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Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

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Old 01-19-2007, 12:03 AM   #1
Uncle Phil
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Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

This news sort of went under the radar today but it's a pretty big statement to say concussions on the football field ultimately led to Waters' death. This theory could really impact how teams treat players who suffer concussions on gameday. - NFL News

"Brain damage caused on the football field ultimately led to the suicide of former NFL defensive back Andre Waters, according to a forensic pathologist who studied Waters' brain tissue"
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:16 AM   #2
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

I saw a piece they had on ESPN tonight about that. Pretty sad story about Waters. Makes sense that too many shots to the head could mess you up.
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Old 01-19-2007, 01:20 AM   #3
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

im not suprised that concussions ultimately lead to his death, im suprised by the analogy they gave. they said his brain was like an 85 year old man's who had early sympoms of alzheimer's...thats crazy
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Old 01-19-2007, 08:06 AM   #4
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by Big C View Post
im not suprised that concussions ultimately lead to his death, im suprised by the analogy they gave. they said his brain was like an 85 year old man's who had early sympoms of alzheimer's...thats crazy
it happens to boxers all the time though.
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:48 AM   #5
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by That Guy View Post
it happens to boxers all the time though.
I think the biggest example of that would be Evander Holyfield and Riddick Bowe those two poor meatballs are really showing the effects.
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Old 01-19-2007, 08:16 AM   #6
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Yeah, I was astonished by the news. That's a lot of damage to the noggin'. You have to start wondering if guys like Aikman, Lindros, Chrebet will have problems later in life attributed to concussion related injuries.
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Old 01-19-2007, 01:51 PM   #7
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by BDBohnzie View Post
Yeah, I was astonished by the news. That's a lot of damage to the noggin'. You have to start wondering if guys like Aikman, Lindros, Chrebet will have problems later in life attributed to concussion related injuries.

You could probably include Steve Young in that group as well. He sustained more concussions than any player in modern day football, and continued to play despite doctors advice to the contrary. I hope he dosen't fall victum to some simular situation in the future.
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Old 01-19-2007, 08:39 AM   #8
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

John Thompson and Doc Walker were talking about that last night on Sports Talk 980. Walker said that back in the day, players would get concussions and then continue to play, or they'd return earlier than they were supposed to. Because apparently back then, if you didn't play, then your spot was just given to somebody else, so people would play hurt and with concussions because they didn't want to lose their jobs; that doesn't really happen as much these days. I think it's pretty ridiculous how tough some of those guys were, I can't imagaine playing with a concussion, but at the same time, it is pretty stupid to play like that.
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Old 01-19-2007, 10:16 AM   #9
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

I think todays NFL pays allot more attention to head injuries than they did in the past and with findings like these it gives them even more reasons to protect the players. I do give the NFL and teams credit for how they treat these concusions now verse back in the days when they did not know how they could effect a player. VT players played a few games in the past with these sensors in their helments to see how big of an impact that they really where taking. The findings (if I'm correct) showed that there was less impact than at first thought and they gave the credit to new tech. in equipment. Maybe others remember moere about the test they ran.
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Old 01-19-2007, 11:15 AM   #10
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Really, I didn't believe it. Later, we saw Mohammed Ali on TV and my wife commented on why she wonders why boxers would want to do that to themselves. I said, it doesn't happen to all of them, look at George Foreman...he's fine and he fought Ali a few times.

It's not a widespread problem with older football players. I think Waters' problems were more genetic and by chance than as a result of football. He's always had psychological issues and has been a I don't think you can blame the sport.

Now with Aikman...yeah, he'll be messed up, but that's because he played longer than he should've with his injuries.

Did he lead with his head a lot on hits, moreso than other players?
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Old 01-19-2007, 12:34 PM   #11
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Really, I didn't believe it. Later, we saw Mohammed Ali on TV and my wife commented on why she wonders why boxers would want to do that to themselves. I said, it doesn't happen to all of them, look at George Foreman...he's fine and he fought Ali a few times.

It's not a widespread problem with older football players. I think Waters' problems were more genetic and by chance than as a result of football. He's always had psychological issues and has been a I don't think you can blame the sport.

Now with Aikman...yeah, he'll be messed up, but that's because he played longer than he should've with his injuries.

Did he lead with his head a lot on hits, moreso than other players?
Maybe it's like smoking...some people can smoke two packs a day and live to 110...others get lung cancer at 40 from that one second hand drag they got at a party when they were 19.
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Old 01-19-2007, 01:34 PM   #12
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Really, I didn't believe it. Later, we saw Mohammed Ali on TV and my wife commented on why she wonders why boxers would want to do that to themselves. I said, it doesn't happen to all of them, look at George Foreman...he's fine and he fought Ali a few times.

It's not a widespread problem with older football players. I think Waters' problems were more genetic and by chance than as a result of football. He's always had psychological issues and has been a I don't think you can blame the sport.

Now with Aikman...yeah, he'll be messed up, but that's because he played longer than he should've with his injuries.

Did he lead with his head a lot on hits, moreso than other players?
There will always be exceptions. But just because Foreman isn't a walking crash test dummie doesn't mean that all those blows to the head haven't taken their toll to some degree. Do you have any medical background to back up your claims on the study of Waters brain?
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Old 01-19-2007, 11:05 PM   #13
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Really, I didn't believe it. Later, we saw Mohammed Ali on TV and my wife commented on why she wonders why boxers would want to do that to themselves. I said, it doesn't happen to all of them, look at George Foreman...he's fine and he fought Ali a few times.

It's not a widespread problem with older football players. I think Waters' problems were more genetic and by chance than as a result of football. He's always had psychological issues and has been a I don't think you can blame the sport.

Now with Aikman...yeah, he'll be messed up, but that's because he played longer than he should've with his injuries.

Did he lead with his head a lot on hits, moreso than other players?
I think that the shots that Waters took in football was definitely a contributor to his death

Foreman did not get hit as much as Ali and often times it just takes the RIGHT shot not the quantities of shots to the brain.
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Old 01-22-2007, 03:32 PM   #14
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

This pathologist made an incredible lep of science.

He did not just say the injuries led to his death, he said:
"Brain damage caused on the football field ultimately led to the suicide of former NFL defensive back Andre Waters"
Since suicide is usually caused by a huge number of factors, nearly all pyschological. In fact I don't know of any neurological conditions that cause suicide".

You can be depressed over an illness, but it is the depression that causes the suicide, not the illness.

This guy sounds like he 'jumped the shark' on his conclusion.
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Old 01-22-2007, 04:03 PM   #15
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Re: Did Football Kill Former Eagles DB Andre Waters?

Originally Posted by jgalecpa View Post
This pathologist made an incredible lep of science.

He did not just say the injuries led to his death, he said:
"Brain damage caused on the football field ultimately led to the suicide of former NFL defensive back Andre Waters"
Since suicide is usually caused by a huge number of factors, nearly all pyschological. In fact I don't know of any neurological conditions that cause suicide".

You can be depressed over an illness, but it is the depression that causes the suicide, not the illness.

This guy sounds like he 'jumped the shark' on his conclusion.
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