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Old 01-10-2005, 10:07 AM   #1
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College stories

Daseal's thread gave me an idea for a thread. Anyone who's been to college has a ton of great stories so let's share some here, maybe give him a sneek preview of life away from home.

I have a quick one to start it off, it was the first day back at school after the christmas break. I think we were drinking vodka and gatorade, nasty combo but back then you didn't care about what you mixed things with. So we get all loaded up and go to hit the bars. For some reason I didn't bring a coat with me and it's about 10 degrees out and snowing. I get to the bar and I was so loaded I couldn't even see straight. I had one beer and decided that's it, I'm going home. I stumble out of the bar without telling anyone where I'm going, I stumble all the way home in the cold with no jacket on, falling down in to snowbanks along the way, I was a complete mess, LOL.

I finally get back to the apartment and here's where things get real fuzzy. Here's what I figure must have happened, I must have been trying to take out my contacts and I dropped one, I bend over to pick it up and I fall to the floor. I guess I decided the floor was comfortable enough because I passed out right there in the hallway. Next thing I remember is my friend dragging me by my feet in to my bedroom and he's laughing his ass off!

The next day my friends tell me when they got home the front door was wide open and here I was passed out on the floor. I never found that contact by the way, LOL.
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Old 01-10-2005, 06:57 PM   #2
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haha, Matty! I haven't actually been to college, but I spent a good part of my weekends in High School like that (mjinus the bar) and I've spent a bit of time at other schools in the area! I'm definitely interested in hearing some stories!
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Old 01-10-2005, 11:25 PM   #3
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I went to Lynchburg College in (where else but) Lynchburg, Virginia. Lynchburg, not being the largest of towns, made the kids who went to the college a bit ingenius when it came to creating things to do for fun.

One idea we had, was to make the largest tub of Jungle Juice in all of existence. We bought one of the largest trash cans we could find, poured in about 3-4 fifths of Bacardi 151 and filled the rest with Hawaiian Punch, apples, oranges, the usual.

For those who aren't familiar with Jungle Juice, it takes some time to "cure" so therefore I had it sitting in my closet overnight to let it ferment some more. Word was spreading over this enormous trash can full of the Juice and I would say that I had about 100-200 IM's asking me when it would be ready.

One thing led to another and the RA's caught wind of it and tried to shut down my makeshift moonshine operation.

Without having TRUE access to my room, I found that anyone who wanted any could just come in with a water bottle and have their fill. Jungle Juice doesn't smell too much like alcohol, BUT it sneaks up on you like you'd never believe.

At about 5 PM I started serving to anyone who wanted to come and get some, and many people showed up with MORE Bacardi 151 to throw in the can. By the end of the night, when things ALSO started getting hazy, we put down trash bags and made a huge "Jungle Juice" slip'n'slide in the hallway.

Not only did the entire building get written up, put on probation, AND have to make speeches to other dorms about the problems of alcohol, we also had to foot the bill to replace the entire carpet on my side of the dorm.

Matty, I remember the haziness feelings and God I miss college sometimes! LOL
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-11-2005, 12:25 AM   #4
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This one just happend about 3-4 weeks before Christmas.

There is a bar in Ames and every Thursday night a band plays and they sell pitcher full of mixed drinks for $6, and pitchers of beer for $4.

So a bunch of my friends and I head down there and procede to get loaded. I drank two pitchers of Rum and Coke and started in on a pitcher of beer before I remebered that I should slow down since I have a test at 8am. So about half way thru my beer I take off (also without telling anyone). I begin to walk home with out a coat since I forgot it at the bar and its flipping cold and starting to freezing drizzle. I have about a mile and a half walk ahead of me.

On my way I stopped at this laundromat and saw a load of laundry spinning in the dryer. I open it up and find a Large hooded sweatshirt(I usually wear XXL) that is pretty much dry. I put it on, and continue my walk home.

The next morning I left for class about 15 minutes early and dropped the sweatshirt off at the laundromat where the clothes are still sitting in the same dryer with the door wide open. I put the sweatshirt back and hit the start button and noticed the timer said 5 minutes left.

By the way, I got an 89 on that test.
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Old 01-11-2005, 12:31 AM   #5
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MalcolmConnection, I went to school in Ohio. Out there those parties were called hairy buffalo parties ( i haven't a clue why). They can be a lot of fun but also really dangerous. Over the years a few good friends had to go to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped becuase you just don't know how much alcohol you are drinking. I remember getting trashed by just eating the oranges. Good times though.

There's been more than a few times that I've woken up and said thank god that's my ceiling. Also times where I've woken up and said where the hell am I. But my favorite college memory was my sophomore year. It was my 20th birthday. Someone introduced me to the term "20 beers for 20 years." It was a good night. For some reason all three RA's and the Hall Director were not there that night. Some miscommunication on their part. We ended up taking all the furniture out of the lounge area and setting it up on the front lawn exactly as it was in the lounge and just chilled for a while drinking. The Campus Police didn't have a clue. Later on that night I slightly recall having shopping cart races in the hallway. It was proud night for me because I was able to finish all 20 beers.
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Old 01-11-2005, 02:05 AM   #6
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Ahh college, so many memories

There was midnight basketball, where the guys and girls on my dorm floor would go play at a nearby park that had one really dim light that barely lit a small corner of the court. Guys versus girls. Shirts vs. Skins. Needless to say the guys fouled a lot.

There was the time my friends and I were in a cab coming back from some local pub, and the cab driver got into some argument with some guy in another car at a red light. At the next light, dude pulled a gun on us and actually fired a shot as the cab driver sped away.

There was 40s at 4 on Fridays. Just like it sounds. At 4:00pm every Friday, you drink a 40.

There was the "Back to School Party" me and my roomate threw junior year in our dorm. We lived on the first floor so people could come in throw the window and sneak "stuff" in rather easily. We had four fully stocked mini-fridges that we kept replenishing while around 20 of us partied in a cloud of smoke. Unfortunately, one of my genius friends decided to start launching bottle rockets and other assorted fireworks out the window. Unfortunately, they landed right in front of a car that was driving by. More unfortunately the car had four RAs, including my own, in it. My roommate and I were on probation for the rest of the year and had to do like 40 hours of community service.

There was the time senior year that I passed out just outside the main lobby of my apartment. And, as my roommate tells it he was having a few beers with some of his rugby buddies when he was flipping the channels and stumbled across our apartment security camera (channel 99 on our tv lineup)only to see my drunk body sprawled across a console.
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:10 AM   #7
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i miss college from time to time...then i go back to visit fraternity brothers, and get the realization that i'm too old for it anymore...

but the memories...some i was 3 sheets to the wind, and some i was completely sober.

when i was a freshman, most of my friends were every friday evening, we'd play drinking golden girls...kill a 6 pack in about an hour and go the dining hall...made for some interesting dinners...including the time i got tossed for doing a striptease on a table...but starting that early gave you time to nap after dinner and party til dawn...

i was fortunate to help start a fraternity on my campus, and we threw some crazy parties...the things you can get girls to do for free's beyond me. the best parties we had were thrown at a brother's house...who happened to live out on a farm about 35 minutes away from the middle of nowhere. we truck up hundreds of people and was great because there were no cops, and the nearest house was at the entrance to his driveway...a mile away.

my junior and senior year, i lived in the apartment dorms on campus...3 floors, with a balcony across the 2nd floor (You can kinda see it here)...i happened to live on the 2nd floor both years, so on nice days, we'd drag couches out and drink. I remember one Wednesday afternoon...classes over at 12, no class til 12 the next a buddy of mine and i each got a 12 pack of corona and split a bottle of bacardi limon...putting shots of limon in the corona....needless to say we got trashed drinking outside watching all the T&A go by...has a fraternity's interest meeting that i was supposed to run that night (i had already called someone else to run it for me) 4 or 5 guys to follow me to the meeting because i was being quite loud on my walk across back to have my last corona, and proceeded to drop the whole beer in my lap...

one of my inventions was Import Night...instead of getting the most cheap beer you could find, you did the opposite...find a bit of more expensive beer and instead of getting trashed, you had a good time. Each Thursday night, we'd pick a different country to drink from...which evolved into Theme Night, where in each Thursday night, you had either a luau, "black light blues night", mariachi night, lederhosen night, canuck night (mostly hockey jerseys and people dressed like bob and doug mckenzie), pyjama jammy jam (no one was allowed in if they were in pjs...)

and i definitely had nights praying to the porcelain gods, where you sleep with one foot on the floor to keep the room from spinning...when i turned 21, the bar across the street from campus had $1 import bottles on Tuesday nights...first time i went, i spent like 15 bucks and stumbled back across the street...missed class the next day because i slept right thru them...

the greatest invention...what we affectionately called the drunk bus...Salisbury had a SafeRide program, where you called the hotline from anywhere in Salisbury, and they would send a van to pick you up and bring you back to campus...if you knew the driver, you could convince him to drop you off at a better party, then swing back before they closed to pick you up...
Bad Things man, I mean bad things...

“WE TOOK HIM IN THE SIXTH ROUND SO WE'RE NOT SMART EITHER.” - Shanny on what the Skins saw in Alfred Morris
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:18 AM   #8
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Smootsmack... what about a 40 for every 40 hours of community service? Hahahaha...
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-11-2005, 11:20 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by BDBohnzie
i miss college from time to time...then i go back to visit fraternity brothers, and get the realization that i'm too old for it anymore...

but the memories...some i was 3 sheets to the wind, and some i was completely sober.

when i was a freshman, most of my friends were every friday evening, we'd play drinking golden girls...kill a 6 pack in about an hour and go the dining hall...made for some interesting dinners...including the time i got tossed for doing a striptease on a table...but starting that early gave you time to nap after dinner and party til dawn...

i was fortunate to help start a fraternity on my campus, and we threw some crazy parties...the things you can get girls to do for free's beyond me. the best parties we had were thrown at a brother's house...who happened to live out on a farm about 35 minutes away from the middle of nowhere. we truck up hundreds of people and was great because there were no cops, and the nearest house was at the entrance to his driveway...a mile away.

my junior and senior year, i lived in the apartment dorms on campus...3 floors, with a balcony across the 2nd floor (You can kinda see it here)...i happened to live on the 2nd floor both years, so on nice days, we'd drag couches out and drink. I remember one Wednesday afternoon...classes over at 12, no class til 12 the next a buddy of mine and i each got a 12 pack of corona and split a bottle of bacardi limon...putting shots of limon in the corona....needless to say we got trashed drinking outside watching all the T&A go by...has a fraternity's interest meeting that i was supposed to run that night (i had already called someone else to run it for me) 4 or 5 guys to follow me to the meeting because i was being quite loud on my walk across back to have my last corona, and proceeded to drop the whole beer in my lap...

one of my inventions was Import Night...instead of getting the most cheap beer you could find, you did the opposite...find a bit of more expensive beer and instead of getting trashed, you had a good time. Each Thursday night, we'd pick a different country to drink from...which evolved into Theme Night, where in each Thursday night, you had either a luau, "black light blues night", mariachi night, lederhosen night, canuck night (mostly hockey jerseys and people dressed like bob and doug mckenzie), pyjama jammy jam (no one was allowed in if they were in pjs...)

and i definitely had nights praying to the porcelain gods, where you sleep with one foot on the floor to keep the room from spinning...when i turned 21, the bar across the street from campus had $1 import bottles on Tuesday nights...first time i went, i spent like 15 bucks and stumbled back across the street...missed class the next day because i slept right thru them...

the greatest invention...what we affectionately called the drunk bus...Salisbury had a SafeRide program, where you called the hotline from anywhere in Salisbury, and they would send a van to pick you up and bring you back to campus...if you knew the driver, you could convince him to drop you off at a better party, then swing back before they closed to pick you up...
We had theme nights like that too. We had North and South of the border nights where we had Molson Ice, Labatt, Corona, and Dos Equis. My top 4 beers.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:05 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I went to Lynchburg College in (where else but) Lynchburg, Virginia. Lynchburg, not being the largest of towns, made the kids who went to the college a bit ingenius when it came to creating things to do for fun.

One idea we had, was to make the largest tub of Jungle Juice in all of existence. We bought one of the largest trash cans we could find, poured in about 3-4 fifths of Bacardi 151 and filled the rest with Hawaiian Punch, apples, oranges, the usual.

For those who aren't familiar with Jungle Juice, it takes some time to "cure" so therefore I had it sitting in my closet overnight to let it ferment some more. Word was spreading over this enormous trash can full of the Juice and I would say that I had about 100-200 IM's asking me when it would be ready.

One thing led to another and the RA's caught wind of it and tried to shut down my makeshift moonshine operation.

Without having TRUE access to my room, I found that anyone who wanted any could just come in with a water bottle and have their fill. Jungle Juice doesn't smell too much like alcohol, BUT it sneaks up on you like you'd never believe.

At about 5 PM I started serving to anyone who wanted to come and get some, and many people showed up with MORE Bacardi 151 to throw in the can. By the end of the night, when things ALSO started getting hazy, we put down trash bags and made a huge "Jungle Juice" slip'n'slide in the hallway.

Not only did the entire building get written up, put on probation, AND have to make speeches to other dorms about the problems of alcohol, we also had to foot the bill to replace the entire carpet on my side of the dorm.

Matty, I remember the haziness feelings and God I miss college sometimes! LOL
Great story, loved the slip and slide part, LOL.

Ahhh good old jungle juice, man that stuff messes you up! It's always funny to see people stumbling around at the end of the night with bright red kool-aid lips.

We had a jungle juice party once and my friend's dog ate some of the fruit when we weren't looking, we got home that night and the dog was passed out on the kitchen floor.
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:07 PM   #11
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Anybody ever play shot a minute?

We used to always play it during monday night football, I can't remember how many times I woke up the next day and was like, who won the game last night?!
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:10 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by NY_Skinsfan
MalcolmConnection, I went to school in Ohio. Out there those parties were called hairy buffalo parties ( i haven't a clue why). They can be a lot of fun but also really dangerous. Over the years a few good friends had to go to the hospital to have their stomachs pumped becuase you just don't know how much alcohol you are drinking. I remember getting trashed by just eating the oranges. Good times though.

There's been more than a few times that I've woken up and said thank god that's my ceiling. Also times where I've woken up and said where the hell am I. But my favorite college memory was my sophomore year. It was my 20th birthday. Someone introduced me to the term "20 beers for 20 years." It was a good night. For some reason all three RA's and the Hall Director were not there that night. Some miscommunication on their part. We ended up taking all the furniture out of the lounge area and setting it up on the front lawn exactly as it was in the lounge and just chilled for a while drinking. The Campus Police didn't have a clue. Later on that night I slightly recall having shopping cart races in the hallway. It was proud night for me because I was able to finish all 20 beers.
We used to do this shot called a hairy buffalo, not sure if it's a real drink or if somebody made it up. It was a nasty combo, one part jack daniels, one part tequila and a big shot of tobasco. The tobasco was the worst part because it would sink to the bottom and it was the last thing that you swallowed. One night the bartender gave us a round for free because he just wanted to see us drink them!
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:21 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Anybody ever play shot a minute?

We used to always play it during monday night football, I can't remember how many times I woke up the next day and was like, who won the game last night?!

Speaking of drinking games. Me and my friends used to play a game we call "Scarface". We would throw in Scarface and for everytime Al Pacino said the word "fuck" we would take a shot.

Now if any of you have seen Scarface you would know how wasted we used to get....
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:48 PM   #14
Uncle Phil
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We used to drink to that old Police song "Roxanne"

One side had to drink when the song said "Roxanne" the other when the song said "Red Light". It starts off rather simple but toward the end it goes much faster and becomes a lot more fun
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Old 01-11-2005, 03:51 PM   #15
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Matty, man I didn't know that Jungle Juice was so widespread.

I guess it's as American as Apple Pie.

At some of the frats I used to hang out at, I know that they also had a problem with animal binge drinking. They had this bulldog that would get a beer or two in his water bowl on party nights!

I also remember the shot a minute game, but we called it "Power Hour."

Normally we played where you took a large shot of beer each minute for an hour and that was plenty for full inebriation.

On the days we were feeling lucky, we played taking a shot of something harder...That game doesn't last very long though. Hahahahaha...

This is a good thread. Can't beat good college stories.

"Scarface" sounds like a dangerous game. MY kind of game.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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