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Old 10-17-2012, 02:09 PM   #1206
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
That's going to be debated for some time but Obama did not call it an attack of terror. He actually tied it to the movie here in the speech. Only until latter did the word terror get used while talking about 9/11.

Then in the following days they called it a mob attack so he can't have it both ways. He said it in this speech and then in the following days.

There is nothing to debate. It's there in the transcript in plain black and white. Just because you say he didn't say it, doesn't mean it's so. He said it, your party got owned on it, now eat your crow. For ****s sakes, stop trying to tell us the sky is purple when the clear evidence shows us otherwise. Again, NOTHING to debate. He called it a terrorist attack on Sept 12th.

Also, his speech was on the 12th, NOT Sept 11th. He wouldn't be having a speech about 9/11 on the following day. The speech the following day was in regards to the attack the previous day. Keep making up shit though. It's crystal clear his speech is about the attack, not 9/11.

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