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Old 11-14-2012, 09:42 AM   #1486
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Re: Should Mike Shanahan be fired?

Originally Posted by Bucket View Post
Assuming rumors are legit..

Now we are getting somewhere!
At what point do things stop being rumors and become facts with you? Just curious. It's been obvious the team has had individual blowups with no disciplinary action whatsoever. There has been a noticeable lack of intensity the last couple of weeks. Shanahan practically said he was throwing in the towell on the rest of the season no matter how he tried to explain it afterward. SS reported on the friction between Fletch and a couple of other players with Haslett. And SS said he already knew some of this was going on and wasn't surprised by some of the rest. Just curious what it takes for something to stop being a rumor and becoming a fact in your eyes. I heard the economy sucks and unemployment is high....I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one too huh?
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