Originally Posted by Dirtbag59
Could not agree more. Even if all the scare tactics and doomsday scenarios concerning Obama were true, which they're not, he's still only President of a government with checks and balances one of which is a Republican congress.
However with the way the far right describes it you might think Obama was running for King. Granted I support Romney because I think his plan has more potential to get the economy going but Obama's plan isn't going to destroy America. I mean it might get annoying having 10,000 different EPA regulations to follow and an even more complicated tax code but it's certainly not going to destroy us.
I still remind people who said Obama was the anti-christ and how Obama was like Hitler about waht they were saying back then. Don't alk to me about taxes now. You were on some wild out there stuff 4 years ago and now you want a rational discussion? You just prove you will say anything.