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Old 10-04-2012, 11:40 AM   #1036
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
I haven't seen it yet, it's on the DVR for tonight. However, I heard the moderation was absolutely horrible (for both sides). Will the same moderator do all of the debates or do they typically switch it up?

Sounds like Obama dropped this one pretty bad and Mitt came out strong. I have a feeling Ryan will own Biden pretty hard. I'm not a Biden fan at all in general. Seems weird and against net neutrality. Paul Ryan, although I don't agree with many of his stances, seems pretty charismatic and smart.
Actually I think the moderator did a great job. He let them debate and he did not become part of the dabate. I've seen to many debates where the moderator actually becomes part of the debate and that's not their job. Some say he let them go over their time but how do you just cut someone off in the middle of statement. Obama did have 4min more time but that's not bad when your talking about a 90 min debate. Some on the left are blaming the moderator for OBama's poor performance which is BS.

All Ryan need to do is shut up and let Biden do all the talking. He will hang himself.
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