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Old 10-18-2012, 03:36 PM   #1224
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
I know its probably been said and pointed out but both were somewhat right. Yes Obama did say "no act of terror", but that was just a blanket statement most likely as every thing now a days is terrorism if it is an act against America. The next day on national TV Bidden said it was a protest due to the movie posted on Youtube about Muslims.

Now one would think the President and Vice President would have had their act straight, but they didn't. On top of that the spokes people for the White House ran with the whole "it was a protest" idea for about a week maybe longer before they actually came out and said it was a planned attack, terrorism on America.

Personally I believed as Romney did that having the Embassy request extra security in advance due to a prior warning, and being refused the extra security, the President and Vice President should have known with hours or less of the incident whether it was an act of terror or not and let us know. I think instead the higher ups were afraid that the whole mess would come back to haunt them, that they knew about the threat, the request for extra security, and no one did anything. So they pretend to not have known and claim it was spontanious, atleast up until it was proven they were warned and a request was made and denied.

If I was any of the 3 family members if who died I'd be filing a law suit against the Gov. for failing to protect them.

Funny thing is the left was set on making everyone believe that Obama had called it a terrorist act they forgot it would also make their other statements a lie.
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