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Old 10-04-2012, 04:14 PM   #1047
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
I haven't seen it yet, it's on the DVR for tonight. However, I heard the moderation was absolutely horrible (for both sides). Will the same moderator do all of the debates or do they typically switch it up?

Sounds like Obama dropped this one pretty bad and Mitt came out strong. I have a feeling Ryan will own Biden pretty hard. I'm not a Biden fan at all in general. Seems weird and against net neutrality. Paul Ryan, although I don't agree with many of his stances, seems pretty charismatic and smart.

I heard a little over half of the debate, the first half of which was on radio in a car, but i thought it was the best moderater i have ever heard. I didnt realize there was only one moderater at first and i thought the debate was a little out of control then i started to realize what was going on. It wasnt a Meet the Press talking points style Q&A. Rather it was an actual debate.

From a person that really gets under my skin, but cant help but completely agree with on Lehrer:

“He made the moderator not a factor in the debate. He left the debate up to the debaters. If Mitt Romney was going to have a really tough question put to him, President Obama was going to have to do it. And the same thing the other way around.
“I think Jim Lehrer made a great choice, all the way through," O'Donnell added. "Staying out of it as much as he did was the thing to do. I think we’ve had way too much grandstanding by debate moderators, way too much prosecuting by debate moderators. Let the debaters do it. If you find yourself bored or somehow disappointed in the debate, it’s the debaters fault.”
MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell: 'I liked the job Jim Lehrer did' -
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