Originally Posted by NC_Skins
He should, but he's not.
The President has about as much influence on the economy as he does the weather. There are several key factors here. The global economy is one of those factors, and it affects ours just as ours affects theirs. The second factor is Congress. This is by far the most important as they dictate policy. Only THEY can implement a Presidents plan. Now, lets look back and see how the Republicans have stonewalled Obama his entire tenure unless it was somehow benefiting them.Congress has turned into a dog and pony show. Guess what? If Romney gets elected, what do you think the Dem controlled Senate is going to do after 4 years of the Republicans doing it? They are going to absolutely shit on any and all legislation so they can point the finger at him at the end of his term and say "Our candidate is better."
When a Rep. is pres. its his fault and when a Dem is pres its everyone but his fault. LMAO If business perceives a pres and anti business either real of perceived then the president hurts the economy. The reason why Obama does not get the backing of congress is because he shit on them early and often in his administration. Bill Clinton, Ronald Regan, Bush Sr, and other president who knew how to lead could find common ground with others and work from there. Obama has had everything handed to him and does not know how to cross the line to get others to work with him. He is just a shitty leader that does not know how to get things done so he just ignores our constitution and does what he wants.