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Old 07-29-2005, 10:48 PM   #1
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Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Redskins, Arrington Settle Grievance
Compensation Unlikely for Star

By Jason La Canfora
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, July 30, 2005; E01

Lawyers and representatives from the Washington Redskins met with linebacker LaVar Arrington this week to settle his lingering financial grievance with the team, NFL sources said. The meeting was held after Arrington opted out of an arbitration hearing earlier this month.

Two league sources with knowledge of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Arrington's new lawyer, Steve Brown, as well as officials from the NFL Players Association including NFLPA Executive Director Gene Upshaw visited Redskins Park in Ashburn on Wednesday, at which time the matter was resolved.

According to one of the sources, Arrington no longer has an active grievance against the team and there will be no future arbitration hearings. The source said all financial differences between Arrington and the team were resolved. It could not immediately be determined whether Arrington received any additional compensation as part of the settlement, but the sources indicated that such an outcome was unlikely.

Karl Swanson, a spokesman for Redskins owner Dan Snyder, said he was unable to reach him for comment yesterday. Snyder is on vacation in Colorado. Vinny Cerrato, the team's vice president of football operations, did not return a call seeking comment. Coach and team president Joe Gibbs was contacted through a team spokesman but did not comment.

Brown, who spoke openly earlier this month about Arrington's desire to mend relations with the club and reach a "win-win" solution to the grievance, has not returned repeated phone calls this week. A message left with the NFLPA was not returned.

Arrington contended that the Redskins failed to include a $6.5 million bonus in the eight-year, $68 million contract he signed with the team in December 2003. After a year of delays the case was scheduled to be heard July 18. Arrington met with Upshaw a few days before that date and decided to forgo arbitration, because, as Brown later stated, "It's not a matter that [should be] litigated where one party is making allegations in a semi-public forum against other parties with a third party [arbitrator] involved."

Arrington missed virtually all of the 2004 season because of knee problems and twice underwent surgery to remedy the injury. During the offseason he criticized coaches and trainers for their handling of his knee injury after the team failed to announce that he had undergone a second surgical procedure. He was unable to participate in mini-camp this spring and he might not be cleared to participate in contact drills when training camp begins Monday morning.

Brown said previously that Arrington wanted the grievance settled before the start of training camp, but with Gibbs and Snyder on vacation, it was difficult to get all of them together. The reason for the meeting Wednesday was as much to solve the financial matter as it was to repair a strained relationship between the player and the team, according to Brown.

"LaVar recognizes that it's to everybody's benefit to restore this relationship," Brown said during an interview 10 days ago. "And he's the one reaching out to the team to restore that relationship."

The Redskins reacted immediately to Arrington's request to postpone the arbitration date. Director of football administration Eric Schaffer, the team's primary negotiator, issued a statement saying, "While we agreed to the postponement I think it is very important to finalize through arbitration that the Redskins did nothing wrong to our highest-paid player. I also feel strongly that the business ethics of the agent should be questioned and looked into."

Schaffer did not return a call seeking comment on the meeting with Arrington, and Arrington's agent, Carl Poston, has not returned numerous phone calls on the matter.

Redskins Notes: The Redskins are still trying to sign first-round picks Carlos Rogers and Jason Campbell before the start of training camp, and will work all weekend to attempt to do so. "We're exchanging ideas and having conversations, but nothing is imminent at this time," said Campbell's agent Joel Segal, adding that they still have "plenty of time" to get a deal in place by Monday. . . . The Redskins signed safety Omar Stoutmire yesterday and released offensive lineman Ben Nowland. Stoutimre spent five seasons with the New York Giants but missed all but one game last season due to a knee injury. He has started 51 NFL games over eight seasons.
im glad this is finally over.
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Old 07-30-2005, 02:04 AM   #2
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

our defense just moved from 3rd to 1st
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Old 07-30-2005, 09:22 AM   #3
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!


Thank God!!!!!!
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Old 07-31-2005, 03:01 AM   #4
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Is it actually over yet?
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Old 07-31-2005, 01:05 PM   #5
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

No one is saying wether or not its over.... they're just saying there was a meeting that no one will comment on. I guess we'll see. I would imagine if arrtington wasn't happy we'd have heard about it by now. He's not one to hide his ill feelings often.
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Old 07-31-2005, 01:21 PM   #6
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS

the guy who wrote this article is the same guy who wrote yesterdays article.

yesterdays article said "a source said that arrington no longer had an active grievance against the redskins and there will be no further arbitration hearings, a financial agreement has been made"

then he writes in this one "a league source says the redskins and arrington are still trying to reach a financial agreement and that if one is not met they could find themselves in arbitration hearings in september".

he needs new sources or he needs to wait until he gets some evidence before he writes these contradictoring stories.
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Old 07-31-2005, 02:49 PM   #7
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

I see LaVar as wanting to end this quickly.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 07-31-2005, 06:05 PM   #8
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Great................A positive.....
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Old 08-01-2005, 01:21 AM   #9
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Who's Lavar Arrington?
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Old 08-01-2005, 02:49 AM   #10
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

crazycanuck, i respect all the work you do towards helping us fans understand the salary cap, but from what you just said i think you are a lavar hater. all lavar hater's claims are is that he hasn't lived up to the hype, he's overrated, he's never done anything to help the team. you guys have nothing to complain about, you don't do what he does, you don't make the kind of money he does, and your opinion isn't gonna make him better or worse. being a 3 time pro bowler isn't something your average player does. he arguably made the play that turned around our 2001 season.
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Old 08-01-2005, 03:06 AM   #11
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Originally Posted by mooby
crazycanuck, i respect all the work you do towards helping us fans understand the salary cap
Those salary cap sheets are just amazing, CC can't be thanked enough for his hard work in making this site unique and special

Originally Posted by mooby
you guys have nothing to complain about, you don't do what he does, you don't make the kind of money he does
How is that even relevant?

Originally Posted by mooby
and your opinion isn't gonna make him better or worse
Well none of us are here to make the players better or worse really. Definitely not worse (unless they're wearing blue or green). But if we're not allowed to give our opinions about players than why bother having this site at all?

Originally Posted by mooby
he arguably made the play that turned around our 2001 season.
Yeah LaVar's INT/TD against the Panthers was a great play that sparked a nice run. But at the end of the day the team finished 8-8 and out of the playoffs and it was 4 years ago. It's a "what have you done for me lately" league and what has LaVar done lately?

I think he's going to have a monster season. He and Washington are going to do some serious damage from the outside, but I think fans have a right to be a bit frustrated with him. And a lot of the frustration comes simply from the fact that we've seen flashes of just how good he can be.
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Old 08-01-2005, 06:44 AM   #12
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Originally Posted by TAFKAS
Those salary cap sheets are just amazing, CC can't be thanked enough for his hard work in making this site unique and special
i know, it's not something a lot of people can do, and i was merely saying i respect that he takes his own time to do that for us.

How is that even relevant?
your right on that one, it isn't that relevant. i was just trying to support my argument.

Well none of us are here to make the players better or worse really. Definitely not worse (unless they're wearing blue or green). But if we're not allowed to give our opinions about players than why bother having this site at all?
that's true, that's what this site is for, it was a mistake on my part.

Yeah LaVar's INT/TD against the Panthers was a great play that sparked a nice run. But at the end of the day the team finished 8-8 and out of the playoffs and it was 4 years ago. It's a "what have you done for me lately" league and what has LaVar done lately?

I think he's going to have a monster season. He and Washington are going to do some serious damage from the outside, but I think fans have a right to be a bit frustrated with him. And a lot of the frustration comes simply from the fact that we've seen flashes of just how good he can be.
lavar hasn't done much of anything lately. i just get tired of all the criticisim going his way. if he read everything skins fans said about him on the web, he'd be asking for the first plane out of washington. i just think because he is a part of our team, we should be supporting him through his injury problems (not his money grievance), and try to look on the positive side.
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Old 08-01-2005, 08:15 AM   #13
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

I agree. He's trying his best to work through this stuff.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 08-01-2005, 09:08 AM   #14
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

Originally Posted by mooby
if he read everything skins fans said about him on the web, he'd be asking for the first plane out of washington.
You'd be surprised what he reads.

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Old 08-01-2005, 05:03 PM   #15
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Re: Arrington Arbitration Finally Settled!

matty do you know what he reads? i don't. but most nfl players don't bother listening to the media, or what a few disgruntled fans say about them. for them it's just a distraction. did lavar ever say anything about what he reads, or anything on that subject?
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