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Old 12-16-2012, 05:24 PM   #85
Naega jeil jal naga
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Re: Around the NFL...Week 15 Style

Originally Posted by GTripp0012 View Post
So what if he is? Does it make what he's doing less remarkable?
Depends on how we frame it. Is it a medical treatment or a peformance enhancer?

On one hand ACL tears are devastating and if HGH is an effective and safe treatment then why shouldn't it be a standard treatment for athletes? On the other hand if its a performance enhancer on par with the type of boost that steroids give to players then it's detestable.

Keep in mind the best soccer player in the world Lionel Messi took HGH as a kid to treat a growth disorder and is now a relatively normal height. No one laments him for using it, in the end it goes back to how you look at it. Assuming that AP used HGH to recover do we look at it as a legitimate medical treatment or a dirty performance enhancer? Personally I don't know enough about it to make a decision either way.

Again, disclaimer, this is all hypothetical.
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