Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33
As I mentioned earlier, any conservative challenging Obama is labeled a racist.
Funny you mention that, but this come up recently. The clash between Chris Matthews and the RNC Chairman Reince Priebus about Romney using the race card.
Chris Matthews Erupts on Reince Priebus for GOP Playing the Race Card
Now, I'm not saying that Romney was playing the race card on the "birth certificate" joke, but he was playing to his crowd (who do believe that shit).
Out of this article, these last 3 paragraphs really sum it up pretty well. The GOP does play the race card indirectly when they talk about welfare and other social programs.
Chris Matthews had his moment in the sun when he called it as it is. The people loved it, the corporate media hated it and the Super Smart Pundit types played Balanced by pretending they have never heard of Southern Strategy, they missed Romney’s “Anglo Saxon” moment, they missed the entire birther movement of the last four years and Sarah Palin never existed in 2008. Racism, they gasp? How dare you!
Of course, Joe’s answer to this is the Republican stand by – their go to statement is that there is no racism because we elected a black man. To which I respond, you (Republicans) did not elect him, so how does that prove your point?
Joe is right, some of the country is not racist. But some of it is. Republicans are not all racists, but racists are mostly Republican. This is hardly an accident or a shock. Republicans have a long history of using the Southern Strategy to deliberately to stoke racial fears in order to win elections.
I feel bad for the conservatives who aren't racists, but let's be honest. The base is full of people just like this in the video below. This white dude who's paying ZERO taxes complaining about black families getting social welfare. The irony is so rich. I laughed my ass off. You will too.
By means am I throwing you guys into the lump with him, just making a general point about a good deal of the people that support the GOP base.