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'Occupy' types

Debating with the enemy

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Old 10-13-2011, 03:31 PM   #1
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'Occupy' types

I HEART this:

If there is any coherent message that can be gleaned from the Occupy Wall Street “movement”, it is that our system of public and higher education can now be declared a total and complete failure. The fact that there exists no accountability at any level of our Education-Industrial Complex is perfectly clear for all to see. It seems fair to say that responsibility for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the teacher’s unions and their members who have perpetuated an economic structure in education and a curricular agenda that has been allowed to defy gravity for 40 years.

I'm sure this won't sit well with some but I'd like to hear the counter position to Froggy's post.
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Old 10-13-2011, 03:58 PM   #2
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Re: 'Occupy' types

I like his write up however there are other issue's also. Accountability issue's run rampant. Parents don't want to take accountability to help their child with their homework. Teachers not taking accountability for the failure rates of their classes. and as the writer states or eludes to is districts are forcing the older more experienced teacher out the door cause they cost too much for salary and retirment when they can bring in cheap young just out of college non experienced teachers to do the same job, which is pushing the info the kids need to pass the SOL. Students don't pass the SOL the Gov does not give money to the school. Teachers are basically not allowed to elaborate on the material because it's all about kids passing their "Standards Of Learning" tests which lets the Gov. know if the kids are getting/understanding the material.

In VA they talk about "No Child Left Behind" but if the kid can't keep up then they find a disability for him and he gets a modified SOL test. Then there is the Latino population. I asked a Principal once if the Standards of Learning test was given to them in Spanish so they would understand the question and answers and I was told no thats against the rules. The test has to be given in English. So here are tons of students across VA who can't read or write English and are in special classes which gives them the info in both English and Spanish only to be forced to take a test in English which they can't understand. Which by the way counts against the school for their % of failures.
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Old 10-14-2011, 01:42 PM   #3
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
I like his write up however there are other issue's also. Accountability issue's run rampant. Parents don't want to take accountability to help their child with their homework. Teachers not taking accountability for the failure rates of their classes. and as the writer states or eludes to is districts are forcing the older more experienced teacher out the door cause they cost too much for salary and retirment when they can bring in cheap young just out of college non experienced teachers to do the same job, which is pushing the info the kids need to pass the SOL. Students don't pass the SOL the Gov does not give money to the school. Teachers are basically not allowed to elaborate on the material because it's all about kids passing their "Standards Of Learning" tests which lets the Gov. know if the kids are getting/understanding the material.

In VA they talk about "No Child Left Behind" but if the kid can't keep up then they find a disability for him and he gets a modified SOL test. Then there is the Latino population. I asked a Principal once if the Standards of Learning test was given to them in Spanish so they would understand the question and answers and I was told no thats against the rules. The test has to be given in English. So here are tons of students across VA who can't read or write English and are in special classes which gives them the info in both English and Spanish only to be forced to take a test in English which they can't understand. Which by the way counts against the school for their % of failures.
That's BS. They are not forcing out teachers they offer them early retirment packages which some CHOOSE to take or they keep teaching. It just sound worse when they use the word "forcing" to make a point.
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Old 10-14-2011, 11:19 PM   #4
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
I like his write up however there are other issue's also. Accountability issue's run rampant. Parents don't want to take accountability to help their child with their homework. Teachers not taking accountability for the failure rates of their classes. and as the writer states or eludes to is districts are forcing the older more experienced teacher out the door cause they cost too much for salary and retirment when they can bring in cheap young just out of college non experienced teachers to do the same job, which is pushing the info the kids need to pass the SOL. Students don't pass the SOL the Gov does not give money to the school. Teachers are basically not allowed to elaborate on the material because it's all about kids passing their "Standards Of Learning" tests which lets the Gov. know if the kids are getting/understanding the material.

In VA they talk about "No Child Left Behind" but if the kid can't keep up then they find a disability for him and he gets a modified SOL test. Then there is the Latino population. I asked a Principal once if the Standards of Learning test was given to them in Spanish so they would understand the question and answers and I was told no thats against the rules. The test has to be given in English. So here are tons of students across VA who can't read or write English and are in special classes which gives them the info in both English and Spanish only to be forced to take a test in English which they can't understand. Which by the way counts against the school for their % of failures.
In VA immigrant children are allowed one year to learn English so they may take the tests and be counted. If that seems a little impractical then the fact that a great majority of them don't read any where near their grade level when the arrive either should make the impractical seem asinine.

Teachers have one year to teach a kid English AND how to read. Brilliant!

Last edited by FRPLG; 10-14-2011 at 11:23 PM.
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Old 10-14-2011, 01:48 PM   #5
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by RedskinRat View Post
I HEART this:

If there is any coherent message that can be gleaned from the Occupy Wall Street “movement”, it is that our system of public and higher education can now be declared a total and complete failure. The fact that there exists no accountability at any level of our Education-Industrial Complex is perfectly clear for all to see. It seems fair to say that responsibility for this can be laid squarely at the feet of the teacher’s unions and their members who have perpetuated an economic structure in education and a curricular agenda that has been allowed to defy gravity for 40 years.

I'm sure this won't sit well with some but I'd like to hear the counter position to Froggy's post.
The unions are part of the blame but i think its more of a parent problem or the lack of parents involvement problem. I don't think anyone running for office will stand up and start telling parents they are a bunch of Fu%$ offs so they blame other things. I do believe that probaly 20% of the teaching force probably needs to be fired and replaced and thats were the union is the problem. Not sure how you fix the parent problem.
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Old 10-14-2011, 05:04 PM   #6
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
The unions are part of the blame but i think its more of a parent problem or the lack of parents involvement problem. I don't think anyone running for office will stand up and start telling parents they are a bunch of Fu%$ offs so they blame other things. I do believe that probaly 20% of the teaching force probably needs to be fired and replaced and thats were the union is the problem. Not sure how you fix the parent problem.
it's actually only the bottom 6% of teachers that need to be fired last time i did some research on this. 1 in 25000 teachers ever lose their license... its over 1000% more likely for a doctor to loose his license, and that just seems wrong.
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Old 10-14-2011, 02:45 PM   #7
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Re: 'Occupy' types

I wonder how bad those camps and people smell?
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Old 10-14-2011, 05:27 PM   #8
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Way to generalize FD. There are actually some Tea Partiers and Ron Paul supporters there.

They are anti-government in many ways too.
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Old 10-17-2011, 11:39 AM   #9
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by hooskins View Post
Way to generalize FD. There are actually some Tea Partiers and Ron Paul supporters there.

They are anti-government in many ways too.
I'm guessing your referring to my statement about how they must smell. I don't think I'm generalizing when they are camping in an area without any real bathrooms or showers. So if you cannot shower or wash at some point you start to stink. Also the local resturants have had to close their bathrooms because they kept trashing them.
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Old 10-14-2011, 11:22 PM   #10
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Teachers aren't the main problem with our system. Certainly there are bad teachers, there are bad workers in every job field, but the problem is so much deeper. We simply don't take education, as a populace, seriously enough. Our society doesn't hold anyone in the system accountable. Like everything else we let special interests and politics steer the decisions.
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Old 10-15-2011, 07:34 AM   #11
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I can't seem to find myself truly interested in this. Arab Spring felt real and compelling. Young people truly wanting/needing to make a change in how their countries, and the world, operate. This feels like "look at us! We're protesting too! We are soo cool and counterculture"
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Old 10-15-2011, 08:39 AM   #12
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I can't seem to find myself truly interested in this. Arab Spring felt real and compelling. Young people truly wanting/needing to make a change in how their countries, and the world, operate. This feels like "look at us! We're protesting too! We are soo cool and counterculture"
Exactly! I wish Rudy G. was mayor of NYC right now.
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Old 10-15-2011, 09:13 AM   #13
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Occupy Herbstreit!
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Old 10-15-2011, 10:05 AM   #14
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Re: 'Occupy' types

First, I whole heartedly agree with the lack of message with the Occupy movement. Needs to be stronger, with an emphasis of what is wrong (which are several obvious issues) and what needs to be changed. Its an obvious put off when some are interviewed and they do have an good answer or they say they're looking for a handout to pay for their college education.

Most interesting to me, once again, is the hypocrisy on the right. Its seems like an opportunity to get together and demand change in accountability practices within what is the institution, "wall street." Does the right remember who created the anti-wall street movement? Remember the tea party, the anti bailout movement which created it? Remember main street vs wall street Sarah Palin speeches (stolen from Paul)? I dont get it anymore...Cantor says "mob" but when tea party demonstrates, its democratic right? I just dont seems like a perfect opportunity to look at reason why our economy collasped, here is a big wasnt because the government was involved.
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Old 10-15-2011, 12:49 PM   #15
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
First, I whole heartedly agree with the lack of message with the Occupy movement. Needs to be stronger, with an emphasis of what is wrong (which are several obvious issues) and what needs to be changed. Its an obvious put off when some are interviewed and they do have an good answer or they say they're looking for a handout to pay for their college education.

Most interesting to me, once again, is the hypocrisy on the right. Its seems like an opportunity to get together and demand change in accountability practices within what is the institution, "wall street." Does the right remember who created the anti-wall street movement? Remember the tea party, the anti bailout movement which created it? Remember main street vs wall street Sarah Palin speeches (stolen from Paul)? I dont get it anymore...Cantor says "mob" but when tea party demonstrates, its democratic right? I just dont seems like a perfect opportunity to look at reason why our economy collasped, here is a big wasnt because the government was involved.

I think this is just the right's chance to poke at the left over their tea party bashing.
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