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Old 08-20-2012, 01:24 PM   #630
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
In other GOP news:

Missouri Republican claims ‘legitimate rape’ rarely results in pregnancy – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

You didn't get this sort of bat shit crazy back in the days, so what the hell happened?

Here is another facepalm:

This dude is on a science committee talking stupid shit like this?

Asshat is claiming to "misspoke" yet still is against abortions for rape victims? OBVIOUSLY YOU DIDN"T MISSPEAK YOU DUMMY!
I actually sort of applaud the guy. Not because I necessarily agree with his position but because if you're going to be against abortion you really have to be against all abortion. Oh and the death penalty too. This non-sense where people purport to be anti-abortion except in cases of rape and/or incest baffles me. I mean if your stance is that life is life at conception then the nature of the situation resulting in conception should be irrelevant in your mind. Right?
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