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Old 07-19-2012, 03:40 PM   #249
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

I read this yesterday and thought it was pretty interesting:

Why Obama’s Transcripts Matter - By Greg Pollowitz - Media Blog - National Review Online

I dont care about Obama's transcripts any more than Romney's tax returns. I really dont see what the big deal is or why people want to see Romney's last taxes soooooo badly. But i think he needs to end the whole thing by definitively stating he's not showing any more of his financial naked self. And say thats it, lets talk about the issues. It may bring some heat initially but it wont be a huge thing come the election. Keeping the issue going is making it worse.

I posted the above link because it was a pretty simular thing, albiet less reported and scrutinized. I dont think Romeny should say ill release my taxes if he releases his transcripts, because that sounds childish. But maybe in a joking manor say something like”

"We all enjoy some privacy. Obama didnt release his college transcripts when America hired him, im not going to release my tax returns just to be manipulated and graded by others. My tax returns and Obama’s transcripts have nothing to do with our policies. I tell you what, if Obama releases his transcripts, ill release my tax returns, but neither of us have anything to hide, we just want to retain a sense of privacy"
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