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Old 10-18-2012, 01:29 PM   #1218
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Are you really that bad at reading comprehension? Can you not see where he transitions from talking about 9/11 the prior day to the events that happened the night prior? I'll underline the key part of this that transitions.

Just because he mentioned the the prior day being 9/11 doesn't mean he was talking about 9/11 in regards to the part on terror. Continue on believing bullshit that is plain as day.

Also, who gives a flying **** if he blamed it on the video or called it act of terror? Really? Does it ****ing matter? Hell no. It's just another GOP tactic to distract the uneducated and cult members from the real issues. (of them wanting to keep the rich large and in charge)
Which is it ,does the GOP want to " keep " the rich in charge or pander to the " uneducated / cult " ? So the GOP " Keeps " the rich in charge , does this mean the Dems want homeless / junkies in charge and put the rich into poverty ? Anyone with a work ethic can succeed in the US , if they so desire , DEMS and REPS have little to ZERO control over this .
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