Originally Posted by firstdown
Funny thing is the left was set on making everyone believe that Obama had called it a terrorist act they forgot it would also make their other statements a lie.
Both Romney and Obama have bent the truth slightly. In such a way to make themselves look good.
I'll happily tell you now I voted for Obama simply because I personally feel that when one party is in office too long gov. grows statnant. Now that Obama has not changed much of the situation we are in and pretty much made it worse then to throw "ObamaCare" on top of it which will add 3 trillion to the deficit the first year alone not to mention what the cost will be to enforce the law is crazy. I've worked in the medical field for 14 yrs and completely dissagree with ObamaCare. Don't want it. Hate it. I'm voting for whoever is not Obama.
I feel for those with out health insureance, I do. But if socialized medicine is what you want then please, please, please move to Canada. If you don't have it now one more year won't hurt you, and you might not have to wait that long to get it. Go enjoy it. I don't want it.
This country was founded on freedom of the people. The Revolutionary War was to free us from tirrany (gov. telling us what we can and can't do). The Civil War was not just about slavery, it was about the states having the right to make their own decisions and not decisions forced upon them by the government. Federal Law was not to superseed State Law. It was meant to back up, or support the states. Instead we the people have allowed the Federal government to have all the control they want, make any rule or law they want, and force it upon the public and states.
Everyone is forgetting that "WE" are in charge and the Representatives are supposed to be working for "US". Each and everyone of our States were and are supposed to have final say in regards to laws being passed and laws the public is supposed to adhere to.