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Future/Rebuild/Good News?

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Old 10-12-2009, 01:52 PM   #1
Trample the Elderly
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Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Well what more is there to say about this season? It has, in my eyes, ended before it could even get started. So lets look at the positives.

*Jim Zorn is on his way out. One way or the other he's done.

*Dan Snyder isn't stupid. If he could ever get his ego in check we'd have a good football team. Let's cross our fingers and hope he gets it soon. The writing is on the wall and all fingers point back to him and Cerrato. Fans are leaving this team or they just don't care anymore. I've talked to them in Richmond (big Skins town) and this is the case from my experience.

*I don't think that Vinny has much time left. We have drafted a few O-Linemen over the past ten years but few have panned out, although some of the D-lineman have. His hit and miss talent evaluation game is done IMO.

*Like it or not this is rock bottom. Don't even try to argue. When you get beat by the Lions you're done. Accept it and move on.

*I think a lot of players are going to want to leave by the end of the season. Some already do, IE Carlos Rogers.

This might be bad news to some; to me this is great news. Why?

* It all starts at the top. If Danny can get his ego in check and turn this organization to a competent above average GM, then it would be a start. You don't make that kind of money being a fool. He took a huge step back after Gibbs left. Now he's having dinner with . . . . Gibbs? He has to look in the mirror and man up. You know he hears it. Jimmie Johnson has said it, commentators say it, fans say it, players say it, newspapers say it, everyone is saying it. This is your fault, you grifter mother effer.

* Vinny and Zorn can hit the bricks together.

* There is a big possibility that next year will be uncapped. Teams wouldn't be hurt as bad picking up a good Skins player for draft picks. The bad blood can leave for another team. We can cut guys we're tied to that are unproductive.

* We've talked about how old our team is for a long time now. I've looked at the roster and we've a lot of young guys that could be the back bone of a rebuilt team, not to mention guys that are still in their prime. IE: Doughty, Horton, Tryon, McIntosh, Blades, Jarmon, Orakpo, Wilson, Golston, Montgomery, Haynesworth. Notice I didn't put any offensive players in that list. IMO opinion we should trade Cooley for draft picks to use on the o-line. I like the guy but it pains me see his talent go wasted. He is about the only player another team would want.

* The coaches can hit the bricks too. Let the new GM pick who he wants, not some hodge podge of coaches picked by Vinny and Danny.

This is all theoretical but for me this has been long enough. If Danny doesn't man up then I will, and switch to another team until he sells the Redskins. That's good news to me. Why should anyone waste their time watching this BS? Enough is enough, no more excuses!

If you know more about football or this organization than I do, no stretch there, then chime in.

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Old 10-12-2009, 01:58 PM   #2
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Rehash.......but I agree starting over is where we are at.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:08 PM   #3
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

We should rebuilt but only offensively defense is young and pretty good.

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:12 PM   #4
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

I don't think there's a whole lot of positives in this, because this wasn't meant to be a one-year turnover thing. The seeds for the success or failure of this team were set during the 2006, 2007, and 2008 drafts. We have done very well in the late rounds, but in the early rounds, not so much.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:21 PM   #5
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

The good news is that this team has a lot of talent, if we can concentrate on rebuilding the OL through the draft, pick up a young RB and LB, we will be able to compete with anyone. I think Campbell would be better with some protection and benefit from a young, explosive RB. The bad news is that if our OL keeps going south this year that we will have to wait till next year. I would say goodbye to Randy Thomas, Phillip Daniels, Griffin, Smoot. This team does not need or could it afford to be blown up and rebuilt. Whoever inherits these team will have a great foundation and with some tweaking will get credit for the teams success.
Joe Gibbs- The best coach of all time, Lombardi trophy should be renamed Gibbs.

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Old 10-12-2009, 02:23 PM   #6
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
This is all theoretical but for me this has been long enough. If Danny doesn't man up then I will, and switch to another team until he sells the Redskins. That's good news to me. Why should anyone waste their time watching this BS? Enough is enough, no more excuses!
Exactly. It's just no fun to be a Redskins fan anymore. Just like you said: why should anyone waste their time watching this BS? Answer: they shouldn't.

Thanks Danny and Vinny for ruining my team! Neither of you know jack shit about football, but you've got your heads so far up each others asses you'd never know that. F you both for thinking you're geniuses. GTFO of the Redskins, so you can have butt sex full-time.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:29 PM   #7
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by SFREDSKIN View Post
The good news is that this team has a lot of talent, if we can concentrate on rebuilding the OL through the draft, pick up a young RB and LB, we will be able to compete with anyone. I think Campbell would be better with some protection and benefit from a young, explosive RB. The bad news is that if our OL keeps going south this year that we will have to wait till next year. I would say goodbye to Randy Thomas, Phillip Daniels, Griffin, Smoot. This team does not need or could it afford to be blown up and rebuilt. Whoever inherits these team will have a great foundation and with some tweaking will get credit for the teams success.
I totally disagree. We have 7-9 win talent at best and the records around here the last few years shows that.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:39 PM   #8
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

I heard it before but didn't think about it till you mentioned it but do you think maybe the dinner with Gibbs was to ask him if he would be the next GM? Didn't Gibbs supposedly say he wouldn't mind working in a front office job some day? If not then I hope Gibbs was laying it on the line with the slap in the face honesty so DS knows his best bet to get one of the remaining decent HC's is to get a decent GM and make whoever he's interested in as HC know he's backing way off now.

I think we did pretty good on defense this yr. but what would happen if Zorn or whoever, labled Phillip Daniels on IR? He only gets a part of his salary right? Can we go out and pick up someone else or does Daniels still count against our CAP as a whole?

The offense as I see it is not as bad a fix as others believe, or so I think.

WR-we are set with Kelly, Thomas,and Mitchell maybe bring in another late rounder or2.

RB-keep Mason, Alridge and dump the rest. maybe look for a late round ground pounder.

TE-we are set with Cooley/Davis, someone teach Davis to control the ball or can him.

QB-dump Collins, trade JC for a pick(hopefully), look to draft a QB. Keep Colt and the new guy.

OL-take a LT in 1st round and RT in 2nd. If we don't pick a QB. Cut our losses with the aged OL. Keep the young guys. Start building a young healthy fast OL.

Save any defensive moves for later rounds and UFA's.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:45 PM   #9
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
I totally disagree. We have 7-9 win talent at best and the records around here the last few years shows that.
I'm w/you, this team isn't that talented. There are a few stars, but there are areas where our talent level is well below avg. - O line, wr, OLB.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:50 PM   #10
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
I heard it before but didn't think about it till you mentioned it but do you think maybe the dinner with Gibbs was to ask him if he would be the next GM? Didn't Gibbs supposedly say he wouldn't mind working in a front office job some day? If not then I hope Gibbs was laying it on the line with the slap in the face honesty so DS knows his best bet to get one of the remaining decent HC's is to get a decent GM and make whoever he's interested in as HC know he's backing way off now.

I think we did pretty good on defense this yr. but what would happen if Zorn or whoever, labled Phillip Daniels on IR? He only gets a part of his salary right? Can we go out and pick up someone else or does Daniels still count against our CAP as a whole?

The offense as I see it is not as bad a fix as others believe, or so I think.

WR-we are set with Kelly, Thomas,and Mitchell maybe bring in another late rounder or2.

RB-keep Mason, Alridge and dump the rest. maybe look for a late round ground pounder.

TE-we are set with Cooley/Davis, someone teach Davis to control the ball or can him.

QB-dump Collins, trade JC for a pick(hopefully), look to draft a QB. Keep Colt and the new guy.

OL-take a LT in 1st round and RT in 2nd. If we don't pick a QB. Cut our losses with the aged OL. Keep the young guys. Start building a young healthy fast OL.

Save any defensive moves for later rounds and UFA's.
I like your offensive plan and I almost 100% agree, but I am not about to get into a JC pissing contest again.

I know that some people are happy with the Defense, but I would make one change. I would put Brian Orakpo on the DL where he belongs opposite of Jarmin and pick up a true SAM via FA or draft one late. Yeah, that pretty much means that Carter and Daniels would be gone or have to accept a reduced role.

Last edited by KLHJ2; 10-12-2009 at 03:01 PM.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:53 PM   #11
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
I totally disagree. We have 7-9 win talent at best and the records around here the last few years shows that.
Here are my keepers:

QB-Campbell (with a line he might be produce or he might not).
RB-Mason, Alridge, Sellers, Portis (because of his contract)
WR-Kelly, Thomas, Mitchell
TE-Cooley, Davis
OL-Samuels, Dockery, Rabach, Montgomery, Williams
DL-Haynesworth, Golston, Alexander, Orakpo, Jarmon, Carter
LB-McIntosh, Blades, Fletcher, Wilson
S-Landry, Doughty, Horton, Moore
CB-Barnes, Tryon, Hall (only because of his contract)Rogers
Joe Gibbs- The best coach of all time, Lombardi trophy should be renamed Gibbs.

Art Monk- Art was like an OL playing WR, doing the dirty work and not getting the glory.

Darrell Green- Best DB ever.

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Old 10-12-2009, 02:56 PM   #12
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by SFREDSKIN View Post
Here are my keepers:

QB-Campbell (with a line he might be produce or he might not).
RB-Mason, Alridge, Sellers, Portis (because of his contract)
WR-Kelly, Thomas, Mitchell
TE-Cooley, Davis
OL-Samuels, Dockery, Rabach, Montgomery, Williams
DL-Haynesworth, Golston, Alexander, Orakpo, Jarmon, Carter
LB-McIntosh, Blades, Fletcher, Wilson
S-Landry, Doughty, Horton, Moore
CB-Barnes, Tryon, Hall (only because of his contract)Rogers
Good list except for Rabach being on it. He's a penalty machine. We can do much better. Thomas is it not including Moss. I might swap those WRs.
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Old 10-12-2009, 02:59 PM   #13
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by Angry View Post
I like your offensive plan and I almost 100% agree, but I am not about to get into a JC pissing contest again.

I know that some people are happy with the Defense, but I would make one change. I would put Brian Orakpo on the DL where he belongs opposite of Jarmin and pick up a true SAM via FA or draft one late. Yeah ,that pretty much means that Carter and Daniels would be gone or have to accept a reduced role.
In regards to JC, ...thank you. I like him but something is not working. I agree with you in regards to the defense.
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:02 PM   #14
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

Originally Posted by SFREDSKIN View Post
Here are my keepers:

QB-Campbell (with a line he might be produce or he might not).
RB-Mason, Alridge, Sellers, Portis (because of his contract)
WR-Kelly, Thomas, Mitchell
TE-Cooley, Davis
OL-Samuels, Dockery, Rabach, Montgomery, Williams
DL-Haynesworth, Golston, Alexander, Orakpo, Jarmon, Carter
LB-McIntosh, Blades, Fletcher, Wilson
S-Landry, Doughty, Horton, Moore
CB-Barnes, Tryon, Hall (only because of his contract)Rogers
We need to keep JC as a backup at least but where is Moss?

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 10-12-2009, 03:02 PM   #15
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Re: Future/Rebuild/Good News?

lets hope sam bradford falls to us, and we get a decent Tackle with our second rounder
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