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Old 08-23-2012, 10:15 PM   #690
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Could not agree more. Even if all the scare tactics and doomsday scenarios concerning Obama were true, which they're not, he's still only President of a government with checks and balances one of which is a Republican congress.

However with the way the far right describes it you might think Obama was running for King. Granted I support Romney because I think his plan has more potential to get the economy going but Obama's plan isn't going to destroy America. I mean it might get annoying having 10,000 different EPA regulations to follow and an even more complicated tax code but it's certainly not going to destroy us.
I still remind people who said Obama was the anti-christ and how Obama was like Hitler about waht they were saying back then. Don't alk to me about taxes now. You were on some wild out there stuff 4 years ago and now you want a rational discussion? You just prove you will say anything.
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