Re: Seahawks 24 Skins 14 post game thread
Originally Posted by SmootSmack
Well for one, Dr. Andrews is on the payroll for the explicit purpose of treating injured players. Everyone in the stadium knew that RG3 had gotten hurt when he came off the field in Baltimore. Dr. Andrews has to go find him. It's not up to RG3 to seek Andrews out.
Secondly, Shanahan probably asked some other coach/staff member on the sideline something to the extent of "Check on Robert (while I actually, you know, coach the game)". Few minutes later..."What's up with Robert?" Asst Coach: "Says he's fine."
In other words, Shanahan probably left it up to others, including Dr. Andrews, to update on the status of RG3 while he tended to the game. Someone, someones, gave him the assurance RG3 was good to go and he went with it.
I can believe this scenario happening. The bold part I've highlighted concerns me and something that Skinzman brought up here.
It was a very valid point and something that needs to be addressed. Seems like failure all the way around. Dr. Andrews in the Dec 10 game, and Mike in this game. Hell, listening to Dr. Andrews and his concerns about the knee, you have to worry about why he was even playing to begin with. (understand he passed the tests)
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty