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Old 07-27-2012, 10:03 PM   #318
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
No, Dan Pffeifer is the White House Communications Director. He posts blogs at the White House on site occasionally. Been around for years.

The original bust on loan from Nixon was being worked on for a while and the Brits decided to "loan" the match to Bush until the end of his term. It's custom to return all art and such at the end of each of administration. What's being missed in all of this, at some point the original bust was returned to the "residence" and there were two. When O took office they sent the other one down the street.

The end.
You know at first i was going to call Dan Pffeifer a complete idiot but im thinking its not really his fault. No one knows whats going on in this administration. Its got to be painful working working there, regardless of how strongly you feel about Admin's ideology. For God's sake the second cabinet meeting of the year was just held. Wtf does Obama do all day?

Obama Holds First Cabinet Meeting Since January | The Weekly Standard

And come on 12th. I appreciate your summary of what happened but thats not at all what im saying. Do you not find it odd at all the way the the British Embassy phrased the return of the statue? I mean this is such a non-issue in retrospect. So why did the Obama admin or the Brits never clarify. I mean regardless if you think it was an issue or not we all thought it happened. Even Pffeifer, bless his sole, had no idea what was going on.
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