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I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

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Old 12-05-2007, 04:02 PM   #1
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I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Sorry to rain on everyone's playoff parade and positive feelings or whatever, but I'm just not into getting up for football since Sean Taylor's passing. So like it or not, you guys are the only ones I can talk to about this. Sorry, you're just stuck with me on this one.

I feel bad for our guys that have to go out there and muster up "emotion" and "energy" knowing that between every play and every time out, #21 will be occupying the dead and still moments on the grid iron.

Can you imagine living here in D.C. right now? I can't get on or off the train in the morning without seeing a black Sean Taylor cap on someone's head or a Sean Taylor memorial t-shirt. Everytime you flip the news on it's one of the first and last things you hear about. Just last night I was headed to a pub, that I never go to, and the lounge located right next it to (Ozzio's) had a very nice color image..almost like a portrait...of Sean Taylor at the entrance. It was blown up like an advertisement or something; it had some very nice words written at the bottom in Sean's honour. I just stood there and shed a tear right there on that cold, windy sidewalk.

All of the buses shuttling people to and from the stadium on Sunday had "ST21" or "Sean" where they usually display the bus route. Part of me wants to see the season end on an up note and another part, ,the larger part, wishes that we (I) could just grieve and think about football next year. I don't know...

I'm feeling better but damn..this still sucks, man!
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:04 PM   #2
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Yeah, I kinda don't really care about wins and losses anymore this year. Too much perspective. I just would like to see some solid play and improvement in key areas.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:16 PM   #3
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Yeah I hear ya 12thman, I don't care if they win or lose games because it is extremely tough to play a game after something like this. I just wish they had some time to themselves' and they could get away from football for a while.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:17 PM   #4
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

It sucks for sure but the team has to push forward. There already seems to be a better mood around Redskins Park from the interviews I've seen this week. Guys are smiling a bit more and the healing process has begun.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:30 PM   #5
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Sorry to rain on everyone's playoff parade and positive feelings or whatever, but I'm just not into getting up for football since Sean Taylor's passing. So like it or not, you guys are the only ones I can talk to about this. Sorry, you're just stuck with me on this one.

I feel bad for our guys that have to go out there and muster up "emotion" and "energy" knowing that between every play and every time out, #21 will be occupying the dead and still moments on the grid iron.

Can you imagine living here in D.C. right now? I can't get on or off the train in the morning without seeing a black Sean Taylor cap on someone's head or a Sean Taylor memorial t-shirt. Everytime you flip the news on it's one of the first and last things you hear about. Just last night I was headed to a pub, that I never go to, and the lounge located right next it to (Ozzio's) had a very nice color image..almost like a portrait...of Sean Taylor at the entrance. It was blown up like an advertisement or something; it had some very nice words written at the bottom in Sean's honour. I just stood there and shed a tear right there on that cold, windy sidewalk.

All of the buses shuttling people to and from the stadium on Sunday had "ST21" or "Sean" where they usually display the bus route. Part of me wants to see the season end on an up note and another part, ,the larger part, wishes that we (I) could just grieve and think about football next year. I don't know...

I'm feeling better but damn..this still sucks, man!
12th I could not agree with you more. I was listening to the radio guys bitching and moaning about Gibbs screw up the other day and I just didn't care. I just want the season to end and get away from it for a while as I'm sure the players do. The bottom line is we are not that good, and with ST passing away it just makes this season seem so meaningless now. I'm sure I'll get the feeling back once the draft comes around, and I'll still watch NFL Network everyday. But as far as our team goes I just want 07 to end.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:33 PM   #6
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

I kinda have that feeling of sadness too. Its kinda strange. I didn't know the guy but have found myself thinking about this tragedy alot lately. I was at the game last sunday but found that kind of strange too in the sense that i almost felt guilty for cheering for football.

It's funny how we all follow the careers of these guys and feel a certain connection to them. It reminds us that we need to be happy everyday and be thankful for our friends and family. I admire the way the ST played football and in some way i wish/strive to live my life that a way...100% every day.

I guess i went off on a tangent...but in that just doesn't mean as much for the rest of the year. I still want us to do well and am hoping for a minor miracle though mainly for ST though.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:42 PM   #7
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

12th, of all the threads you have started, this one is confusing. how do you react if a co worker dies suddenly? you grieve and then you carry on. what about a family member? you take some time off, then start over again, right back at it. this is all about the human spirit, and over coming obstacles. this is why we are unique, in the grand scheme of things. i would expect nothing less then maximum effort from the skins. i have some tragedy in my life, but i keep on keepin on. i wouldn't want anyone on the redskins, if they thought the same way as you. i would expect them to fight up until the very end. and im sure that is exactly what Sean Taylor would have wanted.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:48 PM   #8
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by dmek25 View Post
12th, of all the threads you have started, this one is confusing. how do you react if a co worker dies suddenly? you grieve and then you carry on. what about a family member? you take some time off, then start over again, right back at it. this is all about the human spirit, and over coming obstacles. this is why we are unique, in the grand scheme of things. i would expect nothing less then maximum effort from the skins. i have some tragedy in my life, but i keep on keepin on. i wouldn't want anyone on the redskins, if they thought the same way as you. i would expect them to fight up until the very end. and im sure that is exactly what Sean Taylor would have wanted.
True...but here's the rub. Everytime I come here, which I love to do, a piece of me thinks about Sean Taylor...and our Redskin brethren..and his family. This Sunday before I flip on any TV programming, a piece of me thinks about Taylor. And like someone else said, you almost feel guilty cheering for the team. You're right though, you have to move on. Maybe I needed someone to just say it to me. Maybe when I see them line up against the Bears I'll feel better about it all.

I must say, I was totally into watching the Ravens knock the snot out the Pats for four quarters. So my football mo'jo is still alive and kicking.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:49 PM   #9
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

I was at lunch with friend of mine last week. She's like my mom's age damn near so we usually get together once a week and talk about absolutely nothing; it's just routine mainly. So she goes into how this is so tragic and said something like, "yeah, appearently he was a jackass awhile ago". I had to bite my tongue. I was like, wha?

People kill with some of the shit they say sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could just say, grow the f up!
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:13 PM   #10
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
I was at lunch with friend of mine last week. She's like my mom's age damn near so we usually get together once a week and talk about absolutely nothing; it's just routine mainly.
Once a week? You should be banging her atleast 3 times a week!
Nothing wrong with getting a little experience...

<Sorry had to change the subject>
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:17 PM   #11
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by jamf View Post
Once a week? You should be banging her atleast 3 times a week!
Nothing wrong with getting a little experience...
hahaha...I'm feeling better all ready. Serisously, she's older.
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:19 PM   #12
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
hahaha...I'm feeling better all ready. Serisously, she's older.
How much older?

If she isn't going to break a hip if you bend her over a chair then what's the problem?
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:23 PM   #13
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by jamf View Post
How much older?

If she isn't going to break a hip if you bend her over a chair then what's the problem?

C'mon dude, you're wrecking my sad day with all this laughter. Good grief. (no pun intended)
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:02 PM   #14
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Actually, while it's kinda hard in some ways, rooting for the team is the thing that helps me move on. I'm not a touchy feely kinda guy, but when Taylor died it hit me hard, so I was kinda like WTF, why am I so upset?

But seeing the team play Buffalo was the thing that helped me see that life will still go on in Redskins land. Campbell will still make a lot of plays, they'll still sing Hail to the Redskins, and Gibbs will still make frustratingly conservative decisions. Life goes on and I think each game will help me move on a bit by bit.
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Old 12-05-2007, 05:07 PM   #15
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Re: I Kinda Wish The Season Was Over

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
Actually, while it's kinda hard in some ways, rooting for the team is the thing that helps me move on. I'm not a touchy feely kinda guy, but when Taylor died it hit me hard, so I was kinda like WTF, why am I so upset?

But seeing the team play Buffalo was the thing that helped me see that life will still go on in Redskins land. Campbell will still make a lot of plays, they'll still sing Hail to the Redskins, and Gibbs will still make frustratingly conservative decisions. Life goes on and I think each game will help me move on a bit by bit.
It ebbs and flows. I was outside the stadium getting pumped before the game, then I got somber when once inside. But perhaps little by little, game by game, I'll feel better.
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