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Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

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Old 10-12-2007, 09:18 AM   #1
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Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'm sure everyone's heard by now. I think this is pretty impressive. My question is, if he did decide to run do you think that he would be able to win over enough republicans to win an election? I am a registered republican (put down the eggs, dmek) but I think I would have to seriously consider voting for him pending some research.

*let's keep this civil. no need for namecalling or hyperbole. There's plenty of that on TV.
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Old 10-12-2007, 09:53 AM   #2
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

It has no real meaning since "Master Terrorist" Yasser Arafat recieved the award.

At a ceremony in Oslo, Norway on December 10, 1994 Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize was awarded jointly to Arafat, Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." The three were granted the prestigious prize, prematurely as it turned out, for their roles in the historic Oslo Accords signed the previous year and their committment to the Peace Process envisioned by the Accords. After generations of warfare and terrorism, it seemed peace was at hand.

There has been much negative press suggesting Gore's lifestyle does not support his.......Green acclaims. Gigantic inefficient house's, private jets, HUGE carbon footprints trampling all he claims to be protecting, etc.

BTW, if you are considering Gore as your guy, the National Repulican commitee has asked me to notify you, that your Republican license to practice in this hemishere has been revoked.....forever.
Congrats, you are now a Dem
Goodbye Sean..........Vaya Con Dios
thankyou Joe.......
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:05 PM   #3
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
It has no real meaning since "Master Terrorist" Yasser Arafat recieved the award.
Because Arafat won it it's worthless? What about the worthy people who have won it? You're completely dissing their accomplishments as worthy of a worthless prize.

As for Arafat may I remind you he won the prize WITH Yitzhak Rabin FOR trying to bring an end the middle east conflict. A desired and admirable goal.
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Old 10-12-2007, 01:37 PM   #4
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Because Arafat won it it's worthless? What about the worthy people who have won it? You're completely dissing their accomplishments as worthy of a worthless prize.

As for Arafat may I remind you he won the prize WITH Yitzhak Rabin FOR trying to bring an end the middle east conflict. A desired and admirable goal.
I am saying this.......award has become less than it once was because of political motivations. Some of the nominating commitee would substantiate that point as they resigned in protest at the time rather than allow Arafat to recieve the award on their watch.
Do you not believe this seriously cheapens the award? Do you not think it....comical, that arguably the worlds most successful terrorist recieves the (until then) worlds greatest Peace award? It's absurd
It is similar to our own, Hollywood walk of fame that was once the memorial to greatness in the movie making. As I understand it, that has pretty much degenerated to a pay/per kind of deal with the American idol types and other wannebe trash recieving that..........distinction as well.
Like Brittany Spears!
Goodbye Sean..........Vaya Con Dios
thankyou Joe.......
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Old 10-12-2007, 02:24 PM   #5
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
I am saying this.......award has become less than it once was because of political motivations. Some of the nominating commitee would substantiate that point as they resigned in protest at the time rather than allow Arafat to recieve the award on their watch.
Do you not believe this seriously cheapens the award? Do you not think it....comical, that arguably the worlds most successful terrorist recieves the (until then) worlds greatest Peace award? It's absurd
It is similar to our own, Hollywood walk of fame that was once the memorial to greatness in the movie making. As I understand it, that has pretty much degenerated to a pay/per kind of deal with the American idol types and other wannebe trash recieving that..........distinction as well.
Like Brittany Spears!
I agree, the award has definitely been more politicized over the years but the overall goal of the peace prize is still noble. Still, I'm not entirely sure what you're advocating here? We get rid of the Nobel Peace Prize or that it's fixed and therefore not creditable? Perhaps you're expecting what you deem as perfect selections to be nominated and win.

And no, I don't think Arafat winning cheapens the award for the simple fact that enough people thought he and Yitzhak Rabin aught to win.

You know, 50% of the population thinks Bush was given the presidency by the Supreme Court but that doesn't cheapen the U.S. presidency nor does it taint the election of former presidents.
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Old 10-12-2007, 02:48 PM   #6
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I agree, the award has definitely been more politicized over the years but the overall goal of the peace prize is still noble. Still, I'm not entirely sure what you're advocating here? We get rid of the Nobel Peace Prize or that it's fixed and therefore not creditable? Perhaps you're expecting what you deem as perfect selections to be nominated and win.

And no, I don't think Arafat winning cheapens the award for the simple fact that enough people thought he and Yitzhak Rabin aught to win.

You know, 50% of the population thinks Bush was given the presidency by the Supreme Court but that doesn't cheapen the U.S. presidency nor does it taint the election of former presidents.
Excuse me for a partial address, but I definately think the Presidency is signifigantly cheapened (not by Bush necessarily, but he is not doing enough to help it either), not so much by actions, but more for inactions. We seem to recieve all lip, and no service on so many fronts, I cannot address them all here (and it seriously pisses me off).
By appearances, our elected officials seem to be concerned with everything but the problems of the people that elected them. That is probably not universally true, but I think the end reult of their collective efforts is.
Goodbye Sean..........Vaya Con Dios
thankyou Joe.......
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Old 10-12-2007, 03:20 PM   #7
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
I am saying this.......award has become less than it once was because of political motivations. Some of the nominating commitee would substantiate that point as they resigned in protest at the time rather than allow Arafat to recieve the award on their watch.
Do you not believe this seriously cheapens the award? Do you not think it....comical, that arguably the worlds most successful terrorist recieves the (until then) worlds greatest Peace award? It's absurd
It is similar to our own, Hollywood walk of fame that was once the memorial to greatness in the movie making. As I understand it, that has pretty much degenerated to a pay/per kind of deal with the American idol types and other wannebe trash recieving that..........distinction as well.
Like Brittany Spears!
Very good post. An accurate assessment of the prize.
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Old 10-14-2007, 11:40 AM   #8
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Because Arafat won it it's worthless? What about the worthy people who have won it? You're completely dissing their accomplishments as worthy of a worthless prize.

As for Arafat may I remind you he won the prize WITH Yitzhak Rabin FOR trying to bring an end the middle east conflict. A desired and admirable goal.
Arafats' deeds were alot louder than his words. Some people talk about doing, while others actually do. Arafat was one who would say to the world "I want peace with the Jews" and while addresses his own people say, "death to the Jews". What a peice of human feces he was. A good terriorist is a dead one.
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Old 10-14-2007, 06:39 PM   #9
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by 4mrusmc View Post
Arafats' deeds were alot louder than his words. Some people talk about doing, while others actually do. Arafat was one who would say to the world "I want peace with the Jews" and while addresses his own people say, "death to the Jews". What a peice of human feces he was.
I'm not defending Arafat but despite all the rhetoric you hear he did take a crack at peace. In any case, I don't understand why Arafat gets all blamed for the failure of peace. There were two parties there and no one wanted to compromise.
Originally Posted by 4mrusmc View Post
A good terriorist is a dead one.
Nice, they feel the same about Americans. As the president has said "bring them on."
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:20 PM   #10
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
It has no real meaning since "Master Terrorist" Yasser Arafat recieved the award.

At a ceremony in Oslo, Norway on December 10, 1994 Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize was awarded jointly to Arafat, Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." The three were granted the prestigious prize, prematurely as it turned out, for their roles in the historic Oslo Accords signed the previous year and their committment to the Peace Process envisioned by the Accords. After generations of warfare and terrorism, it seemed peace was at hand.

There has been much negative press suggesting Gore's lifestyle does not support his.......Green acclaims. Gigantic inefficient house's, private jets, HUGE carbon footprints trampling all he claims to be protecting, etc.

BTW, if you are considering Gore as your guy, the National Repulican commitee has asked me to notify you, that your Republican license to practice in this hemishere has been revoked.....forever.
Congrats, you are now a Dem
Beat me to it. Gore joins the ranks of terrorists like Arafat, screwups like Jimmy Carter and nobodies who have won this award. Congrats, Mr. Gore. This "award" is meaningless...such noble men as Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini have had nominations approved by the committee and could've won. This, much like the U.N. is a group of elitists with a political agenda, they're not interested in peace or even making a positive contribution to the world.

Hilarious, Gore wins this prize the week after England courts mandated that any school showing his film (the reason the Nobellies are kissing him) must inform the students of 11 major lies in the movie before letting them view it.

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Old 10-13-2007, 03:47 AM   #11
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Hog1 View Post
It has no real meaning since "Master Terrorist" Yasser Arafat recieved the award.

At a ceremony in Oslo, Norway on December 10, 1994 Yasser Arafat, master terrorist, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize was awarded jointly to Arafat, Israel's Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Foreign Minister Shimon Peres "for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East." The three were granted the prestigious prize, prematurely as it turned out, for their roles in the historic Oslo Accords signed the previous year and their committment to the Peace Process envisioned by the Accords. After generations of warfare and terrorism, it seemed peace was at hand.

There has been much negative press suggesting Gore's lifestyle does not support his.......Green acclaims. Gigantic inefficient house's, private jets, HUGE carbon footprints trampling all he claims to be protecting, etc.

BTW, if you are considering Gore as your guy, the National Repulican commitee has asked me to notify you, that your Republican license to practice in this hemishere has been revoked.....forever.
Congrats, you are now a Dem
I do not care who wins the nobel peace prize, mainly because of Arafat winning it years ago...but it seems to be more a joke than anything.

I have read about that lifestyle that Gore leads as well, and considering the massive amount of "truth stretching" he did in his first campaign (or flat out dumb comments like "I invented the internet") it leads me to believe that he is full of shit. He craves attention. (just look at the manbearpig, jk) He'd be an absolutely horrible choice, and there are plenty of Dems I'd vote for over him...then again, if I EVER vote for a dem, just shoot me on the spot!
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Old 10-12-2007, 10:17 AM   #12
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Re: Nobel Prize is meaningless. I disagree. This is one of the most prestigous awards in the entire world. To simply disregard it because someone disagreeable once won is a little bit of an overreaction, imho.

Re: Gore's green lifestyle. Not the first time I heard this arguement. I can't say what the guy does or does not do in his private life. I have heard him say that he is in the process of getting his properties equipped with the "greenest" gear possible but that it takes time. Truly, I don't care if he doesn't live the ideal environmentalist lifestyle, as long as he has continues to bring attention to important issues and focus on fixing said issues.

Re: Considering Gore making me a democrat. I am registered as a Republican because I share some very important ideals with the party. I am for less government as opposed to more. I have some personal conservative values. But I am tired of divisive government. I want a candidate that everyone can at least follow if not completely believe in. I am not saying Gore is that person, I'm saying it's blatantly irresponsible to refuse to consider someone based on their affiliation. Simply registering as a republican does not require me to "put the blinders on" and vote the party way all of the time. Doing just that on both sides is what has screwed this country up as bad as it is right now.

I am so tired of extremism. You can't just be a moderate, open minded person. If you're a republican, you've got to be ultra-conservative right wing. If you're democrat, you have to ultra-liberal left wing. It seems like this country is being ruled by the margins and the vast majority of us in the middle are left out of the loop. It's a shitty situation we find ourselves in and without ranting too much more, I guess the point of this thread is this: Do you think that Al Gore is someone that a majority of Americans can get behind and if not, who do you think is?
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:26 PM   #13
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by BleedBurgundy View Post
Re: Nobel Prize is meaningless. I disagree. This is one of the most prestigous awards in the entire world. To simply disregard it because someone disagreeable once won is a little bit of an overreaction, imho.
Once? Ha...

This is another award like am Oscar or a good review from the New York Times. Often, the majority of people disagree with the group's decision. When people giving the award have an agenda, they ignore things like for example, actual movie revenues, book sales and in the case of the Nobel, facts.

Gore doesn't do his own research, which is obvious when he's in a debate on the subject against REAL scientists. He is simply traveling around and reading a bunch of lines handed to him so he can make a ton of cash in speaking fees. If he was really concerned about the Earth, he'd practice what he preaches. He burns more energy in his private jets and huge homes that he never visits in one week than all of us combined do in a year, let WE are supposed to give up our cars and buy $10 lightbulbs that will poison the Earth when we have to throw them out (high mercury content).
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Old 10-12-2007, 12:34 PM   #14
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Once? Ha...

This is another award like am Oscar or a good review from the New York Times. Often, the majority of people disagree with the group's decision. When people giving the award have an agenda, they ignore things like for example, actual movie revenues, book sales and in the case of the Nobel, facts.

Gore doesn't do his own research, which is obvious when he's in a debate on the subject against REAL scientists. He is simply traveling around and reading a bunch of lines handed to him so he can make a ton of cash in speaking fees. If he was really concerned about the Earth, he'd practice what he preaches. He burns more energy in his private jets and huge homes that he never visits in one week than all of us combined do in a year, let WE are supposed to give up our cars and buy $10 lightbulbs that will poison the Earth when we have to throw them out (high mercury content).
I still think a worldwide recognition of those making positive contributions in keys areas is worthy of respect. The fact that there have been less than admirable selections at times is inconsequential. The fact that there have been despicable nominees in not surprising as anyone can be nominated provided they have the right backing. That speaks to nothing regarding the quality of the award.

Regarding Gore doing scientific research... that's not his job nor is it a reasonable expectation of him or any other politician. His role is to bring attention, key discussion and make associated policy. I don't care if he can't brake down the molecular construction of ozone, as long as he can implement effective policy that limits the destruction of said layer.
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Old 10-12-2007, 01:20 PM   #15
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Re: Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Originally Posted by BleedBurgundy View Post
I still think a worldwide recognition of those making positive contributions in keys areas is worthy of respect. The fact that there have been less than admirable selections at times is inconsequential. The fact that there have been despicable nominees in not surprising as anyone can be nominated provided they have the right backing. That speaks to nothing regarding the quality of the award.

Regarding Gore doing scientific research... that's not his job nor is it a reasonable expectation of him or any other politician. His role is to bring attention, key discussion and make associated policy. I don't care if he can't brake down the molecular construction of ozone, as long as he can implement effective policy that limits the destruction of said layer.
Its his job to make sure that the facts that he presents are correct. If he is pushing for the US and World to change things then I would hope that he has had people check his facts to make sure that they are correct. Thats what makes his film and what he says so funny is that people just say its so serious that they do not even care if it is bassed of sound science.
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