Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
[QUOTE=Dirtbag59;930306]Whoever does a better job of getting people back to work and putting businesses in a postion where they feel good about hiring again is going to help the middle class more then anything. People focus to much on the class warfare.
Class warfare is exactly what this is,like it or not there is a direct correlation between the demise of the middle class and the demise of Unions around the country.people talk about getting others more educated to get better (other) jobs when their job is sent over seas,yet those jobs are also going over seas.People can not live on 7.50 or even 10.50 a week.
I know people hate Unions,well I've said this want firemen and policemen to walk into buildings and take a bullit fot you your life but when it comes to them being able to support a family screw them,what do think would have happen to the firemen ,EMPs and Police after 9/11 if not for their Unions,yes there have been bad Union as there have been bad owners but the temperment for what is going on right now in this country proves we need Unions.(sorry for the rant)
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