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Old 09-20-2012, 03:43 PM   #872
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
1) I said "Guys like Romney", not Romney himself. Sending jobs overseas so the can profit via cheap manual labor.

2) I didn't call you a name. DERP. I suggest you google DERP and his friend HERP while you are at it. So out of touch

3) Yeah, because foreign car companies designed a superior car, which is the US auto industries fault, not some labor union.

4) Again, you don't make much sense here.
You don't profit by buying the cheaper China products? Everyone is to blame don't point someone out when you just as guilty by buying the products. If there is no demand then there is no product.

Sears and JC Penny's is a good example of good old american companies that hired full time employees, good benifits, selling good old made in the the US products. WM opend its doors and the middle class fleed to WM and stopped buying from Sears and JC penny's. They both about went under so the only way to get their customers back was to stop hiring full time employees, sell China made products, and offer no real bennifits. Why? because the people purchasing the products forced them to or they would go out of business. You can blame who you want all day long but it all comes back to the consumer who decides where to spend their money.

Say I'm out of touch all you want but facts are facts and they are on my side.

Last edited by firstdown; 09-20-2012 at 03:49 PM.
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