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CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

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Old 03-07-2006, 03:29 AM   #1
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CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

It's a shame Rams fans have to see Bruce wear another jersey.

I still hurt when i think about monk in an eagles uni.
the same goes for Seau, Rice, Emmit,Ty Law, and a few other players that Played for alot of years with one team and get cut for finacial reasons.

Isn't it in the best interest of the organization, the Player and the fans to keep the guys around with the team they are recognized with?
why isnt there a salary cap exeption for players with lets say 7 years with one team. doesnt have to be a total exemption, but you could have like a 30% percent pay increase limit or something like that.

all of these backloaded contracts make it impossible for a player to finish out his contract.

Is there anything you would like to see added to the CBA?
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Old 03-07-2006, 04:56 AM   #2
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

this a good idea.they have it the nba and is known as the larry bird get a special salary excemption for one player and there is some other variables involved like you have to have so many years of service and it only counts x amount against the cap.that way people like darrell green are alot more common
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Old 03-07-2006, 09:51 AM   #3
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

That is a good Idea and it would work if you limit it to 1 or 2 players per team
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Old 03-07-2006, 10:46 AM   #4
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

I've always thought that was a good idea. We've kicked it around on this board a few times before. It's just wrong to see Jerry Rice play for the Niners for so many years then bounce around until he finally gets cut in training camp. I agree with everyone you had on your list.

Even baseball has a 5 and 10 rule where if you've been on a team for 5 years and have been in the league for 10 years you can veto any trade. A lot of sports have adopted ways for players to make decisions about where they will play. I remember when Fred McGriff was vetoing a trade to a contender (the Cubs) because he wanted to be near his family and stay in Tampa.

I think that the NFL should strongly consider adopting an exemption for veteran players. It would be the right thing to do.
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Old 03-07-2006, 10:54 AM   #5
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

Yeah I wonder why this hasn't become an issue? It seems to work in the NBA rather well. I guess because there are way more players and providing relief for one player isn't much of dent in the bucket? Who knows. Seems like something they should be thinking about though.
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Old 03-07-2006, 10:57 AM   #6
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

The issue that I have with the NBA's "veteran exemption" is that it can be used on any player who reaches the "veteran" requirements. I'm not sure what those are, for the record, but I know that when the Lakers brought in Gary Payton and Karl Malone, Karl Malone signed for the $5 Million Veteran Exemption. I don't think, if the NFL were to adopt an exemption, the should adopt these rules.

I don't think that any veteran player should be allowed to be added and have some of their salary be exempt. They should definitely have to have some tenure on the team that is applying the exemption.
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Old 03-07-2006, 11:01 AM   #7
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

whats the point of the cap then? either keep it or ditch it.
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Old 03-07-2006, 11:03 AM   #8
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

I think that the cap could still exist if the exemption were limited and each team only had one. All it would allow a team to do is apply to a player who has tenure on their team and not have him kill their cap. It would allow the Jerry Rices and Emmitt Smiths of the world to finish their careers on the teams that they belong.
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Old 03-07-2006, 11:21 AM   #9
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Re: CBA: What if there was a veteran exemption?

Originally Posted by jdlea
I think that the cap could still exist if the exemption were limited and each team only had one. All it would allow a team to do is apply to a player who has tenure on their team and not have him kill their cap. It would allow the Jerry Rices and Emmitt Smiths of the world to finish their careers on the teams that they belong.
it'd be unfair cause some teams would be stuck with crap while others could write off peyton's 20$mill a year contract.

QBs tend to stay with their clubs regardless of costs, an exemption would just give the teams with the best 5-10 qbs an even bigger advantage than they already have.
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