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Thread Hell The Hall of Shame of duplicate, inappropriate, hijacked, or otherwise worthless threads that aren't deserving of being mixed in with the rest of the civilized forums.

How can you criticize Coach Gibbs? Shame on you people! How bout those three rings?

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Old 10-23-2006, 10:56 PM   #1
838891Glory Years
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How can you criticize Coach Gibbs? Shame on you people! How bout those three rings?

I can't believe some of the things I have been reading on these posts about Joe Gibbs. Every great coach in the salary cap era has had their down years, look at Shannahan, Parcells, and Holmgren just to name a few. How many coaches in NFL history can you name that have won three Super Bowls? Not many are there? So respect a legend of the game and a tremendous man to boot. If you people would have a little patience maybe he and his coaching staff can turn things around. Believe me, Joe Gibbs beats the heck out of Spurrier, Turner, Shottenheimer, and all the other losers that have tried to coach this team in the post Gibbs Part I era. He may be a little stubborn at times but he's one heck of a coach, there's only one other active coach with as many Super Bowl rings. Shame on you for trying to throw him under the bus seven games into the season, shame on you!!! Go Skins!!
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Old 10-23-2006, 11:01 PM   #2
Uncle Phil
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Re: How can you criticize Coach Gibbs? Shame on you people! How bout those three ring

Welcome to the board. Look I think even Gibbs would tell you he can't be immune to criticism. I mean, it's like I said before he's, in many ways, a victim of his own success. Without it we would have no idea of how good he and this team are and can be. Only the truly ignorant don't appreciate his three rings. And I would venture to guess that most here call for his removal purely out of frustration.

On that note, however, I'm going to lock this thread because I see it going nowhere fast.
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