Originally Posted by 12thMan
What union is bankrolling Obama's campaign to the tune of a billion dollars or even hundreds of thousands?
For what it's worth, every union isn't all warm and fuzzy with Obama. Don't know where you got that from.
I think your mean a million dollars. Sadly i wonder how long it is until we see a campaign that costs a billion? This year or 2016?
I thought this was kind of funny. We all remember Obama hooking his biggest bundlers up with jobs:
Report: Nearly 80% of Obama’s Top Bundlers Given “Key Administration Posts” - ABC News
Well by doing so it has complicated, and probably limited, the amount of money he can raise this go around. They cant campaign for him the way they did now that theyre part of the administration.
What Obama's Richest Donors Tell Us About His Campaign - Politics - The Atlantic Wire