Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Cutting taxes or raising taxes isn't the problem. It is the massive wasteful budget and our debt. Whoever wins in November has to deal with the fact that up to 50% of our debt comes due in 2015. We will either have a deflationary disaster or a hyperinflationary one(most likely scenario) along with a big, nasty, war. What do you think the bigger picture is with the Syrian "crisis"? Hillary basically told our NATO allies at the conference on the ME that is basically is war or the US and Europe going down the tubes. We can't pay our debt, so we are going to screw over our creditors by making our money next to worthless, and go to war. The road to Tehran goes through Damascus as the neocons say, so that is probably what is going to happen when they hyperinflate the dollar. The very fact that both candidates will follow this path makes this election a totally moot issue. With both candidates, the middle and lower classes of this country will be reduced to serfs. The people will be stuck with lower wages, less benefits, and crappy healthcare, while the manufacturing sector will continue to be shipped to Asia or if manufacturing is revived in the US, you will see the unions busted for good. A healthy economy can't function when everyone is working minimum wage type jobs at Walmart or Piggly Wigglies.