont think they were ever confirmed. i know "bartenders' on boston street got robbed. i used to know those guys well, i heard one got hit in the head with an object.

im just worried that opportunistic criminals may do random crimes throughout the city.

it was un-nerving having to check the BCPD twitter and local CBS to see if things were spreading.

Joe - what part are you in? i think im good. we are at broadway and lombard/pratt. the 7-11 on the corner is definitely going to get it at some point. its like a mini riot there on an normal day.
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:12 PM   #8
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Re: Baltimore riots

I've always been vocal about my hate of Baltimore. And while it's not my favorite place in the world, it has become as second home to me, due to how much time I spend there because of where I work.

Mondawmin mall, the mall where this all started, is 5 minutes away from my job. I pass it everyday. We take our clients there (some non-verbal) to walk around and integrate in the community. Scenes of the roads and neighborhoods are the same ones I drive to work on.

I've never felt such sorrow (I know it's kinda a dramatic word, but the only one I felt was fitting) for what's going on there. They burned down a building under construction that was going to be a senior living facility. FOR OLD PEOPLE. Come on man, those old folks didn't do shit to deserve that. The mayor is absolutely f'ing useless and I'm with other Baltimoreans who say she is the worst thing that could've happened to Baltimore.

This is f'ing killing me and my heart hurts for Baltimore right now. They shut down city schools tomorrow and they also shut down my work as we're only 10 minutes or less from the hub of where this is all taking place.

They had a chance to make this something bigger than Ferguson. They did. But not in the way that I had hoped.
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:21 PM   #9
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Re: Baltimore riots

If the city would hold cops accountable, none of this would be going on. The mayor will most definitely be losing her job come next election.
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Old 04-27-2015, 11:24 PM   #10
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Re: Baltimore riots

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
If the city would hold cops accountable, none of this would be going on. The mayor will most definitely be losing her job come next election.
She is a grade A imbecile. The police chief is also an idiot. I hope they both get tossed.
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Old 04-28-2015, 12:03 AM   #11
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Re: Baltimore riots

Neither will. Folks complain of being disenfranchised but then vote the same folks in and expect change.

Rawlings is mayor until she gets elected to congress.

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Old 04-28-2015, 12:04 AM   #12
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Re: Baltimore riots

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
Neither will. Folks complain of being disenfranchised but then vote the same folks in and expect change.

Rawlings is mayor until she gets elected to congress.

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Old 04-28-2015, 10:14 AM   #13
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Re: Baltimore riots

Fox news shouldn't even be allowed to call themselves a news agency. I put them up there with National Enquirer.
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Old 04-28-2015, 11:42 AM   #14
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Re: Baltimore riots

It's a shame that the people who are trying to impact change in a positive way, i.e. peaceful protesting, are being lumped in with the opportunists who see a man's death as an opportunity to grab a bunch of goods and destroy property for fun. The rioters and looters will always cancel out the statement the citizens are trying to make.

And in a few weeks/months or so when it dies down (or the next prejudiced killing occurs), everybody will be asking why their message never got across, and the cycle will repeat. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what it's like to be profiled, or that the system is set up to fail my people. But it's a damn shame that it looks like we haven't learned anything from the civil rights demonstrations of the 60's. History just feels doomed to repeat itself in these situations.

Edit: Hope those of you close to the action stay safe, even though I don't think any progress will be made because of these riots I still hope nobody comes out of this any worse for the wear.
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Old 04-28-2015, 11:48 AM   #15
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Re: Baltimore riots

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
It's a shame that the people who are trying to impact change in a positive way, i.e. peaceful protesting, are being lumped in with the opportunists who see a man's death as an opportunity to grab a bunch of goods and destroy property for fun. The rioters and looters will always cancel out the statement the citizens are trying to make.

And in a few weeks/months or so when it dies down (or the next prejudiced killing occurs), everybody will be asking why their message never got across, and the cycle will repeat. I'm not going to sit here and pretend I know what it's like to be profiled, or that the system is set up to fail my people. But it's a damn shame that it looks like we haven't learned anything from the civil rights demonstrations of the 60's. History just feels doomed to repeat itself in these situations.

Edit: Hope those of you close to the action stay safe, even though I don't think any progress will be made because of these riots I still hope nobody comes out of this any worse for the wear.

Most of these opportunistics aka criminals look like teenagers. I think that says alot. They could give a shit about Freddie Gray.
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