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Putting Things In Perspective

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Old 10-14-2007, 10:42 PM   #1
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Putting Things In Perspective

I realize some of you guys are in your 20's. With that, I say, hang onto your 20's for as long as possible!

I finally heard back from an old friend I had met in community college years ago. This is a girl that I have honestly, always looked up to. I think of her as my sister. I kind of lost touch with her after she had gotten married a few years back. Actually, I think it's been at least three or four years since I had heard from her. Well, I heard from her tonight and she's doing great! It made me think back to the time when I first went to junior college (where I met alot of my friends that are my close friends today!) Those were such great times in my life! Things were care free for me...and life was so much easier! And....I was in my early 20's!

I realize today that life is waaaay too short! If you're in your 20's right now...hold on to them as long as possible! While your 30's won't seem much different from your 20's...believe me, they are! If it was possible to invent a time machine and to go back in time....I'd do it in a hearbeat! For me, right now, there were better times in the past! I don't believe that will always be true, but I do believe innocence eventually fades, and life expects us to live as adults. But....wouldn't it be nice to go back to a time where we didn't have to worry about adulthood?
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Old 10-16-2007, 02:23 PM   #2
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Nice thread.

I definitely agree that time flies by, and we often don't take time to stop and appreciate the moment. When I look back on my 20's in many ways it was some of the greatest times of my life. Being care free, not working, not many responsibilities, living for the next party... good times indeed especially in my early 20's.

That's not to say my 30's suck in comparison though. There's something to be said about having some $$, advancing through a career, owning a home, getting married, etc.

Times are probably just as fun for me now, just in a different way.

The things I do miss are the people. As you move through your life a lot of friends come and go. I think that makes you appreciate your true friends even more, the ones that you've known for years and years and are always there for you. And at the same time you miss those people that you lost touch with for whatever reason.
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Old 10-16-2007, 02:56 PM   #3
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Life's a bowl of punch... I'll go ahead and spike it.

Everyone will face trauma, at some point in time. You won't get through life without losing someone close, being incredibly hurt, or facing intense adversity. Some will face more than others. I read a book called "Affluenza", which studied how people rated their own happiness.

It was striking for me to learn that the people who most considered themselves as "happy" tended to not to be reflective on circumstance, but rather perspective. No matter how bad the Redskins are... as long as we appreciate the good that comes from our season... I'll be happy. :-)

(years I've followed the skins closely)

'96 = 9-7
'97 = 8-7-1
'98 = 6-10
'99 = 10-6 (yay playoffs)
'00 = 8-8
'01 = 8-8 (after the 0-5 start... good memory there)
'02 = 7-9
'03 = 5-11
'04 = 6-10
'05 = 10-6
'06 = 5-11

82 - 93 - 1

All in all, it's been a great ride so far. I'm 22 now, and I'm having a blast.
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:14 PM   #4
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I think this an awesome thread!

I am 34 and recently been married and have a child on the way. I think back to my twenties and the fun I had then but now I feel like my life is way more stable and I know where I am heading. Back then I was having fun but there was a ton of uncertain as to what is going to become of my life.

I agree you should enjoy your twenties but there is still a ton of life to be lived after 29. To be honest if gods plan for me was to only come to the earth to party, it would get old fast.

I have a buddy same age still lives like we are twenty something (no money, smokes pot, lives at home, drinks all the time, shitty job, etc…), he is a big time loser. Only person at my wedding who didn’t have a suit on, literally cried to my wife that he could not afford us a wedding gift cause he was broke ( BTW he had just got done telling me he bought a 360). He is just immature and needs to grow up.

There is a time and a place for everything in life. You can still party when you are thirty but just not every night, it is simply time to grow up to the next stage. If you are thirty something and living your life like my buddy then in my opinion it is just like you are back in High School but you still play with GI Joes and Transformers.

If you are in High School stop playing with the GI Joes and Transformers and if you are thirty something start manning up to life’s responsibilities!
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:19 PM   #5
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Oh here is one other thing someone told me year’s back that has stuck with me:

“A boy does what he wants; a man full fills his responsibilities.”
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:26 PM   #6
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Yeah there comes a time when the constant partying gets old. For some of us it just takes a little longer to figure that out. :cheeky-sm

I loved my 20's, but I honestly wouldn't want to go back to that lifestyle now.
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:33 PM   #7
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I'm of a similar mindset, but with a slightly different slant. On one hand, it's important to seize the day and enjoy living in the moment. But on the other hand, to think that your best days are EVER behind you would be a very depressing situation.

Enjoy your youth, because once you get married and have kids, you can't go back to being that carefree. But at the same time, look forward to the rewards of greater responsibilities.

Life changes, and it's great to look back on the good times, but don't look back at the expense of looking forward, because great times can still be ahead of you, even if you're 80, as long as you seize the day and make each moment exactly what you want it to be.
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:45 PM   #8
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by Schneed10 View Post
I'm of a similar mindset, but with a slightly different slant. On one hand, it's important to seize the day and enjoy living in the moment. But on the other hand, to think that your best days are EVER behind you would be a very depressing situation.

Enjoy your youth, because once you get married and have kids, you can't go back to being that carefree. But at the same time, look forward to the rewards of greater responsibilities.

Life changes, and it's great to look back on the good times, but don't look back at the expense of looking forward, because great times can still be ahead of you, even if you're 80, as long as you seize the day and make each moment exactly what you want it to be.

Nicely put!

Though my 80 something year old grandmother keeps telling there isn't much left at her age. She really only looks forward to food at this point.
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:58 PM   #9
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
Nicely put!

Though my 80 something year old grandmother keeps telling there isn't much left at her age. She really only looks forward to food at this point.
When you start getting limited physically, I can see how that'd be tough. When I'm retired, I hope to have the cash to go on a good trip every six months or so.

Once I get to be physically limited, I'll be looking forward to spoiling the grandkids and great grandkids.
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:37 PM   #10
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I'd hammer him on that BS, but, what the hell?? I'm only a 5
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Old 10-16-2007, 03:51 PM   #11
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I'm 34 and have had 2 kids in the last 2 years (1yr9mo's & 4mo's) and oh how life has changed. I knew it would. Don't get me wrong I love those 2 kids more than anything, but it is a new way of life. I look forward to the future and am very happy but occasionally miss the freedom I had in my 20's. No matter what the age count your blessings and enjoy life.
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:21 PM   #12
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

This is a great thread!

I am 37 and I while I loved my 20's I don't think I would want to go back and do it over again.

I am one of the few that got married at an earlier age (21) and my wonderful wife and I just celebrated 16 years of marriage last week. I wouldn't give that up for anything and we are fortunate to each find our best friends with "favors" at such an early age and live through the trials and tribulations of a 20 something year old together. I still party, but just not every night or hell, even two nights in a row! It's like a football game, you have to "pick your spots" and take what life gives you. I am pretty sure that my older years will be packed with travel and all the other fun stuff seniors do, so I have that to look forward to!
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:31 PM   #13
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

I am 27. I try to enjoy it. Im not trying to be funny, or demeaning, but every year goes by faster and faster. I have a lot of fun. I play poker, go out drinking, and get to the stadium 2-3 times a year. I sleep with as many women as i can get my grungy hands on. Im trying to live it up. but i think i live my professional life like a 20 something, and i cant really see that changing. I like to have fun in everything i do.

I want to be that old man that still makes crude comments about women that make everyone uncomfortable. I also want a rocking chair, and i already love to read, so maybe that's where i'll end up.

Either way, The Redskins and all of you on here that keep posting and reading will be a part of my life for as far forward as i can see.

Good topic.
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:55 PM   #14
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

This IS a great thread! Not what I expected when I opened it. My situation is different than a lot of you I think. I'm 35 and have been a musician and in bands since I was 15 with varied success...almost got a record deal in 98' but didn't...that band broke up and I got married soon after, cut my hair and was an insurance agent for 6 years, but the marriage only lasted 3...I hated that but we just didn't work at that time...too many changes at once. Anyway, back in 05' gave up the great money job, sold the house, and moved here to Nashville with one of my best friends who's been here 7 years and has done well, and so that I could get back into music. It's been fun, in a lot of ways I feel like I'm 25 again they way we go out drinking and trying to meet girls and all....but after 2 and half years of it, it's getting to me....I'm not broke but I don't have the money I used to, and the whole music scene here is crazy. I wish I would've came here in my 20's to do times I feel like I'm too old, even though everyone tells me I look a lot younger...that only goes so far!

So the moral to my story is....don't settle for anything while you're young....take your shots and chances at what you want....if that doesn't work, you'll have a lifetime to settle down!
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Old 10-16-2007, 04:55 PM   #15
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Re: Putting Things In Perspective

Does anyone else ever feel a hell of a lot older than they are? I swear I'm 27 but I feel 45 half of the time, lol. I guess it's always having had a huge sense of responsibility that does that to you... I never felt like I could do the whole "carefree early 20's" thing because every time I got close to that I had that voice in my head telling me to get my head on straight and take care of whatever issue was at hand... I never really understood how people could be "carefree." Not that I am badmouthing it, I just never experienced it...
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