Originally Posted by Dirtbag59
Thats been their biggest problem. It's like Republicans are all about cutting spending until theres someone to shoot though I can kind of understand why. If you're going to send someone to fight and risk their life for their country you can't really go around and pinch pennies. Then again if you stop trying to police the world and focus on homeland defense instead you don't have to worry about spending nor American soliders dying overseas.
Agree with you and Chico, Pentagon must be accountable....lots of fraud, waste, abuse over there too.
That being said, it's not a matter of just gutting weapons systems or R & D, it's about making the force more lethal, not being the World Police, and not fighting politically correct wars. Increase the use of intelligent technologies that reduce the risk to personnel (Drones, directed-energy, etc.), before kids are sent into battlezones make sure the cause is worth any amount of political fall-out or complaints from other countries (Lemay doctrine), stop being a PC military.