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Old 09-15-2012, 07:25 PM   #810
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Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
Yeah it is,what would have been better is if the conversation was about the same action on both sides but since Monkeydad chose to show only one side ...yes it's racist and I would have said the same thing had he only put out tweets from whites about Obama.Look there are nut jobs and wackos on bothsides but this scare tatic BS has got to stop.Or do you really want me to post all of the dumb stuff Rush Limbaugh says?

Rush Limbaugh Quotes - Stupid Rush Limbaugh Quotes
is it partisan yes
racist no. again its the sad state of US political discourse that any representation made that is not all inclusive is suddenly berated or decried as a racist or sexist or elitist or whateverist, and thus whatever point might be made is lost or belittled.

regardless of other people's statement the tweet images represent what should be unacceptable sentiments of how to handle a political loss.
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