Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Originally Posted by NC_Skins
Come on Sammy. Be real. The South is predominately red and we all know that racism is very much alive in the south. I grew up in the south, I've lived it, experienced and still do. That's not to say it only happens there because that's a load of shit. Not sure I said these people would support racism overtly or covertly. Take the people of my former church, I guarantee you they wouldn't vote for any legislation denying blacks right to vote, but they sure as hell asked me to quit the basketball team because I dated a black girl? Did they support racism overtly or covertly? No. Were they racist? You damn right they were.
Again, that's not to say the whole GOP base is racist, nor was that my implication, but there are quite a few in that base that are. To deny it is denial at its best. Actually, the video didn't display a guy babbling racist nonsense, but he was linking blacks with welfare recipients or saying they should get jobs. (even though he doesn't pay taxes himself)
I've never lived in the deep south, VB is the furthest down I've lived. However I grew up just outside DC and was in the military. I've seen racism from both sides, I guess I'm a bit more optimistic that we've made greater strides.
Hearing some of your background stories puts things into perspective. It's disheartening that folks who are supposed to be part of one family under God would act how they did.
I haven't linked you to the Klan.
I know you didn't. That was a shot at Giantone, who did in an earlier post. I should've put that in a separate post but was pretty pissed about it last night and didn't think through where to post that part. Sorry about that.
"I would bet.....(if), an angel fairy came down and said, '[You can have anything] in the world you would like to own,' I wouldn't be surprised if you said a football club and particularly the Washington Redskins.'' — Jack Kent Cooke, 1996.