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Old 10-04-2012, 03:39 PM   #1043
Slingin Sammy 33
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Being fiery doesn't win elections, making the voters feel you care about them and their lives does. Obama left one too many unused trump-cards at the table though I think Obama did a good job explaining his policies and positions vs Romney's.

There are 3 more quarters left in the game and the deck is still hot.
I never thought I would say this.....but I actually feel a bit bad for Obama and the way the media wings of the DNC (msnbc, etc.) are ready to throw him under the bus. You could see it everywhere last night and this AM. They're setting up to dump an election loss squarely on him and trash the guy because he can't defend the last 3 1/2 years (I say policies, others will say bad situation, folks in the middle would say both),his far left ideology (yes I know that's a debatable point), and he can't live up to the diety-like aspirations the clowns (yes, Chris Matthews I mean you) in the left wing media put on him.

These two-faced, opportunistic, back-stabbers have carried the water and covered for Obama since 2007. Now they're ready to throw him to the wolves and cover their own hind-quarters....and this is before any real polls have come out suggesting a drastic shift in nationwide polls. Shameful. But, Obama has taken advantage of these useful idiots all this time also. Moral of the story, be careful who you make your bed with.
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