Originally Posted by NC_Skins
Sure. I can pull up many conservative fear mongers wanting to go to war with Iran/Iraq/Syria....and others. THEY MIGHT BOMB US GUYS SO LETS DRIVE THE COUNTRY BROKE TO PROTECT OURSELVES.
Stalemate. (again)
As I said, I pay for shit that I don't want to pay for and it covers a larger percentage of the budget than you having to pay for abortion/birth control. Just like the typical GOPer. Bitching about a penny while thousands of dollars are swindled right out the back door.
Your right. Our government needs a huge overhaul. I've been told we won't get away with it but the President should announce that anyone working for the government that has 20+ yrs will be forced into retirement. Lets save some money. Make the companies whome the government bailed out pay back what they owe. Pull our troops back and let the middle east go to hell in a hand basket. Besides no one in Europe is concerned about Iran or any other country in the middle east and they are closer. Stop giving/donating money to other countries when we have needs right here in America. No need to keep givnig money to countries to help fight terror if they are not going to fight terror. Legalize marijuana, and regulate it like alcohol and cigarrets. Stop being the worlds police if we are not going to be repayed for it, ie; money or oil. Start drilling and relying on our own oil which should force OPEC to lower their prices in order to get us to start buying again. Put China on notice about the money manipulation. Provide better security at our boarders then talk about amnesty for those already here. Get them paying into social security and health insurance. Completely drop socialized medicine. It does not work. Again... ask a Canadian. Provide health insurance through the Department of Social Security depending on house hold income like food stamps. Force anyone who is collecting from social services who is an able bodied human being to go to work in order to collect any type of services. No more freebies. Put the billions of dollars the government took out of Social scurity to help fund other programs yrs ago back so there won't be an issue of money there.
Force everyone who works for the government to take a pay cut from the President down. No bonuses or raises until the economy is straightened out. ***FLAT TAX***, make everyone pay a % of what they earn. Fair is fair. If I make $100,000 then I pay 10% of what I earned, if I make 9,000,000 then i pay 10% of what I earn. Close all the loopholes. No loopholes. 10% period. severly reduce the IRS's role.
Get rid of Pork belly bills. Give the power back to the people, if a bill needs to be immediatly voted on then an announcement can be made and with in say 3-4 months there can be an emergency vote by the public. If it's not an emergency bill then it can be held off until the next election for the public to vote on.
Wow, I could go on and on. lol.