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Old 08-28-2012, 04:21 PM   #746
Slingin Sammy 33
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Classic guilt by association. President Obama never mentioned Alinksy in either of his memoirs, but te SlinginSammy has concluded, along with some on the right, that this man Alinsky is a boogeyman. I would think if this guy was such an influence he'd at least give him a quick shout out in one of his books.
or maybe write a chapter for the book “After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois,” After Alinsky: Community Organizing... After Alinsky: Community Organizing...
As with all conspiracy theories, the Alinsky-Obama link rests on a kernel of truth. For three years in the mid-1980s, Obama worked for the Developing Communities Project, a group on Chicago’s South Side whose tactics — meeting with displaced steelworkers and marginalized public housing residents — were inspired by Alinsky. So radical.
- Obama first learned Alinsky’s rules in the 1980s, when Alinskyite radicals with the Chicago-based Alinsky group Gamaliel Foundation recruited, hired, trained and paid him as a community organizer in South Side Chicago. (Gamaliel’s website expressly states it grew out of the Alinsky movement.)
• Gamaliel board member John McKnight, a hard-core student of Alinsky, penned a letter for Obama to help him get into Harvard Law School.
• Obama took a break from his Harvard studies to travel to Los Angeles for eight days of intense training at Alinsky’s Industrial Areas Foundation.
• Obama also taught Alinsky’s “Power Analysis” methods at the University of Chicago.
• “Obama learned his lesson well,” said David Alinsky, son of the late socialist.
Son sees father's handiwork in convention - The Boston Globe

A one time meeting between George Romney and Alinsky certainly doesn't grant George or Mitt Obama's stunning ALinsky credentials.
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