Originally Posted by Dirtbag59
Honestly lately I've started to become disillusioned with Romney. I could look past a lot of things but the facts of the matter are as follows:
- Romney constantly talks about cutting spending yet he wants to raise defense spending to $2.1 trillion. On top of that senate Republicans say they would be in favor of raising taxes on small businesses in the case of Obama being reelected to save the DOD from defense cuts. Shows where their loyalties lie.
- The assault on Planned Parenthood which saves the country billions of dollars each year by providing contraception to women who can't afford it in hopes of lowering the amount of abortions is unacceptable. It's motivated by religous zealots that hope to tear down the walls of separation of their church and our state.
- Making more and more anti-abortion laws while taking away or voting against laws that protect women from rape.
- Defunding education in a nation that is falling further and further behind
Granted I knew that supporting Romney meant risking giving the GOP their way on social issues. However we are six weeks away from the election and Romney has failed to explain in detail most of his plans and the details he does reveal like increased defense spending are hypocritical. I hope I am wrong but right now its safe to say I'm disillusioned.
Where are you getting your facts from MSNBC? Your points are just wrong about MR.
While he does support increasing defense spending its spread over 10 yrs and it does creat jobs.
Pland Parenthood only provides birth control for around 3 million women at tops and is the leader for abortions.
Mitt has said over and over he has no plans to change any thing as far as abortion laws. He has said it should be a stste issue not a federal issue.
What rape laws deos he support. LOL
He actual wants to increase education funding.