Originally Posted by saden1
You're citing Allen West? Well, that answers the extremist question. Did you verify his claims or are we to take them at face value? I mean, this guy seem to imply all the regulation is bad not simply less regulations.
I don't believe Mr. Allen quite understand that regulators aren't suppose to be in bed or do anything in concert with those being regulated. I just hope you realize that this is the reason why SEC is so in effective in dealing with the shenanigans that go on of Wall St.
There are no job killing regulations. I was wrong and I appologize. I will withdrawal my support for Romney.
Sorry it's just that no one ever says anything like that in these threads. In all seriousness you will see in the near future how badly cap and trade fails in California. On top of that lets not forget about the Transport Rule that was recently struck down citing that the EPA had overextended itself. Keep in mind that the more and more specialized equipment and limits the EPA requires and imposes raises the cost of doing business. We are competing in a global market place.
We don't need to force every 2010 truck and newer to use $4 a gallon DEF fluid to burn slightly cleaner fumes. If global warming is nearly the problem the EPA says it is then that will barely make a dent with these nickle and dime policies. Or forcing trucks to add "freon recovery units" that stop freon from going into the atmosphere at a cost of $3,000 per truck.
Or lets not forget the EPA forcing trucks to use more and more refined diesel with lower sulfer content in an economy that already has gas prices that are to high.
These are the things I deal with on a daily basis whose cost gets passed on to you the final consumer in virtually all the tangible goods you purchase. And to clarify I am not a truck driver nor am I a dispatcher.