Originally Posted by 12thMan
You seem to be carelessly reading and seeing what you want in my post. That, or you're being blatantly dishonest. The word "freedom" never appeared in my post and neither did the military's role in protecting said freedoms. In fact, you dragged the military into this. Not once did I make any inference to our men and women in uniform.
On top of your misguided response, you seem to equate being liberal with a disdain for our military. I'll just say this, we have liberals and conservatives who are members of this forum that have served proudly in our nation's armed forces. Our politics may differ, but we're all patriots nonetheless.
But let me clarify my original post. From 1955-1968, particularly in the segregated south, many civil rights activists were martyred as they petitioned gov't to grant them voting rights. The Women's Suffrage Movement in the late 19th century and early 20th century, which culminated in 1920 with the passage of the Nineteenth Amendment; "The United States Constitution prohibits any United States citizen to be denied the right to vote based on sex. It was ratified on August 18, 1920. "
So yes, I stand by my original post. Men and women have fought, suffered, and many have died for the right to vote in this country. I don't see what's controversial about that.
You did mention freedoms of this country, you mentioned the right to vote, Thats a freedom we have in this country.
I will apologize for the comment but will not watch as as dems have gone out of their way to suppress military vote (as they have done in multiple elections, most recently a month or two ago in Ohio) then watch as they claim people have the right to vote. If that right is for people of this country, we should all include the military in that, dont you agree? After all, they have died to give and keep our freedoms. They deserve that vote.
You want to talk about the suppression of votes but will always forget about ones that are suppressed that dont go for your candidate, as evidenced by your failure to mention the military when you were on the subject.
If the conversation is vote suppression, then lets talk about all of it. Not just wanting ID's to be shown. So when you are talking about voter suppression, and seem to forget about our men and women in uniform, then I am going to say something. The reason I said something was because you brought up voter suppression and went out of your way to avoid the military, and even got mad when I brought them up. Thay have had their vote suppressed for a long time. My dad is a retired Colonel in the Air Force, I have seen that voter suppression first hand.
So shall we talk about all voter suppression, or are we going to keep avoiding the men and women who proudly have served this country while complaining about other votes? Thats what is so controversial about it.